College of Science & Math Research

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Office of Research & Graduate Studies

Students with general queries regarding the College of Science and Math Research can visit the college at Eucalyptus Hall 2130, or call (818) 677-3135.

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Department Chair

Richard Heermance

Live Oak 1202

18111 Nordhoff Street

Northridge, CA 91330-8346

Phone: (818) 677-2052

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Publications & Presentations

Recent Faculty and Student Publications


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All Recent Publications

(CSUN Faculty, *CSUN Graduate Student, **CSUN Undergraduate Student)

  • *Martinez, P., Marsaglia, K.M., and Stock, J., 2025, Petrography of Volcaniclastic Intervals in IODP Expedition 385 cores from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Data Report, IODP Expedition 385 Proceedings.

  • Aiello, I.W., Höfig, T.W., Riboulleau, A., Teske, A.P., Lizarralde, D.l, Ash, J.L., Bojanova, D.P., Buatier, M.D., Edgcomb, V.P., Galerne, C.Y., Gontharet, S. Heuer, V.B. Jiang, S. Kars, M.A.C., Kim, J., Koornneef, L.M.T., Marsaglia, K.M., and 17 others, 2024, Mineralization kinetics of biosiliceous sediments in the hot subseafloor: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta., v. 380, p. 71-82
  • Perrotta, S., Barone, M., Marsaglia, K.M., Milliken, K.L., Perrone, V., and Critelli S.2024, Detrital Signatures of Clastic Serpentinite in Tectonically Diverse Settings and Interpretation of an Example from the Northern Apennines, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 94, p. 207-230.

  • Velázquez-Aguilar, M., Perez-Cruz, L., Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J., Marsaglia, K.M., Coria-Monter, E., Monreal-Gómez, M.A., Teske, A., Höfig, T.W., Aldama-Cervantes, A., and Jiang, S., 2024, Evolution of ocean circulation and water masses in the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California) during the last 31,000 years revealed by radiolarians and silicoflagellates in IODP Expedition 385 sediment cores: Frontiers in Earth Science, 21p. 12:1301999. doi: 10.3389/feart.2024.1301999

  • Cheviet, A., Buatier, M., Choulet, F., Galerne, C., Riboulleau, A., Aiello, I., Marsaglia, K.M., and Höfig, T.W., 2023, Contact metamorphic reactions and fluid-rock interactions related to magmatic sill intrusion in the Guaymas Basin: European Journal of Mineralogy, v. 35, p. 987–1007.

  • Morrone, C., Le Pera, E., Marsaglia, K.M., and De Rosa, R., 2023 in press, Provenance controls on volcaniclastic beach sand: example from the Aeolian archipelago, Mediterranean Sea, in, Di Capua, et al. (eds.) Volcanic Processes in the Sedimentary Record: When Volcanoes Meet the Environment, Geological Society of London Special Publication, v. 250,

  • *Persad, L., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2023 in press, Data Report: Detailed lithologic columns for IODP Expedition 385 and DSDP Leg 64 sites in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Mexico, IODP Scientific Results Volume 385.

  • Lizarralde, D., Teske, A., Höfig, T.W., González-Fernández, A., and the IODP Expedition 385 Scientists (includes K. Marsaglia), 2023, Carbon released by sill intrusion into young sediments measured through scientific drilling,  Geology, v. tbd,

  • Marsaglia, K.M., and Milliken, K.L, 2023, Technical Note 5: Handbook for Sedimentological Core Description: Shipboard and Shorebased: International Ocean Discovery Program, 83p (plus appendices).

  • Miranda, E.A., *Brown, V., Schwartz, J.J., and Klepeis, K.A., 2023, Making Sense of Shear Zone Fabrics that Record Multiple Episodes of Deformation: EBSD and CVA-Enhanced Petrochronology, Geology, 51 (6): 591–596.

  • Morrone, C., Le Pera, E., Marsaglia, K.M., and De Rosa, R., 2023,  Provenance controls on volcaniclastic beach sand: example from the Aeolian archipelago, Mediterranean Sea, in, Di Capua, et al. (eds.) Volcanic Processes in the Sedimentary Record: When Volcanoes Meet the Environment, Geological Society of London Special Publication, v. 250, 235-268.

  • Neumann, F., Negrete-Aranda, R., Harris, R.N., Contreras, J., Galerne, C.Y., Peña-Salinas, M., Ronald Spelz, R., Teske, A., Lizarralde, D., Höfig, T.W., and Expedition 385 Scientists (includes Marsaglia), 2023, Heat flow and thermal regime in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Estimates of conductive and advective heat transport: Basin Research, v. 35, p. 1308-1328.

  • Schwartz, J.J., Lackey, J.S., Miranda, E.A., Klepeis, K.A., *Robles, F., and J. *Bixler, 2023, Magmatic Surge Requires Two-Stage Model for the Laramide Orogeny, Nature Communications 14, 3841.

  • Brackman, A.J.*, and Schwartz, J.J., 2022, The Formation of High Sr/Y Plutons in Cordilleran-Arc Crust by Crystal Accumulation and Melt Loss, Geosphere, 18 (2): 370–393

  • Daniel, C.G., Indares, A., Medaris, L. Jr., Aronoff, R., Doe, M., Malone, D. and Schwartz, J.J., 2022, Linking the Pinware, Baraboo, and Picuris orogenies: recognition of a trans-Laurentian ca. 1500-1350 orogenic belt,in Whitmeyer, S.J., Williams, M.L., Kellett, D.A., and Tikoff, B., eds., Laurentia: Turning Points in the Evolution of a Continent: Geological Society of America Memoir 220, p. 1–16,

  • Klepeis, K.A., Schwartz, J.J.Miranda, E.A., Lindquist, P., Jongens, R., Turnbull, R., and Stowell H.H., 2022, The initiation and growth of transpressional shear zones through continental arc lithosphere, southwest New Zealand, Tectonics, https://doi:10.1029/2021TC007097.

  • Medaris, L. Jr., Daniel, C.G., Doe, M.F., James, J.V III, and Schwartz, J.J., 2022, Late Paleoproterozoic to Early Mesoproterozoic deposition of quartz arenites across southern Laurentia, in Whitmeyer, S.J., Williams, M.L., Kellett, D.A., and Tikoff, B., eds., Laurentia: Turning Points in the Evolution of a Continent: Geological Society of America Memoir 220,

  • Nie, J., W. Wang, R. Heermance, P. Gao, L. Xing, X. Zhang, R. Zhang, C. Garzione, and W. Xiao (2022), Late Miocene Tarim desert wetting linked with eccentricity minimum and East Asian monsoon weakening, Nature Communications,

  • Richter, F., J. Pearson, M. Vilkas, R.V. Heermance, C.N. Garzione, M.R. Cecil, G. Jepson, A. Moe, J. Xu, L. Liu, J. Chen (in press), Growth of the Southern Tian Shan-Pamir and its impact on central Asian climate, Geological Society of America Bulletin,

  • Stowell, H.H., Schwartz, J.J., Bollen, E., Tulloch, A.J., Ramezani, J., and Klepeis, K. A., 2022, Timescales and rates of intrusive and metamorphic processes determined from zircon and garnet in migmatitic granulite, Fiordland, New Zealand, American Mineralogist, v. 107, p. 1116-1132, DOI:

  • Nagakura, T., Schubert, F., Wagner, D., Kallmeyer, J., and IODP Exp 385 Shipboard Scientific Party (includes K. Marsaglia), 2022, Biological Sulfate Reduction in Deep Subseafloor Sediment of Guaymas Basin: Frontiers in Microbiology, v. 13, 12p., Article 845250, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.845250

  • *Sanchez, J.L., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2022, Preliminary study of the detrital sediments of Lindero Canyon: A stratigraphic unit potentially marking the transition from transrotation to transtension in the Santa Monica Mountains, Southern California: PS-SEPM Book, R.V. Ingersoll and K. Coffey, eds., p.131-149

  • Barzola, M.G.*, Tibaldi, A.M., Otamendi, J.E., Cristofolini, E.A., Schwartz, J.J., Benito, M.P., and Armas, P., 2021, P-T-t Path Reconstruction in a Syn-Deformational Migmatization Event Along the North-Central Portion of the Sierra Comechingones, Cordoba, Argentina, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v.112

  • Blatchford, H.J.*, Klepeis, K.A., Schwartz, J.J., Jongens, R., Turnbull, R.E., Miranda, E.A., Coble, M.A., and Kylander-Clark, A.R.C. (2021). Interplay of Cretaceous transpressional deformation and continental arc magmatism in a long-lived crustal boundary, central Fiordland, New Zealand. Geosphere, v. 16,

  • Carty, K.*, Schwartz, J.J., Wiesenfeld, J., Klepeis, K.A., Stowell, H.H., Tulloch, A.J., and Barnes, C.G., 2021, The Generation of Arc Andesites and Dacites in the Lower Crust of a Cordilleran arc, Fiordland, New Zealand, Journal of Petrology, v. 62, 1-41,

  • LaMaskin, T.A., Rivas, J.A., Barbeau, D.L., Schwartz, J.J., Russell, J.A., Chapman, A., 2021, A crucial geologic test of exotic collision versus endemic re-accretion in the Klamath Mountains province, U.S.A., with implications for the assembly of western North America, Geological Society of America Bulletin.

  • Lilley, H. C.*, Scott, J. M., Schwartz, J. J., Turnbull, R. E., & Tulloch, A. J., 2021, Cretaceous tungsten-tin mineralization in the Tin Range, Stewart Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/00288306.2020.1855216.

  • Medaris, L. Jr., Singer, B, Jicha, B, Malone, D., Schwartz, J.J., Stewart, E., Van Lankvelt, A., Williams, M., and Reiners, P., 2021, Early Mesoproterozoic evolution of midcontinental Laurentia: Defining the geon 14 Baraboo orogeny, Geoscience Frontiers, 12,

  • Miranda, E.A., 2021, The Leaky Pipeline Playbook. Inside Higher Education, 13 Aug. 2021,

  • Ringwood, M.*, Schwartz, J.J., Turnbull, R.E., and Tulloch, A.J., 2021, Phanerozoic Record of mantle-dominated arc magmatic surges in the Zealandia Cordillera, Geology, 49 (10): 1230–1234,

  • Schwartz, J.J., Andico, S., Turnbull, R., Klepeis, K.A., Tulloch, A.J., Kitajima, K., and Valley, J., 2021, Stable and Transient Isotopic Trends in the Crustal Evolution of Zealandia Cordillera, American Mineralogist, v. 106 (9), p. 1369–1387,

  • Su Q., H. Riegel, L. Gong, R. Heermance, and J. Nie (2021), Detailed Processes and Potential Mechanisms of Pliocene Salty Lake Evolution in the Western Qaidam Basin, Fronteirs in Earth Science,

  • Turnbull, R.E., Schwartz., J.J., Fiorentini, M.L., Jongens, R., Evans, N.J., Ludwig, T., McDonald, B.J., and Klepeis, K.A., 2021, A Hidden Rodinian Lithospheric Keel Beneath Zealandia, Earth’s Newly Recognized Continent, Geology, 49(8), p. 1009-1014,

  • Allen, S., Marsaglia, K.M., Morgan, J., and *Franco, A., 2021, Origin and diagenetic priming of a potential slow-slip trigger zone in volcaniclastic deposits flanking a seamount on the subducting plate, Hikurangi margin, New Zealand, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, v. 65, p. 179-200. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2021.1975776

  • Delaney, C.M., *Couplin, S., *Lawrence, J.A., Marsaglia, K.M., & Savage, K.L., 2021, A Preliminary Petrologic and Provenance Analysis of Groundstone Artifacts from the Northern Channel Islands and Coastal Southern Alta California, California Archaeology, v. 13, p. 227-265.

  • Dobbs, S.C., Riggs, N.R., Marsaglia, K.M., González-León, C., Cecil, R., Smith, M.E, 2021, The Permian Monos Formation Stratigraphic and detrital zircon evidence for Permian Cordilleran arc development along the southwest margin of Laurentia northwest Sonora Mexico. Geosphere, v.7: p.520–537. DOI:

  • *Johnson, K., Marsaglia, K.M., Brandl, P.A., *Waldman, R., Hamada, M., and Ishizuka, O., 2021 Geosphere, Intraoceanic Arc Evolution Based on a ~1 km-Thick Reararc Succession of Distal Volcaniclastic Lobe Deposits. Geosphere v. 17, p. 1–24,

  • Marden, M., Holt, K., Ryan, M., *Carrasco, J., Marsaglia, K.M., Kirby, M., and Palmer, A., 2021, Stratigraphy and vegetation signals from an upland, landslide-dammed, paleolake during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition, Waipaoa Sedimentary System, Hikurangi Margin, eastern North Island, New Zealand: New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, v. 65, p. 220-241. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2021.1947327

  • Schwartz, J.J., *Andico, S., Turnbull, R., Klepeis, K.A., Tulloch, A.J., Kitajima, K., and Valley, J., 2021, Stable and Transient Isotopic Trends in the Crustal Evolution of Zealandia Cordillera, American Mineralogist, v. 106 (9), p. 1369–1387

  • *Tentori, D., Amorossi, A., Milli, S., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2021, Sediment dispersal pathways in the Po coastal plain since Last Glacial Maximum: provenance signals of autogenic, eustatic, and tectonic forcing: Basin Research, v. 33, p. 1407-1428

  • Teske, A., Lizarralde, D., Höfig, T.W., and the Expedition 385 Scientists (includes K. Marsaglia), 2021. Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 385: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).

  • *Waldman, R.J., Marsaglia,, K.M., Hickey-Vargass, R., Arculus, R., Barth, A., Bogus , K., Ishizuka, O., *JohnsonK.E., Laxton, Li, H., McCarthy, A., Meffre, S., Savov, I., Gene Yogodinski, J., and Gurnis, M., 2021, Sedimentary Record of Nascent IBM Arc Development: Geological Society of America Bulletin. v. 133, no. 7/8, p. 1421–1440.

  • Blatchford, H.J.*, Klepeis, K.A., Schwartz, J.J., Jongens, R., Turnbull, R.E., Miranda, E.A., Coble, M.A., Kylander-Clark, A.R.C., 2020, Interplay of Cretaceous transpressional deformation and continental arc magmatism in a long-lived crustal boundary, central Fiordland, Geosphere, 16,

  • Hauswirth, S.C., Bower, C., Fowler, C., Schultz, P.B., Hauswirth, A.D., Weigand, T., and Miller, C.T. (2020) Modeling Cross Model Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow in Porous Media, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 235:103708.

  • Heermance, R.V., and Schwartz, J.J. (eds.), 2020, From the Islands to the Mountains: A 2020 View of Geologic Excursions in Southern California: Geological Society of America Field Guide 59,

  • McGinn, C.A.*, Miranda, and Hufford, L.J.*, 2020, The effects of quartz Dauphiné twinning on strain localization in a mid-crustal shear zone, Journal of Structural Geology, v. 134,

  • Morone, C., Le Pera, E., Marsaglia, K.M., and DeRosa, R., 2020, Compositional and textural study of modern beach sands in the active volcanic area of Campania region (southern Italy). Sedimentary Geology, v. 396

  • Nourse, J.A., Swanson, B.J., Lusk, A., Barth, N.C., Schwartz, J.J., and Vermillion, K.B., 2020, Recent advancements in geochronology, geologic mapping, and landslide characterization in basement rocks of the San Gabriel Mountains block, in Heermance, R.V., and Schwartz, J.J., eds., From the Islands to the Mountains: A 2020 View of Geologic Excursions in Southern California, Geological Society of America Field Guide 59, p. 21-93.

  • Ulloa, S.*, Lozos, J., 2020, Surface Displacement and Ground Motion from Dynamic Rupture Models of Thrust Faults with Variable Dip Angles and Burial Depths, Bulleting of the Seismological Society of America: 110(6): 2599-2618 DOI: 10.1785/0120200143

  • Villaseñor, T., Tentori, D.*, Marsaglia, K.M., and Pinto, L., 2020 (now online), The changing Patagonian landscape: Erosion and sediment transfer paths in northern Patagonia during the Middle and Late Pleistocene: Basin Research, p. 1-19 DOI: 10.1111/bre.12413

  • Basset, C., Abou Najm, M., Ammar, A., Stewart, R., Hauswirth, S., and Saad, G. (2019). Physically Based Model for Extracting Dual-permeability Parameters Using Non-Newtonian Fluids., Vadose Zone Journal, 18:1, doi:10.2136/vzj2018.09.0172

  • Buritica, L.*, Schwartz, J., Klepeis, K., Miranda, E.A., Tulloch, A., Coble, M., and Kylander-Clark, A., (2019). Temporal and spatial variations in magmatism and transpression in a Cretaceous arc, Median Batholith, Fiordland, New Zealand. Lithosphere, v. 11(5),

  • Clague, D., Marsaglia, K., Cousens, B.L., and Paduan, J.B., 2019, Oligocene and Miocene volcanics in the sedimentary forearc of the outer California borderland: SEPM Special Publication 110: From the Mountains to the Abyss: The California Borderland as an Archive of Southern California Geologic Evolution, K.M. Marsaglia, J. Schwalbach, and R. Behl, eds., p. 22-42.

