Advising & Resources

Welcome to the Biology Advising Office, your compass for navigating the diverse landscape of degrees in the biological sciences! We are here to answer all the questions you may have on the steps you need to advance successfully in the Biology Major. Our dedicated team of advisors is here to empower you on your academic journey, ensuring that every step you take aligns with your goals and aspirations.

Here you will find a wide range of resources that will help you succeed and prepare you for life-long learning and professional growth. From tutoring, to scholarships, to research opportunities and information about student organizations, here you will find information that will reinforce and expand your academic journey.
Please take some time to learn about our baccalaureate degree options and the special opportunities available to our students.
Learn more about the baccalaureate degrees!
Use the links before to access more information on specific Biology degree requirements
BA Biology | BS Cell and Molecular Biology | BS Ecology and Evolution | BS Microbiology |
BS Marine Biology | BS Biotechnology | BS Medical Technology | |
Honors Program
The Biology Honors program provides an opportunity for outstanding Biology majors to gain research experience with individual faculty guidance. The designation "Honors" will be added to the academic record of any student who completes the program. Learn more about the Honors program!
Student Advisement Center for Biology Majors
The Biology Advisement Center offers information and guidance on a wide variety of subjects related to success in the Biology major. Talking to one of the Biology advisors can help you in a variety of ways. Advisors can help you to choose an emphasis within the Biology majors and design a plan to graduate. They can also shed light on various career paths and post-bachelor’s programs.
Biology Department Advising Office
WE HAVE TWO ADVISORS: Dr. Terri Richardson & Dani Amoroso
Both advisors hold appointments and Zoom ‘Drop-In’ advisement (no appointment needed).
Zoom Drop-In Advising
Dr. Terri Richardson
- By Appointment:
- BIOL majors - Tuesday, Thursday & Friday; email terri.richardson@csun.edu to request appointment link
- Non-BIOL majors & Pre-Health Advising - Monday & Wednesday; email terri.richardson@csun.edu to request appointment link
- Zoom Drop-In Advising:
- Tuesdays & Thursdays, 2 PM to 4 PM
- Fridays, 10 AM to 12 PM
(Zoom days END July 2)
Click here to join the drop-in Zoom room (meeting ID: 844 570 0850).
Important: NO drop-in on 6/21, 7/4, 7/5.
Dr. Richardson is on vacation 7/15 to 8/11.
Dani Amoroso, M.S.
- By Appointment:
- BIOL majors - Tuesday & Thursday; email danielle.amoroso@csun.edu to request appointment link
- BIOL majors - Tuesday & Thursday; email danielle.amoroso@csun.edu to request appointment link
- Zoom Drop-In Advising:
- Mondays & Wednesdays, 9 AM to 11 AM
(Zoom days END June 17)
Click here to join the drop-in Zoom room (meeting ID: 607 147 425)
- Mondays & Wednesdays, 9 AM to 11 AM
Important: NO drop-in on 5/20, 5/27
Dani is on vacation 6/24 to 7/5 and 8/12 to 8/16.
If you cannot attend Zoom Drop-In Advising hours above, another option is to call (818) 677-4558 to get an appointment with College of Science and Math Advising Office.
There will be an updated schedule posted here in early July to provide advisor schedules for Summer Session 3.
Dr. Richardson has been CSUN’s Health Professions Advisor since 2006 and has been one of the CSUN Biology Department Advisors since 2010. Her area of expertise is advising individuals from all majors who are preparing to enter Medical, Physician Assistant, Nursing, Dental, Pharmacy, Optometry, Veterinary, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Podiatry, and other allied health schools/programs. She can provide advice regarding course selection and sequencing, choosing extracurricular experiences, and preparing for entrance exams, applications and interviews.
Dr. Richardson graduated from CSUN (BA Biology ’98, MS Career Counseling ’09) and the University of California, Irvine College of Medicine (MD ’04).
Dani earned her BS in Environmental Science in 2012 and went on to earn her MS degree in Biology at CSUN. For her graduate work, she studied ecology and evollution doing research on evolutionary trends in California native Dudleya species. She can help Biology majors/minors plan their degree requirements, as well as discuss career opportunities and graduate degrees in the field.
