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Students with general queries regarding the Geological Sciences programs can visit the Department of Geological Sciences at Live Oak 1202 or call (818) 677-3541.

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Department Chair

Richard Heermance

Live Oak 1202

18111 Nordhoff Street

Northridge, CA 91330-8346

Phone: (818) 677-2052

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Geology Graduate Student Theses


More recent theses have links to the complete text of the theses

Student Year Project Advisor
Bixler, Jonathan 2023 Dating the Alamo Mountain and Piru Creek Shear Zones Using U-Pb Zircon Geochronology: Insights into Late Cretaceous Tectonics in Southern California Schwartz
Estrada, Alfredo 2023 Environmental Impacts of Oil Seeps in Coastal Watersheds Hauswirth
Littleton, Shelby 2023 Using Carbon Isotopes, Phytoliths, and Geochemical Proxies to Constrain C4 Expansion Across Argentina in Response to Changes in Precipitation During the Late Miocene Cotton


Student Year Project Advisor
Garcia, Colleen 2010 A hydrogeologic and water quality study along the western stream tributaries in San Fernando Valley, California Tabidian
Greenberg, Rebecca 2010 Strain localization in quartzofeldspathic mylonites: A microstructural and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) study of the South Mountains core complex, Arizona Miranda
Guzman, Nathan 2010 Geology and geomorphology of the intersecting Mission Creek and Banning fault strands, southern San Andreas fault Yule
Hebeler, Aaron 2010 Middle Holocene surface rupture of the Riasi fault, Kashmir, India Yule
Luna, Lorena 2010 Stratigraphy and OSL geochronology of the Briska Palms alluvial fan, Indio, CA Yule
Nguyen, Chinh 2010 Study of trailing conduits in high bond number metal-silicate plumes during core formation Weeraratne
Parra, Julie 2010 Sand provenance of Poverty Shelf, North Island, New Zealand Marsaglia
Rivera, Kevin 2010 Characteristics of Miocene to Pliocene sandy units in the Hikurangi Forearc, North Island, New Zealand Marsaglia
Toneva, Snejana 2010 Perchlorate in soils, water resources and crops of San Fernando Valley and Ventura County, California Tabidian
Ventimiglia, Matthew 2010 A new Miocene cetothere (mammalia: cetacea) from the Monterey formation at Laguna Niguel, Orange County, California Squires
Velasco, Noel 2010 238U-230Th disequilibrium dating of chevkinite from La Primavera, Jalisco, Mexico Vazquez
Fleck, Jenna 2011 Tharsis formation from density driven thermo-chemical plumes during planetary differentiation Weeraratne
McBurnett, Paul 2011 Paleoseismicity of the San Gorgonio Pass fault zone at Millard Canyon: Testing the likelihood of a through-going San Andreas rupture Yule
McGuire, Kathleen 2011 Tracking cosmogenic 10Be in multiple grain sizes down an alluvial system in an active orogen Heermance
McKay, Hannah 2011 Quaternary stratigraphy and geologic evolution of Ojai and upper Ojai valleys, western Transverse Ranges, California Heermance
Neil, Kenda 2011 Aquifer characteristics and hydrostratigraphy of the south Las Posas Basin, Ventura County, California Tabidian
Ramirez, Cristo 2011 Study of elastic thickness from seamount loading of old oceanic lithosphere: Implications for lithosphere stability Weeraratne
Annis, David 2012 EBSD and Microstructural Analysis of Quartzofeldspathic Rocks from the South Mountains, Arizona: An Evaluation of Flow Laws and Crustal Rheology Miranda
Carrasco, Joseph 2012 Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Late-Pleistocene Lacustrine to Alluvial Deposits From The Waipaoa River Catchment, North Island, New Zealand Marsaglia
Lafromboise, Eli 2012 Neotectonism of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: Geomorphology and Earthquake Relocations Along the Nicoya Seismic Gap Simila
Ramzan, Shahid 2012 Paleoseismic investigation of the San Gorgonio Pass fault zone near Cabazon, California Yule
Bender-Whitaker, Carrie 2013 Holocene-Pleistocene sand provenance in the Canterbury Basin, eastern South Island, New Zealand Marsaglia