  • Doran, L.M.*, Marsaglia, K.M., and Browne, G.H., 2019, Reconnaissance composition of river sand from northern South Island, New Zealand: a modern analogue for southern Taranaki Basin: New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics.

  • Teske, A., Lizarralde, D., Höfig, T.W., and the Expedition 385 Scientists (incudes Marsaglia), 2020. Expedition 385 Preliminary Report: Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere. International Ocean Discovery Program.​10.14379/​

  • Hauswirth, S.C., Abou Najm, M., and Miller, C.T. (2019). Characterization of the Pore Structure of Porous Media Using Non-Newtonian Fluids, Water Resources Research, 55: 7182-7195

  • Manning, J.*, Carpenter, R., and Miranda, E.A., (2019). Ocean acidification reduces net calcification and wound regeneration in the tropical crustose coralline alga Porolithon onkodes.Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, v. 520: 151225.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Behl, R.J., and Schwalbach, J.R., 2019, Introduction: From the Mountains to the Abyss: The California Borderland as an Archive of Southern California Geologic Evolution: SEPM Special Publication 110: From the Mountains to the Abyss: The California Borderland as an Archive of Southern California Geologic Evolution, K.M. Marsaglia, J. Schwalbach, and R. Behl, eds., p. 1-4.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Weeraratne, D., Rodriguez, B.*, Green, G., Shintaku, N., and Kohler, M., 2019, Tracing the Arguello Submarine Canyon System from shelf origins to an abyssal sink: SEPM Special Publication 110: From the Mountains to the Abyss: The California Borderland as an Archive of Southern California Geologic Evolution, K.M. Marsaglia, J. Schwalbach, and R. Behl, eds. p. 87-101.

  • Peshette, P.*, Lozos, J.Yule, D.Evans, E., 2019, Dynamic Rupture Modeling to Investigate the Role of Fault Geometry in Jumping Rupture Between Parallel-Trace Thrust Faults. Bulleting of the Seismological Society of America 2019; 109(6):2168-2186. DOI: 10.1785/0120190003

  • Su, Q., Nie, J., Luo, Z., Li, M., Heermance, R., and Garzione, C., (2019). Detection of strong precession cycles from the late Pliocene sedimentary records of northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems,

  • Van Grinsven, M.**Marsaglia, K.M., and Romans, B.W., 2019, Sand provenance from source to sink in the Santa Monica Basin, California Borderlands: Significance of Calleguas Creek input: SEPM Special Publication 110: From the Mountains to the Abyss: The California Borderland as an Archive of Southern California Geologic Evolution, K.M. Marsaglia, J. Schwalbach, and R. Behl, eds., p. 102-116.

  • Bender-Whitaker, C.*, Marsaglia, K., Jaeger, J., and Browne, G., 2018, Insights into sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary process within siliciclastic shelf systems using Holocene-Pleistocene sand provenance in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 540, Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins and Provenance: A Celebration of William R. Dickinson’s Career, edited by Ingersoll, R.V., Graham, S.A., and Lawton, T.F., p. 159-196.

  • Cecil, R., Ferrer, M.A.**, Riggs, N., Marsaglia, K., Kylander-Clark, A., Ducea, M., and Stone, P., 2018, Early arc development recorded in Permian-Triassic plutons of the northern Mojave Desert region, California: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, p. 749-765.

  • Fleck, J.R.*, C.L. Rains*, D.S. Weeraratne, C.T. Nguyen, D.M. Brand*, S.M. Klein**, J.M. McGehee**, J.M. Rincon**, C. Martinez*, and P.L. Olson, Iron diapirs entrain silicates to the core and initiate thermochemical plumes, Nature Communications, 9:71, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-02503-2, 2018.

  • Heermance, R.V., J. Pearson, A. Moe, L. Langtao, X. Jianhong, C. Jie, F. Richter, C.N. Garzione, N. Junsheng, and S. Bogue, 2018, Erg deposition and development of the ancestral Taklimakan Desert (western China) between 12.2 and 7.0 Ma, Geology (IF=5.073), v. 46, no. 10, pp. 919-922.

  • Huntington, K.W. and Klepeis, K.A., with 66 community contributors including Miranda, E.A. (2018), Challenges and opportunities for research in tectonics: Understanding deformation and the processes that link Earth systems, from geologic time to human time. A community vision document submitted to the U.S. National Science Foundation. University of Washington, 84 pp.,

  • Luo, Z., Q. Su, Z. Wang, R. V. Heermance, C.N. Garzione, M. Li, X. Ren, Y. Song, and J. Nie, 2018, Orbital forcing of Plio-Pleistocene climate variation in a Qaidam Basin lake based on paleomagnetic and evaporite mineralogic analysis, Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology,

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Lawrence, J.*, Fitzpatrick, S., and Wake, T., 2018, New insights from petrographic analysis of ceramics from the Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panama.  Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v. 17, p. 449-461.

  • Nolasco, J.M.*Marsaglia, K.M., Campbell, K.E., Hertel, F., Villaseñor, T., 2018, Use of Sedimentary petrology and provenance to resolve questions regarding the Neogene depositional setting of the southern rim of the Amazon Basin: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 540, Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins and Provenance: A Celebration of William R. Dickinson’s Career, edited by Ingersoll, R.V., Graham, S.A., and Lawton, T.F., p. 133-158.

  • Tentori, D.*, Milli, S., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2018, A source-to-sink compositional model of a present highstand: an example in the low-rank Tiber depositional sequence (Latium Tyrrhenian margin, Italy): Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 88, p. 1-22.

  • Brandl, P.A., Hamada, M., Arculus, R.J., Johnson, K.*, Marsaglia, K.M., Ishizuka, O., and Savov, I., 2017, The arc arises: The links between volcanic output, arc evolution, and melt composition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 461, p. 73-84. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.12.027.

  • Decker, M.*, Schwartz, J.J., Stowell, H.H., Klepeis, K.A., Tulloch, A., Kouki, K., Valley, J., and Kylander-Clark, 2017, Slab-Triggered Arc Flare-up in the Cretaceous Median Batholith and the Growth of Lower Arc Crust, Fiordland, New Zealand: Journal of Petrology, v.58, No. 6, p. 1145-1172; doi: 10.1093/petrology/egx049.

  • Heermance, R. V., and D. Yule (2017), Holocene slip rates along the San Andreas Fault System in the San Gorgonio Pass and implications for large earthquakes in southern California, Geophysical Research Letters, 44(11), 5391-5400.

  • Johnson, K.*, Waldman, R.**, and Marsaglia, K.M., 2017, Data Report: Sedimentary Columns with Facies and Bedding for Units II-IV at IODP Site U1438: Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, Expedition 351: Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Origins: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Browne, G.H., George, S.C., Kemp, D., Jaeger, J., Carson, D.*, Richaud, M., and IODP Expedition 317 Scientific Party, 2017, The transformation of sediment into rock: Insights from IODP Site U1352, Canterbury Basin, New Zealand: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 87, p. 272-287.

  • McKay, M.P., Bollen, M., Gray, K.D., Stowell, H.H., and Schwartz, J.J., 2017, Prolonged metamorphism during long-lived terrane accretion: Sm-Nd garnet and U-Pb zircon geochronology and P-T paths from the Salmon River suture zone, west-central Idaho: Lithosphere, doi:

  • Morrone, C., DeRosa, R., Le Pera, E., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2017, Provenance of volcaniclastic beach sand in a magmatic arc setting: an example from Lipari island beaches (Aeolian Archipelago, Tyrrhenian Sea): Geological Magazine, v. 154, p. 804-828. doi: 10.1017/S001675681600042X

  • Paterson, S., Clausen, B., Memeti, V., and Schwartz, J.J., 2017, Arc magmatism, tectonism and tempos in Mesozoic arc crustal sections of the Peninsular and Transverse Ranges, Southern California, USA, in Kraatz, B., Lackey, J.S., and Fryxell, J.E., eds., Field Excursions in Southern California: Field Guides to the 2016 GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting: Geological Society of America Field Guide 45, p. 1–104, doi:10.1130/2017.0045(04).

  • Schwartz, J.J., Klepeis, K.A., Sadorski, J.F.*, Stowell, H.H., Tulloch,  A.J., and Coble, M., 2017, The Tempo of Continental Arc  Construction in the Mesozoic Median Batholith, Fiordland, New Zealand: Lithosphere (doi:10.1130/L610.1).

  • Stewart, C.* and Miranda, E.A. (2017), The rheological evolution of brittle-ductile transition rocks during the earthquake cycle: evidence for a ductile precursor to pseudotachylyte in an extensional fault system, South Mountains, Arizona. Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, v. 122, doi:10.1002/2017JB014680.

  • Stowell, H.H., Schwartz, J.J., Klepeis, K.A., Hout, C., Tulloch, A.J., and Koenig, A., 2017, Sm-Nd garnet ages for granulite and eclogite in the Breaksea Orthogneiss and widespread granulite facies metamorphism of the lower crust, Fiordland magmatic arc, New Zealand: Lithosphere;

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Recent conference presentations, posters, & invited talks:

Title Conference († denotes invited talk) Authors (* denotes student author)
Permian strata of the El Paso mountains, southern California, provide a record of subduction initiation and the local emergence of the Cordilleran arc Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 56, No. 5 Robinson, C. *Mcdonald, Eric K., Riggs, N., Marsaglia, K. and Heermance, R.
Record of terrigenous input at an active plate-margin: stratigraphic analysis of IODP Expedition 385 Sites U1552 and U1549, Guaymas Basin, Mexico Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 56, No. 5. *Brown, K., Marsaglia, K., and *Persad, L.
Sedimentological Characterization of multiple seismically-defined mass-transport deposits (Mtds) cored at Site U1551 in the Guaymas Basin during IODP Expedition 385 Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 56, No. 5 *Hart, S., Piña, A., Stock, J., and Marsaglia, K.
IODP drilling during Expedition 385 Shows Guaymas Basin to be golden: exciting insights into the workings of a young, obliquely rifted, active continental margin Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 56, No. 5 Marsaglia, K., Stock, J., Perez-Cruz, L., Lizarralde, D., Teske, A., Höfig, T.W., and IODP, Expedition 385 Scientists
Geochemical characterization and correlation of tephra intervals in Quaternary strata recovered during IODP Expedition 385 in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 56, No. 5. Piña, A., *Martinez, P.R., Stock, J., Marsaglia, K., and Martín, A.
Guaymas Basin and surroundings: Structure, tectonics, and magmatism Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 56, No. 5 Stock, J., L., Lizarralde, D., Teske, A., Marsaglia, K., Pina, A, and Hausback, B.

Title Conference († denotes invited talk) Authors (* denotes student author )
Is IODP Site U1549 the “Rosetta Stone” for Mixed Biosiliceous and Siliciclastic Event Beds Within the Late Pleistocene Fill of the Guaymas Basin? AGU 2023 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA Marsaglia, K.M., Brown, K.E., Persad, L., and Aiello, I.W.
Dynamic Rupture Simulations on the Alpine Fault: Investigating the Role of Fault Geometry on Rupture Size and Behaviour 11thACES International Workshop
Blenheim, New Zealand
Lozos, J., Warren-Smith, E., and Townend, J.
Mesoscale circulation in the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California) and its role in paleoproductivity during the past 31 ka European Geosciences Union Meeting
Vienna, Austria.
Aldama-Cervates, A., Pérez-Cruz, L., Monreal-Gómez, A., Joan Albert Sanchez-Cabeza. J.A., Merino-Ibarra, M., Velázquez-Aguilar, M., Venegas-Ferrer, R., Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J., Aiello. I., Jiang, S., Ran, L., Sarao, J.,*Martínez, P., and IODP Expedition 385 Scientists (includes K. Marsaglia)
Radiolarians and silicoflagellates as clues of the paleoceanographic history of Guaymas Basin in the Gulf of California during the past 31,000 yr European Geosciences Union Meeting
Vienna, Austria
Velázquez-Aguilar, M., Pérez-Cruz, L., Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J., Aldama-Cervantes, A., Venegas-Ferrer, R., Aiello, I.,, Jiang, S., Ran, L., Sarao, J.,*Martínez, P., Váldez-Hernández, M., and International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 385 Scientists (includes K. Marsaglia)


Title Conference († denotes invited talk) Authors (* denotes student author)
Mineral-melt Equilibrium Models vs Bulk-Rock Geochemistry: Which Tells the True Story of Cordilleran Arc Formation? Joint Annual Cordilleran/Rocky Mountain Section GSA Meeting *Brackman, A.J., and Schwartz, J.J.
Integrating microkinematic crystallographic vorticity axis (CVA) analysis and petrochronology to investigate the temporal development of fabric in an intra-arc shear zone, Fiordland, New Zealand Geological Society of America National Meeting
Denver, CO, USA
*Brown, V.Miranda, E.A.Schwartz, J.J., and Klepeis, K.A.
Assessing Trends in Metals Transport and Fate Following the 2018 Woolsey Wildfire, Southern California, USA. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL, USA
*Campos, G. J., *Yunes Katz, B., *Salek, S., *Ikeda, K. H., *Hoover, C. L., *Kushner, M.Hauswirth, S., Odigie, K., and Ganguli, P.
Transport and fate of metals following the 2018 Woolsey Fire in Southern California. Geological Society of America National Meeting
Denver, CO, USA
*Campos, G. J., *Yunes Katz, B., *Salek, S., *Ikeda, K. H., *Hoover, C. L., *Kushner, M.Hauswirth, S., Odigie, K., and Ganguli, P.
Examining the roles of sulfur and nitrogen as predictors of sediment methylmercury in an estuarine wetland Ocean Sciences Meeting
Honolulu, HI
*Calvin, J.I.; Cui, X.; Ganguli, P.M.; Lamborg, C.H.
Contact metamorphic reactions related to magmatic sill intrusion in the Guaymas basin Annual European Geophysical Union Meeting
Vienna, Austria
Cheviet, A., Buatier, M., Choulet, F., Galerne, C., Riboulleau, A., Aiello, I.,Marsaglia, K., and Exp IODP 385 scientists
Use of Remote Observations, Modeling, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) to Improve Understanding of the Onset of Post-Fire Debris Flows. Geological Society of America National Meeting
Denver, CO, USA
*Chong, J. H. and Hauswirth, S.
Beyond Acorns: Sourcing Groundstone Mortars from Island and Coastal South-Central Alta California 56th Annual Meeting of the Society for California Archaeology Delaney, C.M., *Couplin, S.*Lawrence, J.A.Marsaglia, K.M., & Savage, K.L.
It’s all about perspective: using non-traditional vorticity reference frames to view quartz crystallographic preferred orientations Geological Society of America National Meeting
Denver, CO, USA
*Dietel, M.Miranda, E.A.Schwartz, J.J., and Klepeis, K.A.
Distinguishing multiphase and non-steady deformation histories in large seismogenic faults and shear zones Geological Society of America National Meeting
Denver, CO, USA
Klepeis, K.A., Webb, L.E., Miranda, E.A., and Schwartz, J.J.
Exploring Fault Segmentation and Rupture Length on the Sierra Madre Fault Zone With Dynamic Rupture Simulations Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting † Lozos, J.
Using Dynamic Rupture Simulations to Explore Fault Segmentation and Rupture Length on the Sierra Madre Fault Zone. Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting
Palm Springs, California
Lozos, J.C.*Velador, D., and *Tepal, J.
New Insights from a Young Ocean Basin: Overview of Drilling Results from IODP Expedition 385, Guaymas Basin, Mexico Coast Geological Society and PS-AAPG
Monterey Research Conference, Ventura, CA
Marsaglia, K.M., and *Persad, L., and the IODP Expedition 385 Shipboard Scientific Party
Importance of linked field, core, and petrographic studies in marine volcaniclastic successions in space and time: Building on field studies spearheaded by Cathy Busby in Baja California Geological Society of America National Meeting
Denver, CO, USA
*Martinez, P., and Marsaglia, K.M.
A classification scheme for mafic volcanic particles and analysis of volcaniclastic intervals in the Quaternary marine sedimentary succession recovered during IODP Expedition 385 in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California Joint Annual Cordilleran/Rocky Mountain Section GSA Meeting *Martinez, P.R.Marsaglia, K.M., and Stock, J.M.
Making sense of multiply deformed shear zone rocks using integrated EBSD, CVA, and petrochronologic analyses Geological Society of America National Meeting
Denver, CO, USA†
Miranda, E.A.*Brown, V.Schwartz, J.J., and Klepeis, K.A.
Spatial and Temporal Variations in Kinematic Deformation Geometry Within a Crustal-Scale Transpressional Shear Zone Network Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum
Bowdoin College†
Miranda, E.A., Klepeis, K.A., Schwartz, J.J.*Dietel, M.*Page, B., and Brown, V.
Pressure-temperature conditions of Eocene syn-extensional metamorphism and deformation in the footwall of the Pioneer metamorphic core complex, Idaho, US Geological Society of America National Meeting
Denver, CO, USA†
Ortiz Guerrero, C.**, Vogl, J., Miranda, E.A., and Espitia-Mendoza, V.
Mass transport deposit related to transform fault in the Guaymas basin, Gulf of California: basin structure and sediment volume from seismic reflection data American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL, USA
*Pina, A., Stock, J., González-Fernández, A., Martín-Barajas, A., Marsaglia, K. and Gallegos’Castillo, C.A.
Constraining the timing and conditions of magmatism and granulite- to upper amphibolite-facies metamorphism in the lower crust of the Southern California batholith using U-Pb zircon geochronology and Ti-in-zircon thermometry Geological Society of America National Meeting
Denver, CO, USA
*Robles, F.Schwartz, J.J.Miranda, E.A., Klepeis, K.A., and Mora-Klepeis, K.A.
Mesozoic fabric influence on the formation and geometry of the Quaternary Cucamonga Fault Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting
Palm Springs, California
*Robles, F.Schwartz, J.J.Miranda, E.A., Klepeis, K.A., and Mora-Klepeis, G.
Late Cretaceous arc flare up and sinistral intra-arc ductile deformation in the Southern California Batholith Geological Society of America National Meeting
Denver, CO, USA
Schwartz, J.J., Lackey, J.S., Miranda, E.A., Klepeis, K.A., Mora-Klepeis, G., *Robles, F., and *Bixler, J.