Phone: (818) 677-7305
Student Advisement Center for Biology Majors
The Biology Advisement Center offers information and guidance on a wide variety of subjects related to success in the Biology major.
Talking to one of the Biology advisors can help you in a variety of ways. Advisors can help you to choose an emphasis within the Biology majors and design a plan to graduate. They can also shed light on various career paths and post-bachelor’s programs.
Keep track of your Academic Progress
Your Degree Progress Report (DPR/audit) lists your completed and remaining graduation requirements. You can use the DPR/Planner to plan future classes and determine your graduation date.
You are required to see an advisor at certain points in your academic career. Be sure to check your CSUN student email address frequently for important correspondence from your Advisors and Department.
Use the links below to access more information on specific Biology degree requirements
BA Biology | BS Cell and Molecular Biology | BS Ecology and Evolution | BS Microbiology |
BS Marine Biology | BS Biotechnology | BS Medical Technology |
Preparing for a Professional Career
Check out our YouTube Channel for helpful videos on pre-health professions, including a new series of videos on Nursing! You’ll also hear words of wisdom from CSUN Professor’s in a variety of biology disciplines.
The Advisement Office can provide you with detailed information about the pre-requisites to attend the following professional degree schools and programs. Follow the links below to see a brief summary of the pre-requisites for each of the listed professional schools and programs:
NURSING (CA Undergraduate Public) (DOCX) |
NURSING (CA Undergraduate Private) (DOCX) |
NURSING (Accelerated/Second BSN) (DOCX) |
Students interested in a career in Clinical Laboratory Science (CLS) should major in the Medical Technology track of the B.S. in Biology. The Medical Technology track prepares students for the clinical year of training and the California License exam in Clinical Laboratory Science or for training and certification in Public Health Microbiology. It is designed to meet the State academic requirements for Clinical Lab Science. Students who complete the course sequence for Medical Technology will be prepared to apply for the clinical year of training in Clinical Lab Science or to begin a career in industry or government.
For more information on California Clinical Lab Science Training Programs, you may contact our CLS Advisor, Karen Koch by email (karen.koch(at)csun.edu) or follow this link to chat during CLS Advising Zoom office hours (Tuesday & Thursday 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM, from September 6th to December 1st). In addition, please make sure to review the catalog requirements for the Medical Technology B.S. option.
Students interested in Teaching can begin by learning more about becoming a teacher.
Admission to a CSU credential program or University intern program requires demonstration of subject matter competence in biological sciences, and there are several ways of completing that requirement. The most common is passage of a set of state-administered California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET), with six testing dates per year (http://www.ctcexams.nesinc.com/).
Your Degree Progress Report (DPR) lists your remaining graduation requirements. You can use the DPR/Planner to plan future classes and determine your graduation date.
Check out our YouTube Channel for helpful videos on pre-health professions, including a new series of videos on Nursing! You’ll also hear words of wisdom from CSUN Professor’s in a variety of biology disciplines.
>> NEW << : Join the new “CSUN Pre Health” Canvas page! Here you will find informative handouts and videos about a wide variety of healthcare careers, including info about the test prep and application processes. In addition, announcements about CSUN pre health club meetings and other pre health events will be posted. Self-enroll in CSUN Pre Health Canvas page using this link.
The Advisement Office can provide you with detailed information about the pre-requisites to attend the following professional degree schools and programs. Follow the links below to see a brief summary of the pre-requisites for each of the listed professional schools and programs:
NURSING (CA Undergraduate Public) (DOCX) |
NURSING (CA Undergraduate Private) (DOCX) |
NURSING (Accelerated/Second BSN) (DOCX) |
Students interested in a career in Clinical Laboratory Science (CLS) should major in the Medical Technology track of the B.S. in Biology. The Medical Technology track prepares students for the clinical year of training and the California License exam in Clinical Laboratory Science or for training and certification in Public Health Microbiology. It is designed to meet the State academic requirements for Clinical Lab Science. Students who complete the course sequence for Medical Technology will be prepared to apply for the clinical year of training in Clinical Lab Science or to begin a career in industry or government.
For more information on California Clinical Lab Science Training Programs, you may contact our CLS Advisor, Karen Koch by email. You may attend CLS Advisement hours in Spring 2024 (January 30th to May 2nd) on Tuesday & Thursday 1:00 PM to 1:50 OM in Magnolia Hall MG4201, or by dropping-in via Zoom, using this link to chat during CLS Advising Zoom office hours. If unable to make it to my office hours they can email me at karen.koch@csun.edu to set up an appointment.