del Angel, Jozi 2013 Structural style and shortening magnitude across the Kepintage Fold and Thrust Belt in the Tian Shan Foreland, Northwest China Heermance
Nunley, Melissa 2013 Seismic anisotropy beneath African plate Weeraratne
Brand, Danielle 2014 Settling of metal droplets through a magma ocean and metal plume conduits during core formation Weeraratne
Chehal, Simarjit K. 2014 Estimation of permeability, porosity, and grain-size distributions across the San Andreas Fault Zone in northwest Coachella Valley, California (Riverside County) Heermance
Doran, Linda 2014 Characterizing modern stream sand to better understand reservoir sandstone provenance in the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand Marsaglia
Escobar, Lennin 2014 Rayleigh wave phase velocities beneath the oceanic and continental margin of the North American and Pacific plate boundary Weeraratne
Graham, Joshua 2014 Late Holocene glacial advances in the Klamath Mountains, northern California, determined from 10Be cosmogenic exposure dating and dendrochronology Heermance
Mohammadebrahim, Ehsan 2014 Seismic strong motion array project (SSMAP) and September 5, 2012 (MW=7.6) earthquake in the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica Simila
Rains, Christine 2014 The formation and evolution of liquid metal diapirs with trailing conduits in planetary core formation Weeraratne
Sotirov ,Teodor 2014 Rayleigh wave phase velocities and anisotropy of old oceanic lithosphere in the Pacific Weeraratne
Black, Lexine 2015 Shear Wave Velocity Structure and Evolution of Old Oceanic Lithosphere: Constraints from Rayleigh Wave Dispersion across a Local Array of Ocean-Bottom Seismometers Weeraratne
Clements, Brian 2015 Documenting Lower-Crustal Polyphase Cooling Associated with Cretaceous Continental Breakup and Tertiary Rifting, Western Fiordland, New Zealand Schwartz
Nolasco, Jasmyn 2015 Use of Sedimentary Petrology and Provenance to Resolve Questions Regarding Neogene Fluvial/Lacustrine Drainage Development and Potential Marine Influence in the Southern Rim of the Amazon Basin Marsaglia
Rathnayaka, Sampath 2015 Rayleigh wave tomography beneath the oceanic and continental margin of the North American and Pacific plate boundary Weeraratne
Riegel, Hannah 2015 Environmental impacts of rapid climate change at the Pliocene-Quaternary transition in the Qaidam Basin, China Heermance
Sadorski, Joseph 2015 Time scales of continental arc root construction and deep crustal magmatic flux rates: insights from U-Pb zircon geochronology of a Triassic-Cretaceous arc, Fiordland, New Zealand Schwartz
Tentori, Daniel 2015 Sand compositional changes as a key for sequence-stratigraphic interpretation: the Pleistocene Tiber River delta succession Marsaglia
Bailey, Claire 2016 Provenance study of miocene to pliocene sand and sandstone intervals recovered on Expedition 317 in the Canterbury Basin, South Island, New Zealand Marsaglia
Cardona, Jose 2016 Constraining the most recent surface rupture on the Garnet Hill strand, San Andreas Fault, Coachella Valley, California Yule
Cohen, Hannah 2016 Constraints on the late Miocene/Pliocene reorganization of the San Andreas fault and basin drainage systems near Tejon Pass, CA, based on stratigraphy, sedimentology, and provenance of the Hungry Valley Formation Heermance
Decker, Meghann 2016 Triggering mechanisms for a magmatic flare-up of the lower crust in Fiordland, New Zealand, from U-Pb zircon geochronology and O-Hf zircon geochemistry Schwartz
Dickey, Nathan 2016 Chronology and Paleoclimate of Late Pleistocene Glaciation in the Klamath Mountains,CA Heermance
Gabauer, Samantha 2016 Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Lower Arc Cooling and Metamorphism, Northern Fiordland, New Zealand Schwartz
Johnson, Kyle 2016 Facies and depositional history of arc-related deep-marine volcaniclastic rocks in core recovered on International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 351, Philippine Sea Marsaglia
Jones, Kaitlyn 2016 The geology of the Singleton anticline and along-strike change of the San Gorgonio Pass strand, San Andreas Fault from emergent thrust to anticline, near Calimesa, CA Yule