Title Conference († denotes invited talk) Authors (* denotes student author)
Contrasting Origins and Diagenesis of Volcaniclastic Deposits along Tūranganui Knoll American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting
New Orleans, LA
Allen, S., Marsaglia, K.M., Morgan, J.,*Franco, A.M.
Evaluating Discrepancies Between Bulk-Rock and Single-Mineral Geochemical Data in the Magmatic Evolution of Cordilleran Arc Rocks Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Portland, OR
*Brackman, A.J. and Schwartz, J.J.
Microkinematic analysis of strain gradients in the middle crust of the George Sound Shear Zone, New Zealand Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Portland, OR
*Brown, V.Miranda, E.A., Klepeis, K.A., and Schwartz, J.J.
Linking regional tectonics with microstructural fabrics using EBSD and crystallographic vorticity axis analysis in the Grebe Shear Zone, Fiordland, New Zealand Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Portland, OR
*Dietel, M.Miranda, E.A., Klepeis, K.A., and Schwartz, J.J.
Environmental impacts of naturally occurring oil seeps in Santa Paula Creek, California. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting
New Orleans, LA
*Estrada, A.Ganguli, P.*Ikeda, K., *Yunes Katz, B.,* Salek, S., and Hauswirth, S.C.
Late Miocene-Pliocene Vegetation, Fire and Hydroclimate Dynamics in the Río Iruya Basin, Northwest Argentina Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Portland, OR
*Ghosh, A.Cotton, J.M.Hauswirth, S.C., Hyland, E.G., Azmi, I., Raigemborn, M.S., Tineo, D., *Hayduk, T.S., and Insel, N.
Monitoring Post-Wildfire Watershed Dynamics Through Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Geochemistry, Suspended Sediment Measurements, Hydrologic Data, and Soil Chemistry American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting
New Orleans, LA
Hauswirth, S.C.*Kushner, M., *Hoover, C.,* Ikeda, K., *Jesmok, G., *Estrada, A., *Yunes Katz, B., and Ganguli, P.
Wildfire-associated Organic Contaminants in a Coastal Watershed CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology (COAST) Annual Meeting (virtual) Hauswirth, S.C.*Kushner, M., *Hoover, C., *Ikeda, K., *Jesmok, G., *Estrada, A., and Ganguli, P.
Linking regional tectonics with microstructural fabrics using EBSD and crystallographic vorticity axis analysis in the Grebe Shear Zone, Fiordland, New Zealand Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Portland, OR
*Dietel, M.Miranda, E.A., Klepeis, K.A., and Schwartz, J.J.
Environmental impacts of naturally occurring oil seeps in Santa Paula Creek, California Society for Advancing Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) National Diversity in STEM (NDiSTEM) Digital Conference *Estrada, A.,* Yunes Katz, B., *Ikeda, K.Ganguli, P.M., and Hauswirth, S.C.
Mercury Geochemical Trends in the Malibu Creek Watershed Following the 2018 Woolsey Fire Society for Advancing Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) National Diversity in STEM (NDiSTEM) Digital Conference *Yunes Katz, B., *Salek, S., *Ikeda, K., *Estrada, A., *Hoover, C., *Kushner, M.Hauswirth, S.C., Odigie, K.O., Fuhrmann, B. C., Beutel, M. W., and Ganguli, P.M.
Water Quality Downstream from The Second Largest Mercury Mine in North America: New Idria, Ca Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Annual Meeting (Virtual) *Hohn, R., *Bartolo, C.J., *Ikeda, K.,* Leguellec, P.J., Fuhrmann, B., Hauswirth, S. C., Beutel, M., and Ganguli, P.M.
Mercury Dynamics in Castaic Lake State Recreation Area, California Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Annual Meeting (Virtual) *Jesmok, G., *Ikeda, K., Fuhrmann, B., Hauswirth, S. C., Beutel, M., and Ganguli, P.M.
Persistence And Transport Mechanisms of Wildfire-Related Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in a Southern California Coastal Watershed Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Annual Meeting (Virtual) *Kushner, M., *Hoover, C., *Ikeda, K., *Jesmok, G.,* Estrada, A.Ganguli, P.M., and Hauswirth, S.C.
Wildfire-derived Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in a Southern California Coastal Watershed CSU Water Resources Policy Institute (WRPI) Annual Conference (Virtual) Hauswirth, S.C.*Kushner, M., *Hoover, C., *Ikeda, K., *Jesmok, G., *Estrada, A., and Ganguli, P.
Wildfire-derived Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in a Southern California Coastal Watershed Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Southern California Annual Conference (Virtual) Hauswirth, S.C.*Kushner, M.,* Hoover, C., *Ikeda, K.,*Jesmok, G., *Estrada, A., and Ganguli, P.
Unifying DSDP Leg 64 and IODP Expedition 385 Lithology, Facies and Bedding Characteristics for a Comprehensive Guaymas Basin Depositional Model: Preliminary Results Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Portland, OR
*Persad, L.,Marsaglia, K.M., and the Expedition 385 Scientists
Modeling the Dynamics of Earthquake Hazard: From Rupture to Ground Motion to Displacement. U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Science Seminar † Lozos, J.
Investigating the Physics of the Earthquake Process Using Computer Simulations CSU STEM-NET Virtual Research Café 10.0 † Lozos, J.
Dynamic Rupture Simulations of the M6.4 and M7.1 July, 2019 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting † Lozos, J.
Modeling the Physics of Historic, Pre-Instrumental Earthquakes: Examples from California’s San Andreas Fault System INQUA EDITH Kickoff Meeting † Lozos, J.
Modeling the Physics of Historic San Jacinto Fault Earthquakes Loma Linda University † Lozos, J.
Dynamic Rupture Modeling of Coseismic Interactions on Orthogonal Strike-Slip Faults American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, online Lozos, J. C.
Dynamic Rupture Modeling of Coseismic Interactions on Orthogonal Strike-Slip Faults Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, online Lozos, J. C.
Dynamic Rupture Modeling of Coseismic Interactions on Orthogonal Strike-Slip Faults Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, online Lozos, J. C.
The Leaky Pipeline Playbook: A critical look at gatekeeping methods that perpetuate the disenfranchisement of women and people of color in the geosciences and some strategies for interrupting the effectiveness of the playbook moves Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Portland, OR
Miranda, E.A.
Spatial and temporal variations in kinematic deformation geometry within a crustal-scale shear zone network: micro- to regional-scale partitioning of oblique convergence along the Gondwana margin, Fiordland, New Zealand Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Portland, OR†
Miranda, E.A., Klepeis, K.A., Schwartz, J.J.*Dietel, M.*Page, B., and *Brown, V.
Mesozoic fabric inheritance in the ductile roots of the Quaternary Cucamonga Fault Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, online *Robles, F.*Arzili, O.Schwartz, J.Miranda, E.A., Klepeis, K.A., and Mora-Klepeis, G.
The Black Belt Mylonite Zone and the role of tectonic inheritance in brittle faulting in the San Gabriel Block Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, online *Sengpiehl, S.Schwartz, J.Miranda, E.A., Klepeis, K.A., and Mora-Klepeis, G.
The Diversification of Cordilleran Arc Melts in the Deep Crust of Fiordland, New Zealand Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Portland, OR
Schwartz, J.J.*Brackman, A.*Carty, K.


Title Conference († denotes invited talk) Authors (* denotes student author)
Estimating Sediment Discharge at a Sediment-filled Dam in Malibu Creek Using Digital Elevation Models (DEM) Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists Annual Meeting (Virtual) *Chong, J.E., *Ghosh, A., and Hauswirth, S.C.
Reconstructing the Late Miocene-Pliocene Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimate of Southern Continental South America (SA) in Order to Determine the Factors Driving Expansion of C4 Grasslands: δ13C isotopes, molecular biomarkers, phytoliths, and X-ray American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting (Virtual) *Ghosh, A.Cotton, J.M., Hyland, E.G., Hauswirth, S.C., Tineo, D., Raigemborn, M.S., *Hayduk, T.S., and Insel, N.
Did Increasing Seasonality and Fire Frequency Cause the C4 Grassland Transition in South America (SA)? Investigations from Two Paleosol Sites in NW Argentina Using Δ13C Isotopes, Molecular Biomarkers, Phytoliths, And X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Virtual) *Ghosh, A.Cotton, J.M., Hyland, E.G., Hauswirth, S.C., Tineo, D., Raigemborn, M.S., and Insel, N.
Water quality downstream from the second largest mercury mine in North America: New Idria, California, CA Water Boards 5th Annual Water Data Science Symposium, Virtual *Hohn, R.A.; *De Jesus Bartolo, C.; *Ikeda, K.H.; *Leguellec, P.J.; *Fuhrmann, B.C.; Bram, D.L.; Hauswirth, S.C.; Beutel, M.W.; Ganguli, P.M.
Long-term wildfire-related chemical impacts on water quality within the Malibu Creek Coastal Watershed, CA Water Boards 5th Annual Water Data Science Symposium, Virtual *Hoover, C.L.*Ikeda, K.Ganguli, P.M.Hauswirth, S.
Mercury Dynamics in Castaic Lake State Recreation Area, California California Lake Management Society Annual Conference (Virtual) *Jesmok, G.S.Hauswirth, S.C.Ganguli, P.M.
Generation and mobilization of wildfire-related polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a Southern California coastal watershed Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Virtual *Kushner, M.F.; *Hoover, C.L.; *Ikeda, K.H.Ganguli, P.M.Hauswirth, S.C.
Transport mechanisms and persistence of wildfire-related polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a Southern California coastal watershed American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting (Virtual) *Kushner, M.F.*Hoover, C.L.*Ikeda, K.H.Ganguli, P.M.Hauswirth, S.C.
Modeling the Rupture Dynamics of Strong Ground Motion (>1g) in Fault Stepovers Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, online *Ladage, H.J. C. Lozos, and S. Akçiz
Dynamic Rupture Simulations of the July 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium (online) † Lozos, J.
Dynamic Rupture Modeling on the Hayward Fault, Northern California: Estimating Coseismic and Postseismic Hazards of Partially Creeping Faults Deformation and Tectonics Talk Series (online) † Lozos, J.
Dynamic Rupture Simulations of the July 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes, and Implications for Other Cross Faults Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop
Menlo Park, CA†
Lozos, J.
Preliminary Dynamic Rupture Simulations of the M6.4 and M7.1 July, 2019 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes Hokudan International Symposium on Active Faulting
Awaji City, Japan†
Lozos, J.
Dynamic Rupture Modeling of Coseismic Interactions on Orthogonal Strike-Slip Faults Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, online Lozos, J.C.
Geometrical Fault Complexity and the Rupture Dynamics of the 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, online Lozos, J.C., and R.A. Harris
Linking submarine groundwater discharge to mercury biogeochemical cycling at the coastal margin Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Virtual *Schmitt, E.E.; Swarzenski, P.W.; Kroeger, K.D.; Smith, C.G.; Hauswirth, S.C.; Lamborg, C.H.; Beutel, M.W.; Flegal A.R.; Ganguli, P.M.
Surface Displacement and Ground Motion from Dynamic Rupture Models of Thrust Faults with Variable Dip Angles and Burial Depths Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, online *Ulloa, S., and J.C. Lozos


