Student Success

Students with general queries regarding the Geological Sciences advising & resources can visit the Department of Geological Sciences at Live Oak 1202 or call (818) 677-3541.

Learn More About Student Resources

Department Chair

Richard Heermance

Live Oak 1202

18111 Nordhoff Street

Northridge, CA 91330-8346

Phone: (818) 677-2052

Send email

Geology Club

Students observing rocks

About the Geology Club

  • The CSUN Geology Club carries out and is responsible for the following events and activities:
  • Encouraging non-geology students to develop an interest in the earth sciences
  • Furthering the education of geology students through field trips, guest speakers, and other club events
  • Assisting the Geology Department with the annual Great ShakeOut
  • Holding bi-weekly club meetings to discuss logistics, events, and student ideas and suggestions
  • All Geology majors are automatically accepted as members of the Geology Club, though students of other majors are also encouraged to join and are eligible to participate in most club activities.
  • If you are interested in becoming a member or would like to find out more about the CSUN Geology Club, please contact us at or call the Department of Geological Sciences at (818) 677-3541.

Geology Club Officers

Club officers are elected at the end of each school year and are responsible for organizing, running, and securing funding for all club activities and events. The officers for the 2025-26 school year are listed below:

President Charlie Nichols
Vice President Elizabeth Gomez Marquez
Secretary Dane Kalman
Treasurer Daniel Hirota
Social Media Manager Marlene Lopez
Faculty Advisor Joshua Schwartz

Social Media

  • Information about club activities, events, and meetings, as well as other geology-related topics, can be found on the club’s Facebook page.
  • Announcements for events and activities are also made through the club’s Instagram.


Geology Club Newsletter

Student Success

Students with general queries regarding the Geological Sciences advising & resources can visit the Department of Geological Sciences at Live Oak 1202 or call (818) 677-3541.

Learn More About Student Resources

Department Chair

Richard Heermance

Live Oak 1202

18111 Nordhoff Street

Northridge, CA 91330-8346

Phone: (818) 677-2052

Send email

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