Joseph, Jeffery 2016 Deformation and fabric transposition in the lower crust during extensional collapse in western Fiordland, New Zealand Miranda
McDonald, Eric 2016 Stratigraphy and Detrital Zircon Geochronology of the El Paso Mountains Permian Metasedimentary Sequence, Southern California: Constraints on Permian Paleogeography and Tectonic Models for Subduction Initiation Along the Southwestern Margin of Laurentia Cecil
Nissanka, Uchitha 2016 Formation of Intraplate Seamount Chains by Viscous Fingering Instabilities in the Asthenosphere Using Low Reynolds Number Miscible Fluids with a Moving Surface Boundary Weeraratne
Rousseau, Nick 2016 Investigation into the Episodic Behavior and Potential Causes of Jurassic Magmatism in the Northern Sierra Nevada, California Cecil
Wiesenfeld, John 2016 Construction of continental crust by deep crustal fractional crystallization and garnet pyroxenite root development: geochemical evidence from Fiordland, New Zealand Schwartz
Gabriel, Katherine 2017 Late Pleistocene Slip Rate for the Western Pinto Mountain Fault, Morongo Valley, Southern California Yule
Homan, Emily 2017 Investigating causes of magmatic episodicity in the southern Coast Mountains batholith, British Columbia: insights from hafnium and oxygen isotopes in magmatic zircon Cecil
Huerta, Brittany 2017 Structure and Geomorphology of West Whitewater Hill, a Compressive Stepover between the Banning and Garnet Hill Strands of the San Andreas Fault, Whitewater, CA Yule
Kennedy, James 2017 Seismic attenuation of the lithosphere and asthenosphere across the North America - Pacific Plate Boundary in Southern California Weeraratne
Moe, Annelisa 2017 Magnetostratigraphic and stable isotopic analysis of playa-lacustrine deposits in the Qaidam Basin, China: Implications for climate-environmental changes and orbital forcing mechanisms during the Plio-Quaternary transition Heermance
Stewart,Craig 2017 The rheological evolution of brittle-ductile transition rocks during the earthquake cycle: evidence for a plastic precursor to pseudotachylyte in an extensional fault system, South Mountains, Arizona Miranda
Buritica Alvarez, Luisa 2018 Temporal and spatial variations in magmatism and transpressional deformation in the middle to lower-crust of a Cretaceous arc, Median Batholith, Fiordland, New Zealand Schwartz
Desjarlais, Ian 2018 Constraining long term slip rates along the San Andreas Fault System using B4 LiDAR and Cosmogenic Beryllium-10 dating methods at Millard Canyon, San Gorgonio Pass, California Yule
Hufford, Lonnie 2018 Strain Localization within Arc Crust: Microstructural Investigation of the Grebe Mylonite Zone in Fiordland, New Zealand Miranda
Martinez, Christopher 2018 Persistence of Metal Sediments at the Core-Mantle Boundary and Implications for the Seismic Ultra-Low Velocity zone Weeraratne
McGinn, Courtney 2018 Effects of quartz Dauphiné twinning on strain localization in polymineralic rocks in a mid-crustal shear zone, Fiordland, New Zealand Miranda
McNeil, James 2018 Quaternary slip history of the Morongo Valley Fault, Morongo Valley, CA Yule
Peshette, Paul 2018 Dynamic Rupture Modeling to Investigate the Role of Fault Geometry in Jumping Rupture Between Parallel-Trace Thrust Faults Lozos
Ruttenberg, Ian 2018 A compositional, diagenetic, and statistical analysis of marine forearc and reararc basin volcaniclastic sandstones from upper oligocene odp leg 126 and iodp expedition 351 cores, izu-bonin-mariana arc system Marsaglia
Sample, Bret 2018 Provenance of Miocene Strata of the El Paso Basin, Southern California: Constraints on the Late Cenozoic Paleogeography of the Southern Sierra Nevada Region Cecil
Vilkas, Marius 2018 Detrital zircon geochronology of the Southern Tian Shan foreland and implications for Late Cenozoic tectonics of regional intracontinental orogenic systems, Northwestern China Heermance
Wolff, Lisa 2018 6000-year record of large, infrequent earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault system in San Gorgonio Pass, near Cabezon, California Yule
Gomez, Carlos 2019 Particle-In-Cell Finite Element Models of Deformation Within and Surrounding the Bend in the San Andreas Fault Weeraratne