Title Conference († denotes invited talk) Authors (* denotes student author)
Pressure, temperature, and timing of magma intrusion and metamorphism, George Sound, New Zealand Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Phoenix, AZ
Anderson, I., Stowell, H., Schwartz, J.J., Klepeis, K.A., Bollen, E.M., and Miranda, E.A.
Direct dating and thermal conditions of mylonitic deformation in the Borrego Springs Shear Zone and Santa Rosa Mylonite Zone, Eastern Peninsular Ranges Mylonite Zone (EPRMZ), USA Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting
Palm Springs, CA
*Bautista, J.Miranda, E.A.Schwartz, J., and Akçiz, S.
Volcanic glass in Nazca Plate sediments at ODP Site 1232: Origin and transport Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Phoenix, AZ
*Beck, K.D., Hickey-Vargas, R. and Marsaglia, K.
Dating the duration of deformation along a major shear zone within the Eastern Peninsular Ranges Batholith Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting
Palm Springs, CA
*Brackman, A.**Torres, J.Schwartz, J.Miranda, E.A., and Akçiz, S.
Evaluating High Sr/Y Geochemical Signatures in Lower-Arc Crust Using Pyroxene Major and Trace Element Dats Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Phoenix, AZ
*Brackman, A.J.Schwartz, J.J., and *Carty, K.
Towsley Canyon Oil Seeps impact on surface waters of the Santa Clarita River Pacific Section-American Association of Petroleum Geologists (PS-AAPG) Student Expo
Bakersfield, CA
*Bellingham, C.Ganguli, P.Hauswirth, S.C.
Preliminary garnet growth ages from the Anita Shear Zone and adjacent rocks, Northern Fiordland, New Zealand Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Phoenix, AZ
Dickson, H., Stowell, H., Bollen, E.M., Schwartz, J.J., Klepeis, K.A., and Miranda, E.A.
Contaminant mobilization in the Malibu Lagoon Watershed following the November 2018 Woolsey Fire SoCal SETAC Meeting
La Jolla, CA
Ganguli, P.M.Hauswirth, S.C.*Fuhrmann, B.C.; *Newton, K.R.; Bram, D.L.; Beutel, M.W.; Hughes, T.J.; Bray, E.N.
Rheology and Kinetics of Polymer-enhanced In Situ Chemical Oxidation Applied to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting
San Francisco, CA
Hauswirth, S. C., Sadeghi, S. M., Tavitian, M., Cerda, C., Rodman, E.
Water quality downstream from the former New Idria Mercury Mine SoCal SETAC Meeting
La Jolla, CA
*Hohn, R.A.*De Jesus Bartolo, C.Hauswirth, S.C.*Fuhrmann, B.C.*Newton, K.R.; Bram, D.L.; Beutel, M.W.; Hughes, T.J.; Bray, E.N.; Ganguli, P.M.
Assessing remediation efforts at the former New Idria Mercury Mine, CA Pacific Section AAPG Convention
Long Beach, CA
*Hohn, R.Ganguli, P.Hauswirth, S*Newton, K.; Bram, D.
Assessing water quality downstream from the former New Idria Mercury Mine American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting
San Francisco, CA
*Hohn, R.A.Hauswirth, S.C.*Fuhrmann, B.; Beutel, M.; Bram, D.; Ganguli, P.M.
Long-term wildfire-related chemical impacts on water quality within the Malibu Creek Coastal Watershed American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting
San Francisco, CA
*Hoover, C.L.Ganguli, P.M.; Bram, D.; *Fuhrmann, B.; Beutel, M.; Hauswirth, S.
Xenolith constraints on rheology of heterogeneous deep crust beneath the Eastern Mojave Desert, California Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Phoenix, AZ
*Hufford, L.J., Chin, E.J., Perry, S.E., Miranda, E.A., and Hanchar, J.M.
Sleuthing for sources of mercury in Yosemite National Park SoCal SETAC Meeting
La Jolla, CA
*Jesmok, G.S.Hauswirth, S.C.; Bram, D.L.; Ganguli, P.M.
Initiation and growth of steep transpressional shear zones through a 65 km thick section of continental crust in SW New Zealand Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Phoenix, AZ
Klepeis, K.A., Miranda, E.A.Schwartz, J.J., Webb, L.E., and Stowell, H., and Lindquist, P.
Application of Fragile Geologic Features to Dynamic Rupture Modeling Southern California Earthquake Center Fragile Geologic Features Workshop
Palm Springs, CA†
Lozos, J.
Whither the Big One: Dynamic Rupture Modeling of Large Historic San Andreas System Earthquakes Scripps Institution of Oceanography
San Diego, CA†
Lozos, J.
Whither the Big One: Dynamic Rupture Modeling of Large Historic San Andreas System Earthquakes Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting
Seattle, WA†
Lozos, J.
Stress Setup for Dynamic Rupture Modeling: Effects and Needs/Wants Southern California Earthquake Center Community Stress Model Workshop
Pomona, CA†
Lozos, J.
Preliminary Dynamic Rupture Simulations of the M6.4 and M7.1 July, 2019 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
San Francisco, CA
Lozos, J. C., and R. A. Harris
Preliminary Dynamic Rupture Simulations of the M6.4 and M7.1 July, 2019 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting
Palm Springs, CA
Lozos, J. C., and R. A. Harris
Dynamic Rupture Modeling on the Hayward Fault, Northern California – Estimating Coseismic and Postseismic Hazards of Partially Creeping Faults Numerical Modeling of Earthquake Motions Workshop
Smolenice, Slovakia
Lozos, J. C. and G. J. Funning
Dynamic Rupture Modeling on the Hayward Fault, Northern California – Estimating Coseismic and Postseismic Hazards of Partially Creeping Faults Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting
Seattle, WA
Lozos, J. C. and G. J. Funning
Origin and Diagenetic Priming of a Potential Slow-slip Trigger Zone in Volcaniclastic Deposits Flanking a Seamount on the Subducting Plate, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
San Francisco, CA
Marsaglia, K.M., *Franco, A.M., Morgan, J.,*Allen, S., Underwood, M.
What is a fault zone? A perspective from beneath the brittle-ductile transition Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting
Palm Springs, CA†
Miranda, E.A.
The rheology of pyroxene-plagioclase mylonites from a transpressional lower crustal shear zone, Fiordland, New Zealand Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Phoenix, AZ
Miranda, E.A., Klepeis, K.A., and Moyer, G.A.**
Roundness study of beach sands from the Campana region and Aeolian Archipelago International Association of Sedimentologists Meeting
Rome, Italy
*Morone, C., Le Pera, E., Marsaglia, K.M., and DeRosa, R.
Compositional and textural study of modern beach sands in the active volcanic area of Campania region (southern Italy) International Association of Sedimentologists Meeting
Rome, Italy
*Morone, C., Le Pera, E., Marsaglia, K.M., and DeRosa, R.
A source-to-sink compositional model of a present highstand: the low-rank Tiber Depositional Sequence (Latium, Italy) International Association of Sedimentologists Meeting
Rome, Italy
*Tentori, D., Milli, S., and Marsaglia, K.
Surface Displacement and Ground Motion from Dynamic Rupture Models of Thrust Faults with Variable Dip Angles and Burial Depths Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting
Palm Springs, CA
*Ulloa, S., and J. C. Lozos
Rheology of the Borrego Springs Shear Zone segment of the Eastern Peninsular Ranges Mylonite Zone: implications for the development of the Community Rheology Model Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting
Palm Springs, CA
*Zamora-Tamayo, M.Miranda, E.A.Schwartz, J.J.*Bautista, J., and Akçiz, S.


Title Conference († denotes invited talk) Authors (* denotes student author)
Assessment of Oxidant-Polymer Compatibility for Enhanced In Situ Chemical Oxidation American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting
Washington, DC
Cerda, C., Rodman, E., Sadeghi, S. M., Espinoza, I., Agop, M., and Hauswirth, S. C.
Chemical impacts associated with Southern California Wildfires American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting
Washington, DC
Hauswirth, S.C.Ganguli, P.M.*Devera, L.*Otto, D.*Sadeghi, S.*Agop, M.
Earthquake rupture propagation and termination in fault zones with along-strike variation of damage Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting
Miami, FL
Huang, Y., and J. C. Lozos
Strain localization in arc crust: microstructural investigation of the Grebe Mylonite Zone EBSD 2018 Conference
University of Michigan
*Hufford, L.J., and Miranda, E.A.
Large Earthquakes Near Cajon Pass Southern California Earthquake Center Dynamic Rupture Workshop on Fault Geometry
Pomona, CA†
Lozos, J.
Rupture Dynamics and Cajon Pass Southern California Earthquake Center Cajon Pass Earthquake Gate Area Workshop
Palm Springs, CA†
Lozos, J.
The Effect of Along-Strike Variation in Dip on Rupture Propagation on Strike-Slip Faults 12th Joint Meeting of the UJNR Panel on Earthquake Research
Kumamoto, Japan
Lozos, J. C.
The Effect of Along-Strike Variation in Dip on Rupture Propagation on Strike-Slip Faults Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting
Palm Springs, CA
Lozos, J. C.
The Effect of Along-Strike Variation in Dip on Rupture Propagation on Strike-Slip Faults Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting
Miami, FL
Lozos, J. C.
Dynamic rupture modeling on the Hayward Fault, northern California – estimating coseismic and postseismic hazards of partially creeping faults American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
Washington, DC
Lozos, J. C., and G. J. Funning
Actualistic arc petrofacies International Sedimentological Congress
Quebec City, Canada
Marsaglia, K.M.
Shelf origins to the abyssal sink of the Arguello submarine canyon system off southern California Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting
Bakersfield, CA
Marsaglia, K.M.Weeraratne, D.,*Rodriguez, B., Green, G.,*Shintaku, N., and Kohler, M.
Detrital zircon provenance of Permian strata in the El Paso Mountains, southern California: a unique record of arc emergence along southwestern Laurentia Geological Society of America Cordilleran section meeting
Flagstaff, AZ
*McDonald, E.Cecil, R.Marsaglia, K.Heermance, R., Riggs, N.
The effects of quartz Dauphine twinning on strain localization in polymineralic rocks in a mid-crustal shear zone, Fiordland, New Zealand EBSD 2018 Conference
University of Michigan
*McGinn, C.Miranda, E.A.*Hufford, J.L.Schwartz, J.J., and Klepeis, K.A.
Fluid-enhanced grain boundary sliding in pseudotachylyte survivor clasts: does creep cavitation lead to earthquake rupture? Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting
Palm Springs, CA
Miranda, E.A., and Perez-Huerta, A.
Enhanced In Situ Chemical Oxidation Using Surfactants and Shear Thinning Fluids 28th Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy, & Air
San Diego, CA
Sadeghi, S. M. and Hauswirth, S. C.
Surface displacement and ground motion from dynamic rupture models of thrust faults with variable dip angles and burial depths American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
Washington, DC
Ulloa, S.*, and J. C. Lozos
Surface displacement and ground motion from dynamic rupture models of thrust faults with variable dip angles and burial depths Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting
Palm Springs, CA
Ulloa, S.*, and J. C. Lozos
Dynamic rupture modeling to investigate the role of fault geometry in jumping rupture between parallel-trace thrust faults Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting
Palm Springs, CA
*Peshette, P.J. C. Lozos, and J. D. Yule



  • Riggs, N.R., Oberling, Z.A., Howell, E.R., Parker, W.G., Barth, A.P., Cecil, M.R., Walker, J.D., 2016, Sources of volcanic detritus in the basal Chinle Formation, southwestern North America, and implications for the Early Mesozoic magmatic arc: Geosphere, v.12, p.439-463.

  • Cecil, M.R., Saleeby, Z., Saleeby, J., and Farley, K.A., 2014, Pliocene-Quaternary subsidence and exhumation of the southeastern San Joaquin Basin, California, in response to mantle lithosphere removal: Geosphere, v. 10, p. 129-147.

  • Cecil, M.R., Rotberg, G., Ducea, M.N., Saleeby, J., and Gehrels, G., 2012, Magmatic growth and batholithic root development in the northern Sierra Nevada batholith, California: Geosphere, v. 8.

  • Girardi, J.D., Patchett, P.J., Ducea, M.N., Gehrels, G.E., Cecil, M.R., Rusmore, M.E., Woodsworth, G.J., Pearson, D.M., Manthei, C., and Wetmore, P., 2012, Elemental and Isotopic Evidence for Granitoid Genesis From Deep-Seated Sources in the Coast Mountains Batholith, British Columbia: Journal of Petrology, v. 53, p. 1505-1536.

  • Lackey, J.S.,Cecil, M.R., Windham, C.J., Frazer, R.E., Bindeman, I.N., and Gehrels, G., 2012, Influence of basement architecture and magma source evolution on development of the Early Cretaceous Sierra Nevada arc: Geosphere, v. 8, p. 292-313.

  • Cecil, M.R., Gehrels, G., Ducea, M.N., Patchett, J.P., 2011, U-Pb-Hf characterization of the central Coast Mountains Batholith: Implications for petrogenesis and crustal architecture: Lithosphere, v. 3, p. 247-260.

  • Cecil, M.R., and Ducea, M.N., 2010, K-Ca ages of authigenic sediments: Examples from Paleozoic glauconite and applications to low temperature thermochronometry: International Journal of Earth Sciences. doi:10.1007/s00531-010-0618-y.

  • Cecil, M.R., Ducea, M.N., Reiners, P., Gehrels, G., Mulch, A., Allen, C., and Campbell, I., 2010, Provenance of Eocene fluvial deposits from the central - northern Sierra Nevada and implications for paleotopography: Tectonics. doi:10.1029/2010TC002717.

  • Cecil, M.R., Chase, C.G., and Wolfe, J.A., 2007, Geologic and stratigraphic context of paleoflora from Eocene river systems, Northern Sierra Nevada, California: Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, v. 258, p. 119-128. (Special paleobotany volume honoring Wolfe and Dilcher)

  • Cecil, M.R., Ducea, M.N., Reiners, P.W., and Chase, C.G., 2006, Cenozoic exhumation of the Northern Sierra Nevada, California, from (U-Th)/He thermochronology: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 118, p. 1481-1488. doi: 10.1130/B25876.1.

  • Smiley, T.M., Hyland, E.G., Cotton, J.M., Reynolds, R.E., Evidence of Early C4 grasses, habitat drying and faunal response during Miocene Climatic Optimum in the Mojave Region. In Revision, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.

  • Griffith, D.M., Cotton, J.M., Powell, R.L., Sheldon, N.D., Still, C.J., Multi-century stasis in C4 grass distribution across the contiguous United States since the industrial revolution. In Press (Available Online), Journal of Biogeography doi: 10.1111/jbi.13061

  • Hyland, E.G., Sheldon, N.D. and Cotton J.M., 2016. Constraining the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum: a terrestrial interhemispheric comparison. Geological Society of America Bulletin 129, 244-252 doi:10.1130/B31493.1 (PDF)

  • Cotton, J.M., Cerling, T.E., Hoppe, K.A., Mosier, T.M. and Still, C.J. 2016. Climate, CO2 and the history of North American grasses since the Last Glacial Maximum. Science Advances 2, e1501346 doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1501346 (PDF)

  • Smiley, T.M., Cotton, J.M., Cerling, T.E. and Badgley, C.E. 2015. Small mammal isotope ecology tracks climate and vegetation gradients across western North America. OIKOS (In press) doi: 10.1111/oik.02722 (PDF)

  • Hyland, E.G., Sheldon, N.D. and Cotton J.M., 2015. Terrestrial evidence for a two-stage mid Paleocene biotic event (MPBE). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 417, 371-378.  doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.09.031 (PDF)

  • Cotton, J.M., Sheldon, N.D., Hren, M.T. and Gallagher, T.M. Positive feedback drives carbon release from soils to atmosphere during Paleocene/Eocene warming. American Journal of Science 315, 337-361. doi: 10.2475/04.2015.03 (PDF)

  • Cotton, J.M., Hyland, E.G., and Sheldon, N.D. 2014. Multi-proxy evidence for tectonic control on the expansion of C4 grasses in northwest Argentina. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 395, 41-50 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.03.014 (PDF)

  • Cotton, J.M., Jeffery, M.L., and Sheldon, N.D., 2013. Climate controls on soil respired CO2 in the United States: Implications 21st century chemical weathering rates in temperate and arid ecosystems. Chemical Geology 358, 37-45 doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.08.048 (PDF)

  • Cotton, J.M. and Sheldon, N.D., 2013. Using stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes of hair to teach about sustainable agriculture through active learning. Journal of Geoscience Education 61, 59-67 doi: 10.5408/12-309.1 (PDF)

  • Cotton, J.M. and Sheldon N.D. New constraints on using paleosols to reconstruct atmospheric pCO2. Geological Society of America Bulletin124, 1411 - 1423  doi: 10.1130/B30607.1 (PDF)

  • Cotton, J.M., Sheldon, N.D and Strömberg, C.A.E., 2012. High resolution isotopic record of C4 photosynthesis in a Miocene grassland. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 337-338, 88-98. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.03.035. (PDF)

  • d'Alessio, M.A. (2014). What kinds of questions do students ask? Results from an online question ranking tool. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 18 (5),

  • Herr, N., Rivas, M., Chang, T., Tippens, M., Vandergon, V., d'Alessio, M., Nguyen-Graff, D. (in press). Continuous formative assessment (CFA) during blended and online instruction using cloud-based collaborative documents. In Koç, S; Wachira, P.; Liu, X. Assessment in Online and Blended Learning Environments.

  • d'Alessio, M.A., & Horey, T. (2013). Simulating Earthquake Early Warning Systems in the Classroom. Science Scope, 37(4), 51–57. 

  • d'Alessio, M., & Lundquist, L. (2013). Computer Supported Collaborative Rocketry: Teaching students to distinguish good and bad data like an expert physicist. The Physics Teacher, 51 (7), 424-427. doi: 10.1119/1.4820858 

  • d'Alessio, M.A. (2012). Schoolyard Geology as a Bridge Between Urban Thinkers and the Natural World, Journal of Geoscience Education, 60 (2), 106-113.

  • Herr, N., Rivas, M., Foley, B., Vandergon, V., d'Alessio, M., Simila, G., Nguyen-Graff, D. & Postma, H. (2012). Employing Collaborative Online Documents for Continuous Formative Assessments. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012 (pp. 3899-3903). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. <Download here>


  • 2021    Fuhrmann, B; Beutel, M; Ganguli, P.; Zhao, L., Brower, S.; Funk, A.; Pasek, J. Seasonal patterns of methylmercury production, release and degradation in profundal sediment of a hyper-eutrophic reservoir. Lake and Reservoir Management, 37(4): 360-377.
  • 2021  Lamborg C.H.; Hansel, C. Bowman, K.L., Voelker, B.; Marsico, R.; Oldham, V.; Swarr, G.M.; Ganguli, P. Dark Reduction Sets Evasion of Mercury from the Ocean. Frontiers of Environmental Science, 2: 4.
  • 2019    Lamborg, C.H.; Valiela, I.; Collins, C.; Buchanan, W; Swarr, G.; Mincer, T.; Ganguli, P.;  Whalen, K; Bothner, M. Mercury Speciation and Retention in a Salt Marsh Undergoing Long-term Fertilization. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 218: 188-196.
  • 2018 Kumar, A.; Divoll, T.J.; Ganguli, P.M.; Bothner, M.H.; Trama, F.; Lamborg, C.H.; Presence of artisanal gold mining predict mercury bioaccumulation in five genera of bats (Chiroptera). Environmental Pollution, 236: 862-870.
  • 2017 Dimova, N.T.; Ganguli, P.M.; Swarzenski, P.W.; Izbicki, J.A.; O’Leary, D. Hydrogeologic controls on chemical transport atMalibu Lagoon, CA: Implications for land to sea exchange in coastal lagoonsystems. Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies 11, 219–233.