In addition, please make sure to review the catalog requirements for the Medical Technology B.S. option.
Students interested in Teaching can begin by learning more about becoming a teacher.
Admission to a CSU credential program or University intern program requires demonstration of subject matter competence in biological sciences, and there are several ways of completing that requirement. The most common is passage of a set of state-administered California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET), with six testing dates per year (http://www.ctcexams.nesinc.com/).
Biology Department Tutoring
The Department offers tutoring in Biology courses to students on the first floor of Magnolia Hall, CR5329, on a "drop in" basis. See schedule in left-hand column.
Tools for Navigating your Path to Graduation and Special Opportunities
Catalina Semester
This semester-long program provides an intensive undergraduate exposure to marine biology, and is designed for students with a serious commitment to environmental and marine science. The program is based at the Wrigley Marine Science Center (WMSC), situated on Santa Catalina Island, 26 miles from Los Angeles, CA. Read more about Catalina Semester!
Tropical Biology Semester
The Tropical Biology Semester is a package of concurrent coursework totaling 16 units, appropriate for upper-division undergraduate or graduate credit. The purpose of the courses is to expose students to the biology of the Neotropics by visiting the major ecosystems/plant communities of Ecuador. Read more about Tropical Biology Semester!
CSUN-UCLA Bridges to Stem Cell Research Program
Our inter-institutional training program provides an opportunity for engaged, interested, and successful trainees, both Graduate and Undergraduate, to gain the necessary skills and qualifications to springboard into careers in stem cell research. This program is expected to contribute significantly to the number of students prepared for research careers in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine that span the spectrum, from basic studies to translational approaches. Read more about the Bridges Program!
The Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) is a student development program that is replacing the MARC and RISE programs at CSUN. We are inviting you to apply. Applicants who are in the last two years of their degree program and plan on pursuing a graduate program leading to the Ph.D. in the basic biomedical sciences are encouraged to apply. Students in the U-RISE program will participate in a variety of skill-building activities that are designed to make them more competitive for entry into graduate programs. Activities include completing a long-term research project (e.g. over 4 semesters and a summer leading to a senior thesis), attending and presenting at scientific conferences, and participating in professional development workshops. Please see the attached information sheet for details.
Submit your application to Dr. Maria Elena Zavala, Director U-RISE Program:
By E-MAIL (preferred method) at: csunmore@csun.edu
By Regular Mail at:
Dr. Maria Elena Zavala, Director U-RISE Program
California State University, Northridge
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8303
The deadline for complete applications is 9:00 AM on February 26, 2021. Interview dates and times will be based on the number of qualified applicants, and the availability of the selection committee. Successful candidates will be notified no later than Friday March 19, 2021 (Interviews will be on March 11th or 12th, 2021).
Below are the links to more information about the program and the corresponding application forms:
The role of the Bridges to the Doctorate Training Program (T32) is to develop a diversified pool of scientists earning a Ph.D. and who have the skills to successfully transition into careers in the biomedical research workforce.
To meet the minimum qualifications you must be accepted into a MS/MA program in one of the following: Biology, Chemistry/Biochemistry, Physics/Astronomy, Psychology, Mathematics, Health Sciences or Nutrition and Dietetics. In addition, you need to be a member of group considered underrepresented in basic biomedical research.
For more detailed information, see the following document: Bridges to the Doctorate Research Training - Program Information (PDF)
To apply, download and fill out the following form: Bridges to Doctorate - 2021 Application form (PDF)
The following is a reference/recommendation form that will need to be submitted in support of your application: Bridges to Doctorate - 2021 Confidential Reference form (PDF)
Here is a list of participating faculty mentors: Bridges to Doctorate - Faculty Mentors 2021 to 2022 (PDF)
Scholarships and Awards
There are more than 20 scholarships and awards available to Biology students. Learn more about scholarships and awards.
Becoming involved in faculty research
Many CSUN faculty have on-going research programs year around, for students have a deep interest and have completed a sufficient amount of introductory coursework. Look at our faculty research specialties, and don't be afraid to visit and talk with professors about their research interests.