Student Year Project Advisor
dePaula, Lemuel 2000 Deposition and diagenesis of terrigenous rocks of the middle member of the Miocene Barstow Formation, Mud Hills, California Pedone
Fayez, Abdulaziz 2000 Aftershock study of the November 22, 1995 (Mw=7.3) Gulf of Aqabah earthquake, Midyan region, Saudi Arabia Simila
Devlahovich, Vincent 2001 Miocene igneous rocks associated with the San Onofre Breccia, Santa Cruz and Santa Catalina Islands, California Weigand
McCord, Brian 2001 Hydrogeochemistry and isotopic analyses of the fractured volcanic aquifer system of Mount Shasta, Siskiyou County, California Tabidian
Tersibashian, Noune 2001 Characterization and quantification of nonpoint source water pollutants emphasizing chloride and nitrate in Simi Valley, Ventura County, California Tabidian
Field, Leonore 2002 A geochemical and petrologic Study of Poway clasts in San Diego and the Channel Islands, California Weigand
Saenz, Joseph M. 2002 Geological controls of hydrocarbon seeps in Santa Maria Basin, offshore California Fischer
Howland, Caryn L. 2003 Determining the depositional age of peat: implications for dating paleoearthquakes at the Burro Flats paleoseismic site near Banning, CA Yule
James, Dawn E. 2003 Sand Provenance in the Waipaoa River system, North Island, New Zealand Marsaglia
Sgriccia, Martha P. 2003 Depositional environments of the Oligocene Alegria Formation, Santa Barbara County, California Fritsche
Neameh, Majd 2004 Structure and petrology of the San Gabriel fault zone near the Wildwood picnic area, San Gabriel Mountains, California Yule
Orozco, Arturo A. 2004 Offset of a mid-holocene alluvial fan near Banning, CA: Constraints on the slip rate of the San Bernardino strand of the San Andreas Fault Yule
Shapiro, Shawn A. 2004 Sand provenance of the Bounty Submarine Fan off the Eastern Coast of South Island, New Zealand Marsaglia
Stecheson, Mary 2004 Systematic paleontology of marine gastropods from the Upper Cretaceous Chatsworth formation, Simi Hills, Southern California Squires
Caceres, Carmen 2005 Charophyte limestone in the Miocene Barstow formation, Mud Hills, California Pedone
DeVaughn, Alissa 2005 Sand and gravel provenance of the Te Arai River, Waipaoa River, and associated quaternary alluvial terrace deposits, North Island, New Zealand Marsaglia
Fontilea, Kristin 2005 A petrological and geochemical study of cretaceous siliceous rocks from the Shatsky Rise Marsaglia
Gadley, Kyle 2005 Petrography and correlation of cenozoic ash layers recovered on Shatsky Rise ODP Leg 198 Marsaglia
Kear, Jordan Leigh 2005 Hydrogeology of the Ojai Groundwater Basin: Storativity and Confinement, Ventura County, California Tabidian
Telles, Franky 2005 Sedimentology, Paleontology, C and O Isotope Chemistry, and Geochronology of Holocene Sediment from Lake Thetis, Cervantes, Western Australia Pedone
Miles, Jack 2007 Water quality and land use in western San Fernando Valley canyons and tributary streams Tabidian
Regmi, Anita 2007 Characterization of vadose zone and assessing enhanced recharge potential in canyons and headwater areas of western San Fernando Valley, California Tabidian
Yong, Alan 2007 Geophysical site characterization using geomorphology, geology and integrated digital imaging methods on satellite data Simila
Green, Joseph 2008 Analysis of the microseismicity of the Santa Monica Mountains and associated Malibu Coast, Santa Monica-Dume, and Santa Monica Bay faults Simila
Pavia, Jennifer 2009 Petrography and provenance of sand temper within ceramic sherds from Carriacou, Southern Grenadines, West Indies Marsaglia
Rains, Jean 2009 The stratigraphic and petrologic record of subduction initiation in the Permian metasedimentary succession of the El Paso Mountains, Kern County, California Marsaglia
Woolford, Jeffery 2009 Distribution and stratigraphy of basalts in the southwest (Aberdeen) portion of the Big Pine Volcanic Field, Owens Valley, California Vazquez
Zohar, Alana 2009 Paleomagnetic evidence for timescales of multi-vent basaltic eruptions in Big Pine volcanic field, California Vazquez