  • 2015 Cossaboon, J.M.; Ganguli, P.M.; Flegal, A.R. Mercury offloaded in Northern elephant seal hair impacts coastal seawater surrounding rookery. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112: 12058-12062.

  • 2015 Voss, B.M.; Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B.; Eglinton, T.I.; Spencer, R.G.M.; Bulygina, E.; Galy, V.; Lamborg, C.H.; Ganguli, P.M.; Montluçon, D.B.; Marsh, S.; Gillies, S.L.; Fanslau, J.; Epp, A.; Luymes, R., Seasonal hydrology drives rapid shifts in the flux and composition of dissolved and particulate organic carbon and major and trace ions in the Fraser River. Canada. Biogeosciences, 19, (12), 5597-5618.

  • 2015 Johnson C.D.; Swarzenski, P.W.; Richardson; C.M., Smith; C.G.; Kroeger, K.D.; Ganguli, P.M. Ground-truthing electrical resistivity methods in support of submarine groundwater discharge studies: Examples from Hawaii, Washington,and California. Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics, 20, 81-87.

  • 2014 Ganguli, P.M.; Swarzenski, P.W.; Dulaiova, H., Glenn, C.R.; and Flegal, A.R. Mercury dynamics in a coastal aquifer: Maunalua Bay, Oʻahu, Hawai‘i. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 140, 52-65.

  • 2012 Flegal, A.R.; Gallon, C., Conaway, C.H.; Ganguli, P.M. All the lead in China. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 43 (17), 1869-1944.

  • 2012 Ganguli, P.M.; Conaway, C.H.; Swarzenski, P.W.; Izbicki, J.A.; and Flegal, A.R. Mercury speciation and transport via submarine groundwater discharge at a Southern California coastal lagoon system. Environmental Science and Technology, 46 (3), 1480-1488.

  • 2009 Black, F.J.; Paytan, A.; Knee, K.L.; De Sieyes, N.R.; Ganguli, P.M.; Gray, E.; and Flegal, A.R. Submarine groundwater discharge of total mercury and monomethylmercury to central California coastal waters. Environmental Science and Technology, 43 (15), 5553-5559.

  • 2009 Johnson, B.E.; Esser, B.K.; Whyte, D.C.; Ganguli, P.M.; Austin, C.M.; and Hunt, J.R. Mercury accumulation and attenuation at a rapidly forming delta with a point source of mining waste. Science of the Total Environment, 407 (18), 5056-5070.

  • 2001 Alleman, L.Y.; Church, T.M.; Ganguli, P.M.; Véron, A.J.; Flegal, A.R.; and Hamelin, B. Role of oceanic circulation on pollutant lead distribution in the South Atlantic. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 48 (13), 2855-2876.

  • 2000 Ganguli, P.M.; Mason, R.P.; Flegal, A.R.; Abu-Saba, K.E.; and Anderson, R.S. Mercury speciation in drainage from the New Idria Mine, CA. Environmental Science and Technology, 34 (22), 4773-4779.

  • Hauswirth, S. C. and Miller, C. T. (2014) A comparison of physicochemical methods for the remediationof porous medium systems contaminated with tar. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 167:44–60.

  • Hauswirth, S. C., Schultz, P. B., and Miller, C.T. (2012) Compositional and pH effects on the interfacial tension between complex tar mixtures and aqueous solutions. Environmental Science & Technology, 46:10214–10221.

  • Hauswirth, S. C., Birak, P. S., Rylander, S. C., and Miller, C. T. (2012) Mobilization of manufactured gas plant tar with alkaline flushing solutions. Environmental Science & Technology, 46:426–433.

  • Schultz Birak, P., Newman, A., Richardson, S., Hauswirth, S. C., Pedit, J., Aitken, M., and Miller, C. T. (2011). Cosolvent flushing for the remediation of PAHs from former manufactured gas plants. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 126(1):72–84

  • Lifton, N., C. Beel, C. Hättestrand, C. Kassab, I. Rogozhina, R. Heermance, M. Oskin, D. Burbank, R. Blomdin, N. Gribenski, M. Caffee, J. Heyman, M. Ivanov, Y. Li, Y. L, D. Petrakov, R. Usubaliev, A. Codilean, Y. Chen, J. Harbor, A. Stroeven (2014). Constraints on the late Quaternary glacial history of the Inylchek and Sary-Dzaz valleys from in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al, eastern Kyrgyz Tian Shan Quaternary Science Reviews 101, 77-90.

  • Rohrmann, A., R. V. Heermance, P. Kapp, F. Cai (2013), Wind as the primary driver of erosion in the Qaidam Basin, China, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 374, 1-10.

  • DeVecchio, D.E., R.V. Heermance, M. Fuchs, and L.A. Owen (2012). Climate-controlled landscape evolution in the Western Transverse Ranges, California: Insights from Quaternary geochronology of the Saugus Formation and strath terrace flights, Lithosphere, doi: 10.1130/L176.1.

  • Pullen, A., P. Kapp, A.T. McCallister, H. Chang, G.E. Gehrels, C.N. Garzione, R.V. Heermance, and L. Ding (2011) Qaidam Basin and northern Tibetan Plateau as dust sources for the Chinese Loess Plateau and paleoclimatic implications: Geology 39, no. 11, 1031-1034, doi:10.1130/G32296.1.

  • Kapp, P., J.D. Pelletier, A. Rohrmann, R. Heermance, and J. Russell (2011), Wind erosion in the Qaidam basin, central Asia: Implications for tectonics, paleoclimate, and the source of the Loess plateau, Geological Society of America Today 21, Issue 4/5, April/May 2011.
  • Heermance, R. V., J. Chen, D. B. Burbank, J. Miao (2008), Temporal constraints and pulsed Late Cenozoic deformation during the structural disruption of the active Kashi foreland, northwest China, Tectonics 27, TC6012, doi:10.1029/2007TC002226.

  • Heermance, R., J. Chen, D. Burbank, C. Wang (2007), Chronology and tectonic controls of Late Tertiary deposition in the southwestern Tian Shan foreland, NW China, Basin Research 19, 599-632.

  • Chen, J., R. Heermance, K. M. Scharer, D. W. Burbank, M. Jijun, C. S. Wang (2007), Quantification of growth and lateral propagation of the Kashi anticline, Southwest Chinese Tian Shan. Journal of Geophysical Research.112, doi:10.1029/2006JB004345.

  • Sobel, E. R., Chen, J., Heermance, R. V., (2006), Late Oligocene - Early Miocene initiation of shortening in the Southwestern Chinese Tian Shan: Implications for Neogene shortening rate variations, Earth and Planetary Science Letters247, 70-81.

  • Heermance, R. V. and J. P. Evans (2006), Geometric evolution of the Chelungpu fault: the mechanics of shallow frontal ramps and fault imbrication , Journal of Structural Geology28, 929–938

  • Heermance, R. V., Z. K. Shipton and J. P. Evans (2003), Fault structure control on fault slip and ground motion during the 1999 rupture of the Chelungpu fault, Taiwan, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America93, 1034-1050.


  • *Martinez, P., Marsaglia, K.M., and Stock, J., 2025, Petrography of Volcaniclastic Intervals in IODP Expedition 385 cores from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Data Report, IODP Expedition 385 Proceedings.
  • Aiello, I.W., Höfig, T.W., Riboulleau, A., Teske, A.P., Lizarralde, D.l, Ash, J.L., Bojanova, D.P., Buatier, M.D., Edgcomb, V.P., Galerne, C.Y., Gontharet, S. Heuer, V.B. Jiang, S. Kars, M.A.C., Kim, J., Koornneef, L.M.T., Marsaglia, K.M., and 17 others, 2024, Mineralization kinetics of biosiliceous sediments in the hot subseafloor: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta., v. 380, p. 71-82
  • Perrotta, S., Barone, M., Marsaglia, K.M., Milliken, K.L., Perrone, V., and Critelli S.2024, Detrital Signatures of Clastic Serpentinite in Tectonically Diverse Settings and Interpretation of an Example from the Northern Apennines, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 94, p. 207-230
  • Velázquez-Aguilar, M., Perez-Cruz, L., Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J., Marsaglia, K.M., Coria-Monter, E., Monreal-Gómez, M.A., Teske, A., Höfig, T.W., Aldama-Cervantes, A., and Jiang, S., 2024, Evolution of ocean circulation and water masses in the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California) during the last 31,000 years revealed by radiolarians and silicoflagellates in IODP Expedition 385 sediment cores: Frontiers in Earth Science, 21p. 12:1301999. doi: 10.3389/feart.2024.1301999
  • Cheviet, A., Buatier, M., Choulet, F., Galerne, C., Riboulleau, A., Aiello, I., Marsaglia, K.M., and Höfig, T.W., 2023, Contact metamorphic reactions and fluid-rock interactions related to magmatic sill intrusion in the Guaymas Basin: European Journal of Mineralogy, v. 35, p. 987–1007.
  • Lizarralde, D., Teske, A., Höfig, T.W., González-Fernández, A., and the IODP Expedition 385 Scientists (includes K. Marsaglia), 2023, Carbon released by sill intrusion into young sediments measured through scientific drilling,  Geology, v. 51, p. 329-333.
  • Marsaglia, K.M., and Milliken, K.L, 2023, Technical Note 5: Handbook for Sedimentological Core Description: Shipboard and Shorebased: International Ocean Discovery Program, 83p (plus appendices).
  • Morrone, C., Le Pera, E., Marsaglia, K.M., and De Rosa, R., 2023,  Provenance controls on volcaniclastic beach sand: example from the Aeolian archipelago, Mediterranean Sea, in, Di Capua, et al. (eds.) Volcanic Processes in the Sedimentary Record: When Volcanoes Meet the Environment, Geological Society of London Special Publication, v. 250, 235-268.
  • Neumann, F., Negrete-Aranda, R., Harris, R.N., Contreras, J., Galerne, C.Y., Peña-Salinas, M., Ronald Spelz, R., Teske, A., Lizarralde, D., Höfig, T.W., and Expedition 385 Scientists (includes Marsaglia), 2023, Heat flow and thermal regime in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Estimates of conductive and advective heat transport: Basin Research, v. 35, p. 1308-1328.
  • *Persad, L., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2023, Data Report: Detailed lithologic columns for IODP Expedition 385 and DSDP Leg 64 sites in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Mexico, IODP Proceedings Volume 385, 15p.


  • Robinson, C. *Mcdonald, Eric K., Riggs, N., Marsaglia, K. and Heermance, R., 2024, Permian strata of the El Paso mountains, southern California, provide a record of subduction initiation and the local emergence of the Cordilleran arc: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 56, No. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2024AM-404225
  • *Brown, K., Marsaglia, K., and *Persad, L., 2024, Record of terrigenous input at an active plate-margin: stratigraphic analysis of IODP Expedition 385 Sites U1552 and U1549, Guaymas Basin, Mexico: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 56, No. 5., doi: 10.1130/abs/2024AM-402355
  • *Hart, S., Piña, A., Stock, J., and Marsaglia, K., 2024, Sedimentological Characterization of multiple seismically-defined mass-transport deposits (Mtds) cored at Site U1551 in the Guaymas Basin during IODP Expedition 385: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 56, No. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2024AM-402605
  • Marsaglia, K., Stock, J., Perez-Cruz, L., Lizarralde, D., Teske, A., Höfig, T.W., and IODP, Expedition 385 Scientists, 2024, IODP drilling during Expedition 385 Shows Guaymas Basin to be golden: exciting insights into the workings of a young, obliquely rifted, active continental margin: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 56, No. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2024AM-402895
  • Piña, A., *Martinez, P.R., Stock, J., Marsaglia, K., and Martín, A., 2024, Geochemical characterization and correlation of tephra intervals in Quaternary strata recovered during IODP Expedition 385 in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 56, No. 5., doi: 10.1130/abs/2024AM-401164.
  • Stock, J., L., Lizarralde, D., Teske, A., Marsaglia, K., Pina, A, and Hausback, B., 2024, Guaymas Basin and surroundings: Structure, tectonics, and magmatism: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 56, No. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2024AM-403634
  • Marsaglia, K.M., Brown, K.E., Persad, L., and Aiello, I.W., 2023, Is IODP Site U1549 the “Rosetta Stone” for Mixed Biosiliceous and Siliciclastic Event Beds Within the Late Pleistocene Fill of the Guaymas Basin? AGU 2023 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
  • Aldama-Cervates, A., Pérez-Cruz, L., Monreal-Gómez, A., Sanchez-Cabeza. J.A., Merino-Ibarra, M., Velázquez-Aguilar, M., Venegas-Ferrer, R., Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J., Aiello. I., Jiang, S., Ran, L., Sarao, J., *Martínez, P., and IODP Expedition 385 Scientists (includes K. Marsaglia), 2023, Mesoscale circulation in the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California) and its role in paleoproductivity during the past 31 ka, European Geosciences Union Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
  • Velázquez-Aguilar, M., Pérez-Cruz, L., Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J., Aldama-Cervantes, A., Venegas-Ferrer, R., Aiello, I.,, Jiang, S., Ran, L., Sarao, J., *Martínez, P., Váldez-Hernández, M., and International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 385 Scientists (includes K. Marsaglia), 2023, Radiolarians and silicoflagellates as clues of the paleoceanographic history of Guaymas Basin in the Gulf of California during the past 31,000 yr, European Geosciences Union Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
  • Allen, S., Marsaglia, K.M., Morgan, J., and *Franco, A., 2021, Origin and diagenetic priming of a potential slow-slip trigger zone in volcaniclastic deposits flanking a seamount on the subducting plate, Hikurangi margin, New Zealand, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2021.1975776
  • Delaney, C.M., *Couplin, S., *Lawrence, J.A., Marsaglia, K.M., & Savage, K.L. (2021): A Preliminary Petrologic and Provenance Analysis of Groundstone Artifacts from the Northern Channel Islands and Coastal Southern Alta California, California Archaeology, v. 13, p. 227-265. 
  • Dobbs, S.C., Riggs, N.R., Marsaglia, K.M., González-León, C., Cecil, R., Smith, M.E, 2021, The Permian Monos Formation Stratigraphic and detrital zircon evidence for Permian Cordilleran arc development along the southwest margin of Laurentia northwest Sonora Mexico. Geosphere, v.7: p.520–537. DOI:
  • Johnson, K., Marsaglia, K.M., Brandl, P.A., Waldman, R., Hamada, M., and Ishizuka, O., 2021 Geosphere, Intraoceanic Arc Evolution Based on a ~1 km-Thick Reararc Succession of Distal Volcaniclastic Lobe Deposits. Geosphere v. 17, p. 1–24,
  • Marden, M., Holt, K., Ryan, M., Carrasco, J., Marsaglia, K.M., Kirby, M., and Palmer, A., 2021, Stratigraphy and vegetation signals from an upland, landslide-dammed, paleolake during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition, Waipaoa Sedimentary System, Hikurangi Margin, eastern North Island, New Zealand: New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2021.1947327
  • Tentori, D., Amorossi, A., Milli, S., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2021, Sediment dispersal pathways in the Po coastal plain since Last Glacial Maximum: provenance signals of autogenic, eustatic, and tectonic forcing: Basin Research, v. 33, p. 1407-1428.
  • Teske, A., Lizarralde, D., Höfig, T.W., and the Expedition 385 Scientists (includes K. Marsaglia), 2021. Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 385: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
  • Waldman, R.J.,Marsaglia,, K.M., Hickey-Vargass, R., Arculus, R.,Barth, A., Bogus, K., Ishizuka, O., Johnson. K.E., Laxton, Li, H., McCarthy, A., Meffre, S.,Savov, I., Gene Yogodinski, J., and Gurnis, M., 2020 (online.), Sedimentary Record of Nascent IBM Arc Development: GSA Bulletin. 1-19 DOI: 10.1111/bre.12413.

