History Writing Center
The History Department’s Michael Patterson History Writing Center is open for both in-person and zoom. Our friendly tutors are eager to help with your history writing assignment.
Need assistance organizing your paper, clarifying your thesis statement, refining your argument, proofreading your prose, citing sources, or formatting a bibliography? We can help with that! We love to read drafts! Perhaps you just don't know where to begin? DON'T PANIC!
We can also help with brainstorming, outlining, deciphering paper prompts, and time management.
Book an hour-long session with one of our History writing tutors. Call the History Office at 818-677-3566, or stop by History Office (Sierra Tower 610) to make an appointment.
Not a fan of planning ahead? We have walk-in hours! Call the department office for days and times. All you need to do is show up at the writing center, and we'll take it from there.

College of Social and Behavioral
Sciences Tutoring
The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences offers free drop-in writing and statistics tutoring in Sierra Hall 121. Tutoring is also available through the Library's Learning Resource Center.