Student Year Project Advisor
Flack, Michael 1990 Depositional environments of the Topanga Canyon Formation, central Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County, California Fritsche
Oldershaw, Michael 1990 Depositional Environments and Paleogeography of the Miocene Painted Rock Sandstone Member of the Vaqueros Formation in the southeastern Caliente Range, San Luis Obispo County, California Fritsche
Perri, Michael 1990 Stratigraphic analysis of the Branch Canyon Formation in the Sierra Madre, Santa Barbara County, California Fritsche
Siegele, Paul 1990 Radian and Radon concentrations in Tertiary aquifers along the Texas gulf coast Adams
Armand, Pierre 1991 Layered crustal velocity model and station correction analysis for the Los Angeles Basin Simila
Cote, Russell 1991 Paleontology of the "Santa Margarita" Formation on the Coalinga anticline, Fresno County, California Squires
Groves, Lindsey 1991 Paleontology and biostratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene lower Saugus Formation, Santa Susana Mountains, southern California Squires
Kirby, Michael 1991 Macropaleontology and Biostratigraphy across the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary, San Francisquito Formation, Warm Springs Mountain, Los Angeles County, southern California Squires
Mills, Gareth 1991 The Structure and activity of the offshore Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon zone of deformation Fischer
Smith, Theresa 1991 Biostratigraphy of middle Tertiary rocks in Cuyama Basin, southern California Fritsche
Wang, Shin-Jieh 1991 Microseismicity of the San Andreas Fault in the Frazier Park-Fort Tejon region, California Simila
Anderson, Steve 1992 Geochemistry and petrology of the hornblende gabbro of Mount Gleason, San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles County, California Weigand
Copeland, Jeff 1992 Hydrogeologic study of the upper water-bearing zone in the vicinity of the Palos Verdes landfill Tabidian
Gring, Michael 1993 Stratigraphic analysis of the Mabury Formation, Kern and Kings Counties, California Squires
Ward, Michael 1994 Flatten_Surface: A computer program to restore a folded and faulted gridded surface Adams
Larson, Robert 1995 Stability of Soil on Natural Slopes Adams
Shirley, James 1995 Gravitational forces and extended body response Simila
Smith, James 1995 An exercise in environmental analysis: the Earth observing system Simila
Striegler, Glenn 1995 Characterization of Mesozoic granitoids in the northern Coso Range Inyo County, California Dunne
Zhang, Zhaohui 1995 Comprehensive Examination Fritsche
Anderson, Desideria 1996 Paleogeography and depositional environments of the Vaqueros and Rincon Formations, Topatopa Mountains, Ventura County, California Fritsche
Gossell, Melissa 1996 Application of impeller flowmeter and discrete water sampling techniques for improved groundwater well construction Tabidian
Jones, Terry 1996 Seismicity of the western transverse ranges of southern California: January, 1981 to January, 1995 Simila
Kelsch, Kenneth 1996 Three-dimensional tectonostratigraphic development of the Los Angeles Basin as viewed through the Beta 3D seismic survey Fischer
Norgauer, Carl 1996 Physical and chemical controls on microfabric of recent ooids from the Great Salt Lake, Utah Pedone
Savage, Karen 1996 Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Conejo Volcanics, Santa Monica Mountains, California Weigand
Swanson, Brian 1996 Structural geology and deformational history of the southern Inyo Mountains east of Keeler, Inyo County, California Dunne
Evensen, James Jr. 1997 Hydrogeology of the Simi Valley hydrologic basin, Ventura County, California Tabidian
Ocampo, Adriana 1997 The Geology of Chicxulub impact ejecta in Belize Fritsche
Cao, Aiguo 1998 Depositional environmnents of the Towsley Formation in the Tujunga Valley, San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles County, California Fritsche
Davis, George 1998 Systematic paleontology of a densely fossiliferous, upper Pliocene molluscan shell lens, 6th and Flower Streets, Los Angeles, California, with commentary on the strategic nomenclature of the "Fernando Formation" Squires
Martin, Rod 1998 Optimizing the operation of marginal oil production leases in the Placerita Oil Field, Newhall, California, to fit the constraints of an associated cogeneration plant Fritsche
Schaaf, Joseph 1998 Hydrogeology of the Tierra Rejada Groundwater Basin, Ventura County, California Tabidian
May, James 1999 Geochemical and petrogenic study of the Late Cretaceous Mt. Wilson intrusion and possible comagmatic plutons, San Gabriel Mountains, southern California Weigand