  • Teske, A., Lizarralde, D., Höfig, T.W., and the Expedition 385 Scientists (incudes Marsaglia), 2020. Expedition 385 Preliminary Report: Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere. International Ocean Discovery Program.​10.14379/​
  • Villaseñor, T., Tentori, D., Marsaglia, K.M., and Pinto, L., 2020 (now online), The changing Patagonian landscape: Erosion and sediment transfer paths in northern Patagonia during the Middle and Late Pleistocene: Basin Research, p. 1-19 DOI: 10.1111/bre.12413.
  • Morone, C., Le Pera, E., Marsaglia, K.M., and DeRosa, R., 2020, Compositional and textural study of modern beach sands in the active volcanic area of Campania region (southern Italy). Sedimentary Geology, v. 396
  • Doran, L.M., Marsaglia, K.M., and Browne, G.H., 2019, Reconnaissance composition of river sand from northern South Island, New Zealand: a modern analogue for southern Taranaki Basin: New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics.
  • Marsaglia, K.M., Behl, R.J., and Schwalbach, J.R., 2019, Introduction: From the Mountains to the Abyss: The California Borderland as an Archive of Southern California Geologic Evolution: SEPM Special Publication 110: From the Mountains to the Abyss: The California Borderland as an Archive of Southern California Geologic Evolution, K.M. Marsaglia, J. Schwalbach, and R. Behl, eds., p. 1-4.
  • Clague, D., Marsaglia, K., Cousens, B.L., and Paduan, J.B., 2019, Oligocene and Miocene volcanics in the sedimentary forearc of the outer California borderland: SEPM Special Publication 110: From the Mountains to the Abyss: The California Borderland as an Archive of Southern California Geologic Evolution, K.M. Marsaglia, J. Schwalbach, and R. Behl, eds., p. 22-42.
  • Marsaglia, K.M., Weeraratne, D., Rodriguez, B., Green, G., Shintaku, N., and Kohler, M., 2019, Tracing the Arguello Submarine Canyon System from shelf origins to an abyssal sink: SEPM Special Publication 110: From the Mountains to the Abyss: The California Borderland as an Archive of Southern California Geologic Evolution, K.M. Marsaglia, J. Schwalbach, and R. Behl, eds. p. 87-101.
  • Van Grinsven, M., Marsaglia, K.M., and Romans, B.W., 2019, Sand provenance from source to sink in the Santa Monica Basin, California Borderlands: Significance of Calleguas Creek input: SEPM Special Publication 110: From the Mountains to the Abyss: The California Borderland as an Archive of Southern California Geologic Evolution, K.M. Marsaglia, J. Schwalbach, and R. Behl, eds., p. 102-116.
  • Bender-Whitaker, C., Marsaglia, K., Jaeger, J., and Browne, G., 2018, Insights into sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary process within siliciclastic shelf systems using Holocene-Pleistocene sand provenance in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 540, Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins and Provenance: A Celebration of William R. Dickinson’s Career, edited by Ingersoll, R.V., Graham, S.A., and Lawton, T.F., p. 159-196.
  • Cecil, R., Ferrer, M.A., Riggs, N., Marsaglia, K., Kylander-Clark, A., Ducea, M., and Stone, P., 2018, Early arc development recorded in Permian-Triassic plutons of the northern Mojave Desert region, California: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, p. 749-765.
  • Marsaglia, K.M., Lawrence, J., Fitzpatrick, S., and Wake, T., 2018, New insights from petrographic analysis of ceramics from the Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panama.  Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v. 17, p. 449-461.
  • Nolasco, J.M., Marsaglia, K.M., Campbell, K.E., Hertel, F., Villaseñor, T., 2018, Use of Sedimentary petrology and provenance to resolve questions regarding the Neogene depositional setting of the southern rim of the Amazon Basin: Geological Society of America, Special Paper 540, Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins and Provenance: A Celebration of William R. Dickinson’s Career, edited by Ingersoll, R.V., Graham, S.A., and Lawton, T.F., p. 133-158.
  • Tentori, D., Milli, S., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2018, A source-to-sink compositional model of a present highstand: an example in the low-rank Tiber depositional sequence (Latium Tyrrhenian margin, Italy): Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 88, p. 1-22.
  • Johnson, K., Waldman, R., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2017, Data Report: Sedimentary Columns with Facies and Bedding for Units II-IV at IODP Site U1438: Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, Expedition 351: Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Origins: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program), 19 p. plus several appendices. 

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Browne, G.H., George, S.C., Kemp, D., Jaeger, J., Carson, D., Richaud, M., and IODP Expedition 317 Scientific Party, 2017, The transformation of sediment into rock: Insights from IODP Site U1352, Canterbury Basin, New Zealand: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 87, p. 272-287.

  • Brandl, P.A., Hamada, M., Arculus, R.J., Johnson, K., Marsaglia, K.M., Ishizuka, O., and Savov, I., 2017, The arc arises: The links between volcanic output, arc evolution, and melt composition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 461, p. 73-84. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.12.027.

  • Morone, C., DeRosa, R., Le Pera, E., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2016, Volcaniclastic sand provenance in magmatic arc setting: an example from Lipari island beaches (Aeolian Archipelago, Tyrrhenian Sea): Geological Magazine, pp. 1–25. doi: 10.1017/S001675681600042X

  • Tentori, D., Marsaglia, K.M., and Milli, S., 2016, Sand Compositional Changes as a Key for Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation: The Pleistocene Tiber River Deltaic Succession (Italy); Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 86, p. 1208-1227.

  • Lawrence, J., Marsaglia, K.M., and Fitzpatrick, S., 2016, Petrographic analysis of Pre-Columbian pottery from four islands in the Lesser Antilles and implications for inter-island transport and interactions: Archaeology Science Reports, v. 9, p. 663-680.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Kramer, K., David, B., and Skelly, R., 2016, Initial petrographic analysis of sand temper/inclusions in ceramics of Kikiniu, Kikori River, Papua New Guinea: Archaeology in Oceania, invited contribution to special volume in honor of William R. Dickinson, v. 51, p. 131-140.

  • Kuehl, S., Alexander, C., Blair, N., Harris, C., Marsaglia, K., Ogstone, A., Orpin, A., Roering, J., Bever, A., Bilderback, E., Carter, L., Cerovski-Darriau, C., Childress, L, Corbett, D., Hale, R., Leithold, E., Litchfield, N., Moriarty, J., Page, M., Pierce, L, Upton, P., and Walsh, J., 2016, A Source to Sink Perspective of the Waipaoa River Margin, Earth Science Reviews, v. 153, p. 301-334.doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.10.001; available online at

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Barone, M., Critelli, S., and Busby, C., 2016, Petrography of volcaniclastic rocks in intra-arc volcano-bounded to fault-bounded basins of the Lower Cretaceous Alisitos oceanic arc, Baja California, Mexico: Sedimentary Geology, v. 336, p. 138-146.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., and Nolasco, J.,M., 2016, Composition of Pliocene to Quaternary mixed terrigenous and calcareous sandy beds in contourite drift deposits at ODP Site 1119 off New Zealand: Insights into sandy drift development and drift reservoir characterization: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v 72, p. 98-109.

  • Arculus, R., Ishizuka, O., Bogus, K., Gurnis, M., Hickey-Vargas, R., Aljahdali, M., Bandini-Maeder, A., Barth, A., Brandl, P., Drab, L., do Monte Guerra, R., Hamada, M., Jiang, F., Kanayama, K., Kender, S., Kusano, Y., Li, H., Loudin, L., Maffione, Marsaglia, K., McCarthy, A., Meffre, S., Morris, A., Neuhaus, M., Savov, I., Sena, C., Tepley, F., van der Land, C., Yogodzinski, G., Zhang, Z., 2015, A record of spontaneous subduction initiation in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc, Nature Geosciencedoi:10.1038/ngeo2515.

  • Marsaglia, K., Milliken, K., Leckie, R.M., Tentori, D., and Doran, L., 2015, IODP smear slide digital reference for sediment analysis of marine mud; Part 2, Methodology and atlas of biogenic components, International Ocean Discovery Program Technical Note, v. 2, 382 p.

  • Marsaglia, K., Shapiro, S., Doran, L., and Tentori, D., 2015, ODP Core Photo Atlas, International Ocean Discovery Program Technical Note, v. 3, 364 p.

  • Arculus, R.J., Ishizuka, O., Bogus, K., Aljahdali, M.H., Bandini-Maeder, A.N., Barth, A.P., Brandl, P.A., do Monte Guerra, R., Drab, L., Gurnis, M.C., Hamada, M., Hickey-Vargas, R.L., Jiang, F., Kanayama, K., Kender, S., Kusano, Y., Li, H., Loudin, L.C., Maffione, M., Marsaglia, K.M., McCarthy, A., Meffre, S., Morris, A., Neuhaus, M., Savov, I.P., Sena Da Silva, C.A., Tepley, F.J., III, van der Land, C., Yogodzinski, G.M., and Zhang, Z., 2015, Expedition 351 summary. In Arculus, R.J., Ishizuka, O., Bogus, K., and the Expedition 351 Scientists, Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, Expedition 351: Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Origins: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program). 10.14379/ iodp.proc.351.101.2015

  • Expedition 351 Scientists (including K. Marsaglia), 2015, Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc origins: continental crust formation at an intra-oceanic arc: foundation, inception, and early evolution. International Ocean Discovery Program Preliminary Report, 351. 10.14379/

  • Carson, D., and Marsaglia, K., 2015, Data report; Preliminary investigation of carbonate-cemented zones in IODP cores from Canterbury Basin, South Island, New Zealand: Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, v. 317, 10.2204/iodp.proc.317.204.2015

  • Villaseñor, T., John M. Jaeger, J., Marsaglia, K., and Browne, G., 2015, Evaluation of the relative roles of global versus local sedimentary controls on Middle to Late Pleistocene formation of continental margin strata, Canterbury Basin, New Zealand: Sedimentology, v. 62, p. 1118-1148.

  • Milliken, K., Ko, L.T., Pommer, M., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2014, SEM Petrography of Mediterranean Sapropels: Analogue Data for Assessing Marine Kerogen in Oil and Gas Shales: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 84, p. 961-974.

  • Marsaglia, K., Mortimer, N., Bender-Whitaker, C., and Marden, M., 2014, Ophioliticlastic Ihungia igneous conglomerate (Early Miocene), North Island, New Zealand: evidence for an island source: New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, v. 57, p. 219-235.

  • Perrone, V., Perotta, S., Marsaglia, K., Di Staso, A., and Tiberi, V., 2014, Oligocene ophiolite-derived breccias and sandstones of the Val Marecchia Nappe: insights for paleogeography and evolution of Northern Apennines (Italy): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, and Palaeioecology: v. 394, p. 128-143.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Milliken, K., and Doran, L., 2013, Smear slides of marine mud for IODP Core Description: Part I Methodology & atlas of siliciclastic & volcanogenic components: IODP Technical Note 1; interactive pdf format, 263 p.

  • Pavia, J., Marsaglia, K.M., and Fitzpatrick, S.M., 2013, Petrography of Caribbean sherd tempers and implications for the Precolumbian settlement of Carriacou, West Indies: Geoarchaeology, v. 28, p. 450-477.

  • Milliken, K.L., Comer, E.J., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2012, Data Report: modal sand composition at Sites C0004, C0006, C0007, and C0008, IODP Expedition 316, Nankai accretionary prism: Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, v. 314/315/316, 21p. doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.314315316.221.2012

  • Parra, J.G., Marsaglia, K.M., Rivera, K.S., Dawson, S.T., and Walsh, J.P., 2012, Provenance of sand on the Poverty Bay shelf, the link between source and sink sectors of the Waipaoa River sedimentary system: Sedimentary Geology, v. 280, p. 208-233.

  • Rains, J., Marsaglia, K.M., Dunne, G., 2012, The stratigraphic and petrologic record of Permian subduction inception along the North American margin Lithosphere, v.4, p. 533-552.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., 2012, Sedimentation at Plate Boundaries in Transition: Recent Advances in the Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins, Busby, C. and Pérez, A., eds., Blackwell, p. 291-309.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Martin, C.E., Kautz, C.Q., Shapiro, S.A., and Carter, L., 2011, Linking a late Miocene–Pliocene hiatus in the deep-sea Bounty Fan off South Island, New Zealand, to onshore tectonism and lacustrine sediment storage. Geosphere, v. 7, p. 305-312.

  • Jacobson, C.E., Grove, M., Pedrick, J.N., Barth, A.P., Marsaglia, K.M., Gehrels, G.E., and Nourse, J.A., 2011, Late Cretaceous-early Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the southern California margin inferred from provenance of trench and forearc sediments: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 123, p. 485–506.

  • Fulthorpe, C. et al. including Marsaglia, K.M., 2010, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 317 Canterbury Basin, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, v. 317,

  • Fulthorpe, C. et al. including Marsaglia, K.M., 2010, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 317 Canterbury Basin, Preliminary Report, IODP Expedition 317, Marsaglia, K.M., DeVaughn, A.M., James, D.E., and Marden, M., 2010, Provenance of fluvial terrace sediments within the Waipaoa sedimentary system and their importance to New Zealand source-to-sink studies: Marine Geology, v. 270, p. 84-93.

  • Expedition 320T Scientists including Marsaglia, K.M., 2009, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 320T Preliminary Report: USIO Sea Trials and Assessment of Readiness Transit (START): Ontong Java Plateau, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, doi:10.2204/

  • Fitzpatrick, S.M., Kappers, M., Kaye, Q., Giovas, C.M., LeFebvre, M.J., Harris, M.H., Burnett, S., Pavia, J.Marsaglia, K.M., Feathers, J., 2009, Precolumbian settlements on Carriacou, West Indies: Journal of Field Archaeology, v. 34, p. 247-266.

  • Fitzpatrick, S.M., Kaye, Q., Feathers, J., Pavia, J.Marsaglia, K.M., 2009, Evidence for inter-island transport of heirlooms: luminescence dating and petrographic analysis of ceramic inhaling bowls from Carriacou, West Indies: Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 36, p. 596-606.

  • Fitzpatrick, S.M., Carstensen, J.Marsaglia, K.M., Descantes, C., Glascock, M., Kaye, Q., and Kappers, M., 2008, Preliminary petrographic and chemical analysis of prehistoric ceramics from Carriacou, West Indies, Journal of Caribbean Archaeology, Special Publication 2, An Exploratory Study into the Chemical Characterization of Caribbean Ceramics p. 59-82.

  • Hiscott, R.N., Marsaglia, K.M., Wilson, R.C., Robertson, A.H.F., Karner, G.D., Tucholke, B., Pletsch, T., and Petschick, R., 2008, Detrital sources and sediment delivery to the early post-rift (Albian-Cenomanian) Newfoundland Basin east of the Grand Banks: results from ODP Leg 210, Bull. Can. Petrol. Geol., v. 56, p. 69-92.

  • Gleason, J.D., Finney, S.C., Peralta, S.H., Gehrels, G.E., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2007, Zircon and whole rock Nd-Pb isotopic provenance of Middle and Upper Ordovician siliciclastic rocks, Argentine Precordillera, Sedimentology, v. 54, p. 107-136.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Carstensen, J., and Maloney, S., 2007, Petrology and provenance of Eocene-Albian sandstones and grainstones recovered during ODP Leg 210: Implications for passive margin (rift-to-drift) sandstone provenance models: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v.210. [online]

  • James, D.E., DeVaughn, A.M., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2007, Sand and gravel provenance in the Waipaoa River System: Sedimentary recycling in an actively deforming forearc basin, North Island, New Zealand: Special Paper Geological Society of America v. 420, Sedimentary provenance and petrogenesis: Perspectives from petrography and geochemistry: J. Arribas et al., eds., 253-276.

  • Shapiro, S.A., Marsaglia, K.M., and Carter, L., 2007, The petrology and provenance of sand in the Bounty Submarine Fan, New Zealand: Geological Society of America Special Paper 420, Sedimentary provenance and petrogenesis: Perspectives from petrography and geochemistry: J. Arribas et al., eds., p. 277-296.

  • Marsaglia, K.M. Davis, A.S., Rimkus, K., Clague, D,A., 2006, Evidence for interaction of a spreading ridge with the outer California borderland: Marine Geology, v. 229, p. 259-272.

  • Fontilea, K. and Marsaglia, K.M., and Dean, N., 2006, A petrological and geochemical study of Cretaceous siliceous rocks from Shatsky Rise: Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results, v. 198.

  • Gadley, K. and Marsaglia, K.M., 2005, Petrography and correlation of Cenozoic ash layers recovered on Shatsky Rise, ODP Leg 198: Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Resultsv. 198.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., 2005, Sedimentology, petrology, and volcanology of the lower Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE1a), Shatsky Rise, north-central Pacific Ocean. In Bralower, T.J., Premoli Silva, I., and Malone, M.J. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 198 [Online].

