Careers for History Majors

Studying history helps you develop fundamental job skills.
The study of history enables you to analyze social, economic, political, and cultural change over time. You learn how to identify a problem, gather information, evaluate explanations and understand relationships. History teaches you how to place issues in context, investigate events, and weigh alternatives. The content and skills gained from a major in History strengthen your professional abilities in all areas and in all fields.
A History major opens the door to career opportunities in a wide range of fields. While many graduates find jobs as secondary school teachers, history majors are also employed in business and in the public sector. Insurance and marketing companies need people who can analyze risk and profitability. Public relations and human resources need employees knowledgeable about ethnic and foreign cultures. Museums, libraries and civic organizations seek people with an appreciation for and commitment to learning.
Employers – whether in business, government, education, or any other field – are desperate for employees who can read carefully, write clearly, think logically, learn independently, and analyze an array of problems against a broad background of information and experience. They in turn will provide training in particular job specific skills, whether in law, finance, sales, foreign service, journalism, or marketing. Moreover, in our modern economy, individuals may need to learn half a dozen different jobs in their lifetime, putting a premium on those people who possess critical thinking skills and can process and analyze information. This global economy will increasingly reward those who have the general skills of literacy and analysis over training in particular job categories. If you enjoy studying history, you will enjoy the rich career possibilities to which it may lead.
Where are History Majors Employed?
As Teachers | As Researchers | As Writers/Communicators |
As Advocates | In Government | In Business |