Student Year Project Advisor
Richmond, William 1976 Grain size, organic carbon, and trace metal distribution patterns in Mugu Lagoon, California Fischer
Thor, Devin 1977 Depositional environment and paleogeographic setting of the Santa Margarita Formation, Ventura County, California Fritsche
Blom, Ronald 1978 Spectral reflectance studies of plutonic rocks in the 0.45-2.45 Micron region Adams
Testa, Stephen 1978 Geochemistry of Mesozoic dolerites from Liberia, Africa, and Spitsbergen Weigand
Reid, Stephen 1979 Stratigraphic analysis of the Vaqueros Formation in the Big Mountain area, Ventura County, California Fritsche
Werner, Michael 1979 Superposed Mesozoic deformations, southeastern Inyo Mountains, California Dunne
Anderson, Thomas 1980 A geochemical study of Miocene Volcanics, Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County, California Weigand
Hartshorn, David 1980 Soil geochemistry as a guide to mineralization in the Drum Mountains, Millard-Juab Counties, Utah Gustafson
Rudat, Juhani 1980 Quaternary evolution and seismic stratigraphy of the San Pedro Margin, southern California Fischer
Blake, Thomas 1981 Depostional environments of the Simmler Formation in southern Cuyama Valley, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, California Fritsche
Blundell, Michael 1981 Depositional environments of the Vaqueros Formation in the Big Mountain area, Ventura County, California Fritsche
Muir, Stephen 1981 Holocene deformed sediments of the southern San Joaquin Valley, Kern County, California Fritsche
Ritterbush, Linda 1981 Paleobiology of agnostid trilobites: functional morphology, growth, and evolution Squires
Van Wagoner, Steven 1981 Geology of a part of the Zaca Lake Quadrangle, Santa Barbara County, California Fritsche
Fowler, Julie 1982 Structural analysis of Mesozoic deformations in the Central Slate Range, eastern California Dunne
Furst, Bruce 1982 Petrology of the Alkalic Hawi volcanic series of Kohala Volcano, Hawaii Weigand
Morrison, Lowell 1982 Surface sediment and seismic reflection profiling, outer Newport submarine canyon, southern California continental borderland Fischer
Peterson, Larry 1982 Impact of seawater intrusion control on the liquefaction susceptibility of the coastal plain, Ventura County, California Adams
Remsen, Walter Jr. 1982 Geology of San Nicolas Bank - southern California continental borderland Fritsche
Sterling, Stephen 1982 The geology of the Inner Basin Margin, Newport Beach to Dana Point, Orange County, California Fischer
Advocate, David 1983 Depositional environments of the Eocene Maniobra Formation, northeastern Orocopia Mountains, Riverside County, southern California Squires
Johnson, Elizabeth 1983 Textural and compositional sediment characteristics of the southeastern Bristol Bay continental shelf, Alaska Molnia
Muskat, Judd 1983 Geologic interpretations: Seasat- A radar images and landsat MSS images of a portion of the southern Appalachian Plateau: Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia Adams
Norby, Philip 1983 A subsurface interpretation using three-dimensional seismic methods of a portion of the Erawan gas/condensate field, Gulf of Thailand Simila
Oborne, Mark 1983 Stratigraphy of early to middle(?) Triassic marine to continental rocks, Southern Inyo Mountains, California Dunne
Roush, James 1983 Marine geology of the western extension of the Transverse Ranges: Point Conception to Point Arguello Fischer
Schymiczek, Herman 1983 Benthic foraminifera and paleobathymetry of the Eocene Llajas Formation, southwestern Santa Susana Mountains, California Squires
Shariff, Asghar 1983 Geology and paleoenvironment of the Bunker gas field, Solano County, California Fritsche
Ticken, Edward 1983 Geology of the Inner Basin Margin: Dana Point to San Onofre, California Fischer
Bouton, Katherine 1984 A spectral reflectance study of the sedimentary Paleozoic rocks around Racetrack Playa in Death Valley National Monument Adams
Custis, Kit 1984 Geology and dike swarms of the Homer Mountain area, San Bernardino County, California Dunne
Kappeler, Kristine 1984 Depositional environment of the Avenal Sandstone of Reef Ridge, Central California Squires
Prevost, Dana 1984 Geology of a transect of the Northern Argus Range California Dunne
Raftery, Peter 1984 Marine geology and geologic evolution of the Northern Channel Islands west of San Miguel Island Fischer
Taylor, Gary 1984 Depositional environments of the Sespe Formation, northern Simi Valley, California Squires