  • Tucholke, B.E., Sibuet, J.-C., Klaus, A., and the Leg 210 Scientific Party (includes Marsaglia), 2004,  Margins of the Newfoundland-Iberia rift: ODP Leg 210 explores the Newfoundland Basin: JOIDES Journal, v. 30, no. 1, p. 20-24.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Fukusawa, H., Cornell, W.C., Skilbeck, C.G., Meyers, P.A., Prasad, M., and Klaus, A.; 2004, Eustatic signals in deep-marine sedimentary sequences recovered at ODP Site 978, Alboran Basin, western Mediterranean Sea: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 74, p. 378-390.

  • Tucholke, B.E., Sibuet, J.-C., Klaus, A., and the Leg 210 Scientific Party (includes Marsaglia), 2004, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, Volume 210, {CD-ROM}. Available from: Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX 77845-9547 USA. (also online at

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Fukusawa, H., Cornell, W.C., Skilbeck, C.G., Meyers, P.A., Prasad, M., and Klaus, A, 2004, Eustatic signals in deep-marine sedimentary sequences recovered at ODP Site 978, Alboran Basin, western Mediterranean Sea, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 74, p. 378-390.

  • Brassell, S.C., Dumitescu, M., and the ODP Leg 198 Shipboard Scientific Party (includes Marsaglia), 2004, Recognition of alkenones in a lower Aptian porcellanite from the west-central Pacific: Organic Geochemistry, v. 35, p. 181-188.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., 2004, Sandstone detrital modes support Magdalena fan displacement from mouth of Gulf of California: Geology, v. 32, p. 45-48.

  • Critelli, S., Arribas, J., La Pera, E., Tortosa, A., Marsaglia, K.M., and Latter, K.K., 2003, The recycled orogenic provenance sand suite from an uplifted thrust-belt, Betic cordillera, southern Spain and the Alboran  BasinJournal of Sedimentary Research, v. 73, p. 72-81.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., 2003, Biography and citation for Dr. Albert V. Carozzi, Distinguished Educator Award, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 87, p. 1052-1053.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., 2002, The Mesoproterozoic section in the Franklin Mountains: Correlation and regional tectonic implications for a southern Arizona-west Texas extensional corridor (SAWTEC): in F. A. Corsetti, ed., Proterozoic-Cambrian of the Great Basin and Beyond, Pacific Section SEPM Book 93, p. 165-186.

  • Bralower, T., Primoli-Silva, I., and Leg 198 Shipboard Scientists (includes Marsaglia), 2002, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 198, Initial Reports, Shatsky Rise: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program).

  • Bralower, T., Primoli-Silva, I., Malone, M.J., and the Leg 198 Scientific Party (includes Marsaglia) , 2002, ODP leg 198: New evidence for rapid climate change in the Cretaceous and Paleogene from the Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean: JOIDES Journal, v. 28, no. 2, p. 13-17.

  • Bralower, T.J., Premoli-Silva, I., Malone, M.J., and the Scientific participants of Leg 198 (includes Marsaglia),  2002, New evidence for abrupt climate change in the Cretaceous and Paleogene: An Ocean Drilling Program expedition to Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific: GSA Today, v. 12, p.4-10.

  • Critelli, S., Marsaglia, K.M., and Busby, C.J., 2002, Tectonic history of a Jurassic backarc-basin sequence (the Gran Canon formation, Cedros Island, Mexico), based on compositional modes of tuffaceous deposits: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 114, p. 515-527.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., 2001, Citation for Laurence L. Sloss Award, presented to George D. Klein: GSA Today, v. 11, #2, p. 47.

  • Navarette, R.C., Dearing, H.L, Constien, V.G., Marsaglia, K.M., Seheult, J.M., and Rogers, P.E., 2000, Experiments in fluid loss and formation damage with xanthan-based fluids while drilling.  IADC/SPE contribution 62732, Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference, 20 p.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., and Tribble, J., 1999,  The evaporite to carbonate transition in the uppermost Messinian section at ODP Site 975, Western Mediterranean Sea: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 161, p. 3-20.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Mann, P., Hyatt, R., and Olson, H., 1999a, Evaluating the influence of aseismic ridge subduction and accretion(?) on the detrital modes of forearc sandstone: An example from the Kronotsky Peninsula, Kamchatka forearc: Lithos, v. 46, p. 17-42.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Latter, K., and Cline, V., 1999b, Sand provenance in the Alboran and Tyrrhenian Basins: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 161, p. 37-56.

  • Marsaglia, K. (1999) Some pointers on point-count analysis: TechNotes, Westport Technology Center International, p. 3.

  • Welch, J., Brown, S., Marsaglia, K., and Mese, A., 1999, Isolation of depleted zones while coil tubing drilling a horizontal sidetrack: PNEC Fifth International Conference on Reservoir Conformance, 21 p.

  • Bartolini, C., and Marsaglia, K.M., 1996, Mesozoic intra-arc volcanic-sedimentary sequences (Nazas Formation) in northern Durango, Mexico: A geological traverse through parts of northwestern Mexico, Guidebook for the 1996 Field Conference, Clark, K.F. and Hoffer, J.M., eds., p. 111-118.

  • Comas, M., Zahn, R., Klaus, A. and others (includes Marsaglia), 1996, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 161, Initial Reports, Western Mediterranean: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program),  1023 p.

  • Comas, M.C., Zahn, R., Klaus, A., and ODP Leg 161 Scientific Party, 1996, Las perforaciones del ODP-Leg 161 en el Mediterráneo Occidental: Geogaceta, v. 20, p. 408-411.

  • Marsaglia, K.M.Garcia y Barragán, J.C., Padilla, I., and Milliken, K.L., 1996, Evolution of the Iberian passive margin as reflected in sand provenance: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 149, p. 269-280.

  • Ingersoll, R.V., Devaney, K.A., Geslin, J.K., Cavazza, W., Diamond, D.S., Jagiello, K.J., Marsaglia, K.M., Paylor, E.D., II, and Short, P.F., 1996, The Mud Hills, Mojave Desert, California: Structure, stratigraphy and sedimentology of a rapidly extended terrane: Geological Society of America Special Paper, K. Beratan and J. Schmitt, eds.

  • ODP Legs 160 and 161 Scientific Party, 1996, Drilling Probes Mediterranean Climate and Oceanography. Eos, v. 77, p. 19-22.

  • Platt, J.P., Soto, J.I., Comas, M.C., and Leg 161 Shipboard Scientists, 1996, Decompression and high temperature-low-pressure metamorphism in the exhumed floor of an extension basin, Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean: Geology, v. 24, p. 447-450.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Rimkus, K.C., and Behl, R.J.,1995, Provenance of sand deposited in the Santa Barbara Basin at ODP Site 893 during the last 155ka. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 146, p. 61-75.

  • Brown, K.M., Bangs, N., Marsaglia, K., Froleich, P.N., Zheng, Y., Didyk, B.M., Prior, D., Rochford, E.L., Torres, M., Kurnosov, V.B., Lindsley-Griffin, N., Osozawa, S., and Waseda, A., 1995, A summary of ODP Leg 141 hydrogeologic, geochemical, and thermal results: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 141, p. 363-372.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., 1995, Chapter 8, Interarc and backarc basins, in Busby, C. and Ingersoll R.V., eds., Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins, Blackwell, p. 299-329.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., and Devaney, K.A., 1995, Tectonic and magmatic controls on backarc basin sedimentation: The Mariana Region re-examined: in Taylor, B., ed., Backarc Basins: Tectonics and Magmatism, Plenum, New York, p.497-520.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Boggs, S., Clift, P., Seyedolali, A., and Smith, R., 1995, Sedimentation in western Pacific backarc basins: New insights from recent ODP drilling: in Taylor, B., and Natland, J., eds., Active margins and marginal basins of the western Pacific, American Geophysical Union Monograph, v. 88, p. 291-314.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Torrez, X., Padilla, I., and Rimkus, K., 1995, Provenance of Pleistocene and Pliocene sand and sandstone, ODP Leg 141, Chile Margin: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 141, 133-151.

  • Pavlis, T.L., Underwood, M., Sisson, V.B., Serpa, L.F., Prior, D., Marsaglia, K.M., Lewis, S.D., and Byrne, T., 1995, The effects of triple junction interactions at convergent plate margins. Report on the results of the joint JOI/USSAC and GSA Penrose conference, 44p.

  • Prior, D.J., Marsaglia, K.M., Rochford, E.L., Agar, S.M., and Coy, G., 1995, Textural evidence of diagenetic evolution at Site 863, Chile Triple Junction: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 141, 153-167.

  • Strand, K., Marsaglia, K., Forsythe, R., Kurnosov, V., and Vergara, H., 1995, Outer margin depositional systems near the Chile Margin Triple Junction: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 141, p. 379-397.

  • Torres, M., Marsaglia, K.M., Martin, J., and Murray, R., 1995, Fluid-rock interaction and sediment diagenesis in Western Pacific Basins: in Taylor, B., and Natland, J., eds., Active margins and marginal basins of the western Pacific, American Geophysical Union Monographv. 88, p. 241-258.

  • Underwood, M.B., Ballance, P.F., Clift, P., Hiscott, R.N., Marsaglia, K.M., Pickering, K.T., and Reid, R.P., 1995,  Sedimentation in forearc basins, trenches, and collision zones of the western Pacific: A summary of results from the Ocean Drilling Program: in Taylor, B., and Natland, J., eds., Active margins and marginal basins of the western Pacific, American Geophysical Union Monograph, v. 88, p. 315-353.

  • Behrmann, J.H., Lewis, S.D., Cande, S.C., and the ODP Leg 141 Scientific Party, 1994, Tectonics and geology of spreading ridge subduction at the Chile Triple Junction; a synthesis of results from Leg 141 of the Ocean Drilling Program: Geologische Rundschau, v. 83, p. 832-852.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Borrego, P.F., Long, L.E., Keller, G.R., and Pingitore, N.E., 1994, Metamorphic petrology of the Ouachita Interior Zone: Findings from a deep drill hole in west Texas: Structure and tectonics of the Big Bend and southern Permian Basin, Texas.  West Texas Geological Society Publication 94-95, p. 149-154.

  • ODP Leg 149 Scientific Party, 1994, Drilling at the West Iberian Ocean-Continent Transition: Geotimes, March, p. 18-21.

  • Pittenger, M.A.Marsaglia, K.M., and Bickford, M.E., 1994, Depositional history of the Middle Proterozoic Castner Marble and Basal Mundy Breccia, Franklin Mountains, West Texas: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. B64, p. 282-297.

  • Sawyer, D.S., Whitmarsh, R.B., Klaus, A., and others (including K. Marsaglia), 1994, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 149, Initial Reports, Iberia Abyssal Plain: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 719 p.

  • Whitmarsh, B., Sawyer, D.S., and ODP Leg 149 Scientific Party, 1994, Upper mantle drilling in the ocean-continent transition west of Iberia: Terra Nova, v. 5, p. 327-331.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., 1993, Basaltic Island Sand Provenance, in Johnsson, M.J., and Basu, A., eds., Processes controlling the composition of clastic sediments: Geological Society of America Special Paper 284, p.41-65.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., and Ingersoll, R.V., 1992, Compositional trends in arc-related, deep-marine sand and sandstone: a reassessment of magmatic-arc provenance: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 104, p. 1637-1649.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., Ingersoll, R.V., and Packer, B.M., 1992, Tectonic evolution of the Japanese islands as reflected in modal compositions of Cenozoic forearc and backarc sand and sandstone: Tectonics, v. 11, p. 1028-1044.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., and Tazaki, K., 1992, Diagenetic trends in Leg 126 sandstones: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 126, p. 125-138.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., 1992, Petrography and provenance of volcaniclastic sands recovered from the Izu-Bonin arc, Leg 126: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 126, p. 139-154.

  • Lewis, S., Berhmann, J.H., and others (including K. Marsaglia), 1992, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 141, Initial Reports, Chile triple junction: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 708 p.

  • ODP Leg 141 Scientific Party, 1992, Geology and tectonics of the Chile Triple Junction: EOS, v. 73, #38, p. 404-410.

  • ODP Leg 141 Scientific Party, 1992, Ocean drilling yields surprises at the Chile Triple Junction: Geotimes, v.37, p.19-21.

  • Anthony, E.Y., Chen, W., Hoffer, J.M., Keller, G.R., Marsaglia, K.M., McLemore, V.T., Seward, M.A., Barnes, C.G., Shannon. W.M., Seeley, J.M., and Thomann, W.F., 1991, Examples of modern rift volcanism and Proterozoic anorogenic magmatism: the Potrillo Volcanic Field of southern New Mexico and the Franklin Mountains of west Texas: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin, v. 137, p. 1-20.

  • Nishimura, A., Marsaglia, K.M., Rodolfo, K.S., Colella, A., Hiscott, R.N., Tazaki, K., Gill, J.B., Janecek, T., Firth, J., Isiminger-Kelso, M., Herman, Y., Taylor, R.N., Taylor, B., Fujioka, K., and Leg 126 Scientific Party, 1991, Pliocene-Quaternary submarine pumice deposits in the Sumisu Rift area, Izu-Bonin Arc: in R.V. Fisher and G.A. Smith (eds.), Sedimentation in Volcanic Settings, SEPM Special Publication 45, p. 201-208.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., 1991, Provenance of sands and sandstones from the Gulf of California, a rifted continental arc: in R.V. Fisher and G.A. Smith (eds.), Sedimentation in Volcanic Settings, SEPM Special Publication 45, p. 237-248.

  • Gill, J., Torssander, P., Lapierre, H., Taylor, R., Kaiho, K., Koyama, M., Kusakabe, M., Aitchison, J., Cisowski, S., Dadey, K., Fujioka, K., Klaus, A., Lovell, M., Marsaglia, K., Pezard, P., Taylor, B., and Tazaki, K., 1990, Explosive deep water basalt in the Sumisu backarc rift: Science, v. 248, p. 1214-1217.

  • Egeberg P.K., & the Leg 126 Shipboard Scientific Party, 1990, unusual composition of pore waters found in the Izu-Bonin fore-arc sedimentary basin: Nature, v. 344, p. 215-218.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., and Carozzi, A.V., 1990, Depositional environment, sand-provenance and diagenesis of the Basal Salina Formation, lower Eocene, Northwest Peru: Journal of South American Earth Science, v. 3, p. 253-267.

  • Pezard, P., Lovell, M., and Ocean Drilling Program Leg 126 Shipboard Scientific Party, 1990, Downhole images:  electrical scanning reveals the nature of subsurface oceanic crust:  EOS v. 71, No. 20, p. 709.

  • Taylor, B., Fujioka, K., and others (including Marsaglia), 1990, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports Volume 126, Sites 787-793, Bonin Arc-trench System: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 1,002 p.

  • Leg 126 Scientific Drilling Party, 1989, ODP Leg drills the Izu-Bonin arc: Geotimes, October, p. 36-38.

  • Leg 126 Shipboard Scientific Party, 1989, Arc volcanism and rifting:  Nature, v. 342 p. 18-20.

  • Klein, G.deV., and K.M. Marsaglia, 1987, Discussion: Hummocky cross-stratification, tropical hurricanes and intense winter storms:  Sedimentology, v. 34, p. 333-337.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., and G.deV. Klein, 1985, The paleogeography of Paleozoic and Mesozoic storm depositional systems: a reply:  Journal of Geology, v. 93, p. 91-94.

  • Marsaglia, K.M., and G.deV. Klein, 1983, The paleogeography of Paleozoic and Mesozoic storm depositional systems: Journal of Geology, v. 91, p. 117-142.

  • Huntington, K.W. and Klepeis, K.A., with 65 community contributors. Challenges and opportunities for research in tectonics: Understanding deformation and the processes that link Earth systems, from geologic time to human time. A community vision document submitted to the U.S. National Science Foundation. In community review status as of September 2017.

  • Lima, R.D.**, Hayman, N.W., and Miranda, E.A., Rheological inheritance: lessons from the Death Valley region, US Basin and Range Province. Submitted to Geological Society of London Special Publications, Tectonic Evolution: 50 Years of the Wilson Cycle Concept, May 2017.

  • Stewart, C.* and Miranda, E.A., The rheological evolution of brittle-ductile transition rocks during the earthquake cycle: evidence for a ductile precursor to pseudotachylyte in an extensional fault system, South Mountains, Arizona. Accepted at the Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, December 2017, MS# 2017JB014680RR.