Webb, James 1984 Geology of the San Diego margin, Carlsbad to La Jolla, San Diego County, California Fischer
Woods, Madeline 1984 Seismic stratigraphy and fault activity of the inner San Pedro shelf, California Fischer
Yaldezian, John 1984 Miocene geology of the east-central portion of the San Rafael wilderness, Santa Barbara County, California Fritsche
Hickey, Edward 1985 The geology of naturally-fractured petroleum reservoirs in the Monterey Formation, Cat Canyon area, Santa Barbara County, California Simila
Parker, Jonathan 1985 Lower Paleogene geology of the Simi Valley area, Ventura County, California Squires
Unruh, Mark 1985 Geochemistry and petrology of Triassic granitoids of the Sierra Nevada batholith, California and Nevada Dunne
White, David 1985 Fluvial-dominated deltaic deposits of the marine Plio-Pleistocene lower Saugus Formation, northern Simi Valley, California Squires
Kraemer, Susanne 1986 Quaternary morphology, acoustic characteristics, and fan growth of the conception fan, Santa Barbara Basin, California Continental Borderland Fischer
Roush, Kathleen 1986 Depositional environments of the Eocene Domengine Formation near Coalinga, Fresno County, California Fritsche
Thomas, June 1986 Correlation and petrogenesis of Miocene volcanic rocks in the San Emigdio and San Juan Bautista areas, California Weigand
Griffis, Robert 1987 Kern knob pluton and other highly-evolved granitoids in East-central California Dunne
Liggett, David 1987 Geology and geochemistry of a garnet-bearing granitoid in the Southwestern Sierra Nevada, Tulare County, California Collins
Oborne, Juli 1987 Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Vaqueros Formation, Central Santa Monica Mountains, California Fritsche
Trembly, Wonderful 1987 Depositional environments of a portion of the Modelo Formation, Canton Canyon, Los Angeles County, California Fritsche
Chen, Xunhong 1988 Depositional environments and paleogeography of the lower Saugus Formation, northern San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County, California Fritsche
Clark, Frederick 1988 Stratigraphic analysis of the Middle Miocene Modelo formation at Lower Piru Creek, Ventura County, California Fritsche
Manz, Richard 1988 Groundwater flow modeling of the Ojai basin, using the USGS 3 dimensional MODFLOW model Adams
Popelar, Stanley 1988 Miocene geology of the southwestern portion of the San Rafael Wilderness, Santa Barbara County, California Fritsche
Russell, Perry 1988 The Point Fermin submarine fan: a small late middle Miocene Age fan within the Monterey Formation Fischer
Condon, Michael 1989 Stratigraphic analysis of the Hurricane Deck Formation Sierra Madre, Santa Barbara County, California Fritsche
Daniel, Lori 1989 Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the lower Miocene Vaqueros Formation, Santa Ana Mountains, Orange County, California Fritsche
Freitag, George 1989 Stratigraphic analysis of the Vaqueros Formation, southeastern Cuyama Valley, California Fritsche
Jiao, Zunsheng 1989 Depositional environments and paleogeography of the Coldwater Formation, upper Sespe Creek, Ventura County, California Fritsche
Lamb, Richard 1989 Nonmarine mollusks of Pit 91, Rancho La Brea, southern California, and their paleoecologic and biogeographic implications Squires
Miller, Cynthia 1989 Characterization of the Indian Springs Formation in east-central California Dunne
Ogawa, Craig 1989 The Quaternary evolution of the Buena Vista Lagoon and the adjacent inner margin, San Diego County, California Fischer
Pitts, Brian 1989 The sedimentology of the upper Cretaceous Joaquin Ridge sandstone member of the Panoche Formation near Coalinga, Fresno County, California Fritsche
Thomas, Garold 1989 Stratigraphic analysis and paleogeography of the Hurricane Deck Formation, San Rafael Mountains, Santa Barbara County, California Fritsche
Yamashiro, Daniel 1989 Eocene Marine to nonmarine deltaic deposits, Lower Piru Creek, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, southern California Squires


Student Success

Students with general queries regarding the Geological Sciences programs can visit the Department of Geological Sciences at Live Oak 1202 or call (818) 677-3541.

Learn More About Student Resources

Department Chair

Richard Heermance

Live Oak 1202

18111 Nordhoff Street

Northridge, CA 91330-8346

Phone: (818) 677-2052

Send email

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