  • Miranda, E.A., and Klepeis, K.A., (2016). The interplay and effects of deformation, crustal melting, composition, and metamorphism on the rheology of the lower crust, Fiordland, New Zealand. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 93, p. 91-105. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2016.09.007.

  • Miranda, E.A., Hirth, G., and John, B.E., (2016). Textural evidence for the transition from dislocation creep to dislocation-accommodated grain boundary sliding in naturally-deformed plagioclase. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 92, p. 30-45. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2016.09.002.

  • Schwartz, J.J., Johnson, K., Miranda, E.A., Wooden, J.L., (2011). The generation of high Sr/Y plutons following Late Jurassic arc–arc collision, Blue Mountains province, NE Oregon. Lithos, v. 126, p. 22-41.

  • Miranda, E.A., and John, B.E., (2010). Strain Localization Along the Atlantis Bank Oceanic Detachment Fault System, Southwest Indian Ridge. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 11, Q04002, doi:10.1029/2009GC002646.

  • Miranda, E.A., and Dilek, Y., (2010). Oceanic Core Complex Development in Modern and Ancient Oceanic Lithosphere: Hot vs. Cold Detachment Models. Journal of Geology, v. 118, p. 95-109.

  • Schwartz, J.J., John, B.E., Cheadle, M.J., Miranda, E.A., Grimes, C., Wooden, J.L., and Dick, H.J.B., (2005). Growth and Construction of Oceanic Crust at Slow-Spreading Ridges. Science, v. 310.

  • Decker, M., Schwartz, J.J., Stowell, H.H., Klepeis, K.A., Tulloch, A., Kouki, K., Valley, J., and Kylander-Clark, 2017, Slab-Triggered Arc Flare-up in the Cretaceous Median Batholith and the Growth of Lower Arc Crust, Fiordland, New Zealand: Journal of Petrology, v.58, No. 6, p. 1145-1172; doi: 10.1093/petrology/egx049.
  • Paterson, S., Clausen, B., Memeti, V., and Schwartz, J.J., 2017, Arc magmatism, tectonism and tempos in Mesozoic arc crustal sections of the Peninsular and Transverse Ranges, Southern California, USA, in Kraatz, B., Lackey, J.S., and Fryxell, J.E., eds., Field Excursions in Southern California: Field Guides to the 2016 GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting: Geological Society of America Field Guide 45, p. 1–104, doi:10.1130/2017.0045(04).
  • McKay, M.P., Bollen, M., Gray, K.D., Stowell, H.H., and Schwartz, J.J., 2017, Prolonged metamorphism during long-lived terrane accretion: Sm-Nd garnet and U-Pb zircon geochronology and P-T paths from the Salmon River suture zone, west-central Idaho: Lithosphere, doi:
  • Schwartz, J.J., Klepeis, K.A., Sadorski, J.F., Stowell, H.H., Tulloch,  A.J., and Coble, M., 2017, The Tempo of Continental Arc  Construction in the Mesozoic Median Batholith, Fiordland, New Zealand: Lithosphere (doi:10.1130/L610.1).
  • Stowell, H.H., Schwartz, J.J., Klepeis, K.A., Hout, C., Tulloch, A.J., and Koenig, A., 2017, Sm-Nd garnet ages for granulite and eclogite in the Breaksea Orthogneiss and widespread granulite facies metamorphism of the lower crust, Fiordland magmatic arc, New Zealand: Lithosphere;
  • Žák J, Verner K, Tomek F, Johnson K, Schwartz, J.J., 2017, Magnetic fabrics of arc plutons reveal a significant Late Jurassic to Early  Cretaceous change in the relative plate motions of the Pacific Ocean basin and North America: Geosphere, v. 12, no. 6, p. 1–11, doi:10.1130/GES01357.1
  • Klepeis, K.A., Schwartz, J.J., Stowell, H.H., and Tulloch, A., 2016, Gneiss domes, vertical and horizontal mass transfer, and the initiation of extension in the hot lower crustal root of a continental arc, Fiordland, New Zealand: Lithosphere, doi:10.1130/L490.1
  • Schwartz, J.J., Stowell, H.H., Klepeis, K.A., Tulloch, A., Kylander-Clark, A., Hacker, B.R., and Coble, M., 2016, Thermochronology of Extensional Orogenic Collapse in the deep Crust, Fiordland, New Zealand: Geosphere, v. 12, no. 3, p. 1–31, doi:10.1130/GES01232.1.
  • Johnson, K., Schwartz, J.J., Žák, J., Verner, K., Barnes, C.G., Walton, C., Wooden, J.L., Wright, J.E., and Kistler, R.W., 2015, Composite Sunrise Butte pluton: Insights into Jurassic–Cretaceous collisional tectonics and magmatism in the Blue Mountains Province, northeastern Oregon, in Anderson, T.H., Didenko, A.N., Johnson, C.L., Khanchuk, A.I., and MacDonald, J.H., Jr., eds., Late Jurassic Margin of Laurasia—A Record of Faulting Accommodating Plate Rotation: Geological Society of America Special Paper 513, p. 1–22, doi:10.1130/2015.2513(10)
  • Schwartz, J.J., Johnson, K., Mueller, P., Valley, J., Strickland, A. and Wooden, J., 2014, Time scales and processes of Cordilleran batholith construction and high-Sr/Y magmatic pulses: Evidence from the Bald Mountain batholith, northeastern Oregon: Geosphere, v. 10, no 6, doi:10.1130/GES01033.1.
  • Steltenpohl, M.G., Schwartz, J.J., and Miller, B.V., 2013, Late-to-post Appalachian strain partitioning and extension in the Blue Ridge of Alabama and Georgia: Geosphere, no. 3, p. 1–20; doi:10.1130/GES00738.1. 
  • Zak, J, Verner, K., Johnson, K. Schwartz, J.J., 2012, Magnetic fabric of Late Jurassic arc plutons and kinematics of terrane accretion in the Blue Mountains, northeastern Oregon, Gondwana Research, v. 22, p. 341-352 doi:10.1016/
  • Zak, J, Verner, K., Johnson, K., Schwartz, J.J., 2012, Magma emplacement process zone preserved in the roof of a large Cordilleran batholith, Wallowa Mountains, northeastern Oregon, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 227-228, p. 61-75.

  • 2004  Gallardo, V., M. Begnaud, M., K. McNally and G. Simila, Analysis of the December 1998 Santa Cruz Mountains earthquake sequence, Bull. of Seismol. Soc.  v. 94, pp 1890-1901. 
  • 2004   Lutter, W., G. Fuis, R.W. Clayton, P.M. Davis, T. Ryberg, W.J. Lutter, D.A. Okaya, E. Hauksson, C. Prodehl, J.M. Murphy, M.L. Benthien, S.A. Baher, M.D. Kohler, K.  Thygesen,  G. Simila, G.R. Keller, and V. Langenheim, Seismic imaging of basins and faults from the Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment (LARSE II), Bull. of Seismol. Soc., v. 94, p. 619-632. 
  • 2003 Fuis, G., T. Burdette, E. Criley, J. Murphy, J. Perron, A. Yong, M. Benthien, S. Baher, R. Clayton, P. Davis, N. Godfrey, T. Henyey, M. Kohler, J. McRaney, D. Okaya, G. Simila, Fault Systems of the 1971 San Fernando and 1994 Northridge earthquakes, southern California: Relocated aftershocks and seismic images from LARSE II, Geology, v. 31, no. 2, p. 171-174.
  • 2003 Simila, G. and Gekelman, W., The Los Angeles physics teachers alliance group (LAPTAG) high school seismograph project, Seismological Res. Letrs, v. 74, p. 569-573.
  • 1997 Simila, G., Adams, H., and Roquemore, G., Seismicity of the San Andreas fault zone:White Water Canyon to Bombay Bay, in Baldwin, J. ed., South Coast Geological Society, field trip guidebook, pp 167-68. 
  • 1996 McNally, K., Simila, G. and Brown, J., Mainshock and very early aftershock activity, in The Loma Prieta, California earthquake of October 17, 1989 - Mainshock Characteristics, P. Spudich ed., U.S. Geol.Surv. Prof. Paper 1550-A, p. 147-170. 
  • 1996  Protti, M., McNally, K., Pacheco, J., Gonzalez, V., Montero, C., Segura, J., Malavassi, E., Guendel, F., Simila, G., et al., Aftershock study of the March 30, 1990 Nicoya (M=7.0) earthquake in Costa Rica,  J. of Geophys. Res., v. 100, pp 20345-358.
  • 1994 Roquemore, G., and Simila, G., Aftershocks from the 28 June Landers earthquake: Northern Mojave desert to the Coso volcanic field, Bull. Seism. Soc., v. 84, pp 854-862.
  • 1993 Simila, G., Reiber, D.  and Adams, H. , Seismological aspects of the Santa Monica  Mountains, in Paleogeography of the Santa Monica Mtns., in eds. P. Weigand and E. Fritsche, Geology of the Santa Monica Mountains,  SEPM, Guidebook, p. 143‑147.
  • 1990 Simila, G., McNally, K., Nava, E., and others, 1990, Early aftershocks of the 18 October 1989 earthquake along the Santa Cruz Mountains segment of the San Andreas fault, Geophys. Res. Letters, v. 17, p. 1785-88.


  • Fleck, J.R., C.L. Rains, D.S. Weeraratne, C.T. Nguyen, D.M. Brand, S.M. Klein, J.M. McGehee, J.M. Rincon, C. Martinez, and P.L. Olson, Iron diapirs entrain silicates to the core and initiate thermochemical plumes, Nature Communications, 9:71, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-02503-2, 2018.

  • Bowden, D. C, M. D. Kohler, V. C. Tsai, and D. S. Weeraratne, Offshore Southern California lithospheric velocity structure from noise cross-correlation functions, J. Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2016JB012919, 2016.
  • Ramsay, J., Kohler, M.D. Davis, P.M. Wang, X. Holt, W., Weeraratne, D.S., Anisotropy from SKS splitting across the Pacific-North America plate boundary offshore southern California, Geophys. J. Int., OBdoi: 10.1093/gji/ggw271, 2016.

  • Lin, F-C., M. D. Kohler, P. Lynett, A. Ayca, and D. Weeraratne , The March 11, 2011 Tohoku tsunami wavefront mapping across offshore southern California, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 3350-3362, doi:10.1002/2014JB011524, 2015.

  • Legg, M. R., M. D. Kohler, N. Shintaku, and D. S. Weeraratne , High-resolution mapping of two large- scale transpressional fault zones in the California Continental Borderland: Santa Cruz-Catalina Ridge and Ferrelo faults, J. Geophys. Res, 120, 915-942. doi:10.1002/2014JF003322,2015.

  • Reeves, Z., V. Lekic, N. Schmerr, M. D. Kohler, and D. Weeraratne , Lithospheric structure across the continental borderland from receiver functions, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16, 246- 266, doi:10.1002/2014GC005617, 2015

  • Takeo, A.,D.W. Forsyth, D.S. Weeraratne, and K. Nishida, Estimation of azimuthal anisotropy in the NW Pacific from seismic ambient noise in seafloor records, Geophys. J. Int., 199 (1): 11-22 doi:10.1093/gji/ggu240, 2014.

  • Booth,C.M., D.W. Forsyth and D. S. Weeraratne, Upper mantle Q structure beneath old seafloor in the western Pacific Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Volume 119, Issue 4, April 2014, pp. 3448–3461,DOI: 10.1002/2013JB010589, 2014.

  • Shintaku, N., D.W. Forsyth, C.J. Hajewski and D.S. Weeraratne, Pn anisotropy in Mesozoic western Pacific lithosphere Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Volume 119, Issue 4, April 2014, pp. 3050–3063, DOI: 10.1002/2013JB010534, 2014.

  • Hanna, A. and D.S. Weeraratne, Surface wave velocity structure of the western Himalayan syntaxis,Geophys. Journal Int., September, Vol. 194, Issue 3, pp. 1866-1877, 2013.

  • Sherman, B.L., H.F. Wilson, D. Weeraratne, and B. Militzer, Ab initio simulations of hot dense methane during shock experiments, Phys. Rev. B 86, 224113, 2012.

  • Adam A., A. A. Nyblade, D. S. Weeraratne, Upper Mantle Shear Velocity Beneath the East African Plateau, Geophys. J. International, GRI-11-0338, 2012.

  • Harmon, N, Forsyth, D W, Weeraratne, D. S., Yang, Y, Webb, S C., Mantle heterogeneity and off axis volcanism on young Pacific seafloor, EPSL, 311, 306-315, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.09.038, 2011.

  • Pyle, M., D. Wiens, D.S. Weeraratne, P J. Shore, H. Shiobara, and H. Sugioka, Shear velocitystructure of the Mariana mantle wedge from Rayleigh wave phase velocities, J. of Geophys. Research, 115, B11, Dec., 2010.

  • Harmon, N., D. W. Forsyth, and D. S. Weeraratne, Thickening of Young Pacific Lithosphere From High-Resolution Rayleigh Wave Tomography: A Test of the Conductive Cooling Model , Earth and Planet. Science Lett., 278, 96-106, July 2009

  • Olson, P., D. S. Weeraratne, Experiments on metal-silicate plumes and core formation, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 366, 4253-4271, doi:10.1098/rsta.2008.1094, 2008. pdf

  • Weeraratne, D. S., D. W. Forsyth, Y. Yang, and S. C. Webb, Rayleigh wave tomography beneath intraplate volcanic ridges in the South Pacific, J. Geophys. Res., 112, B06303, doi:10.1029/2006JB004403, 2007. pdf

  • Yang,Y, D.W.Forsyth, D. S. Weeraratne, Seismic attenuation near the East Pacific Rise and the origin of the low-velocity zone, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.03.040, 2007. pdf

  • Chen, C.W., S.Rondenay, D. S. Weeraratne, and D. B. Snyder, New constraints on the upper mantle structure of the Slave craton from Rayleigh wave inversion, GGeophys. Res. Lett., 34, L10301, doi:10.1029/2007/GL029535, 2007. pdf

  • Weeraratne, D. S., U. Manners, and K. M. Fischer, A. Meltzer, Vertical variations in seismic anisotropy beneath the Nanga Parbat-Haramosh Massif, submitted to EPSL, 2007.

  • Weeraratne, D. S., D. W. Forsyth, K. M. Fischer, A. A. Nyblade, Evidence for an upper mantle plume beneath the Tanzanian craton from Rayleigh wave tomography, J. Geophys. Res.,108,2427,doi:10.1029/2002JB002273,2003. pdf

  • Manga, M., D. Weeraratne, and S. J. Morris, Boundary-layer thickness and instabilities in Benard convection of a fluid with variable viscosity, Physics of Fluids 13, No. 3, 802-805, 2001. pdf

  • Manga, M. and D. Weeraratne, Experimental study of non-Boussinesq Rayleigh Benard convection at high Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers, Physics of Fluids 11, No. 10, 2969-2976, 1999. pdf

  • Weeraratne, D. and M. Manga, Transitions in the style of mantle convection at high Rayleigh numbers, Earth and Planetary Science Lett., 160, 563-568, 1998. pdf

  • Bowden, D. C, M. D. Kohler, V. C. Tsai, and D. S. Weeraratne, Offshore Southern California lithospheric velocity structure from noise cross-correlation functions, J. Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2016JB012919, 2016.
  • Ramsay, J., Kohler, M.D. Davis, P.M. Wang, X. Holt, W., Weeraratne, D.S., Anisotropy from SKS splitting across the Pacific-North America plate boundary offshore southern California, Geophys. J. Int., OBdoi: 10.1093/gji/ggw271, 2016.
  • Lin, F-C., M. D. Kohler, P. Lynett, A. Ayca, and D. Weeraratne , The March 11, 2011 Tohoku tsunami wavefront mapping across offshore southern California, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 3350-3362, doi:10.1002/2014JB011524, 2015.
  • Legg, M. R., M. D. Kohler, N. Shintaku, and D. S. Weeraratne , High-resolution mapping of two large- scale transpressional fault zones in the California Continental Borderland: Santa Cruz-Catalina Ridge and Ferrelo faults, J. Geophys. Res, 120, 915-942. doi:10.1002/2014JF003322,2015.
  • Reeves, Z., V. Lekic, N. Schmerr, M. D. Kohler, and D. Weeraratne , Lithospheric structure across the continental borderland from receiver functions, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16, 246- 266, doi:10.1002/2014GC005617, 2015


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Richard Heermance

Live Oak 1202

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