Gabriela Chavira

Ph.D., Director, Office of Undergraduate Research

University Library 27 (Main Office)
University Library 23 (Grad Peer Mentors)
18111 Nordhoff Street,
Northridge, CA 91330-8255

Phone: (818) 677-4863

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Entry-to-Research Certificate

Level: Beginners (B)

The Entry-to-Research workshop series was created to help students new to research. It is a valuable resource for students starting their research journey.

We invite students to register for any (or all) of the workshops in this series to better understand CSUN research. Students who complete four of the workshops will earn a Research Certificate to include in their resumes or curriculum vitae.

What is Research?

Level: B

Learn about the importance of conducting research and scholarly activities at CSUN! Students will learn:

  • What is undergraduate research (UR)?
  • Why UR matters
  • Key elements of UG
  • How to get involved at CSUN
  • Benefits of UG

Workshop Registration

Finding a Research Mentor

Level: B

Interested in conducting research? This workshop will provide knowledge and tips for finding the right mentor for you! Students will learn:

  • How to identify a potential research mentor
  • Get tips on contacting potential mentors
  • Provide information on following up with and staying engaged with potential mentors 

Workshop Registration

Mentoring Relationships

Level: B, I

Want to get the most out of research? Join us to understand research expectations and improve your relationship with your mentor! Students will learn:

  • What is a mentoring relationship?
  • The importance of a good mentor
  • Understanding research expectations
    • What is expected of you
    • What you should expect
  • Learn about different types of mentors

Workshop Registration


Reading Research Articles

Level: B, I

Learning how to read empirical research articles is challenging. This workshop will help students understand their content better by breaking down the different components of research articles. Students will learn:

  • To conduct an efficient and effective search for research/scientific articles.
  • To find a research article in your field or area of interest
  • To learn how to read and find information effectively in a research article.

Workshop Registration

Time Management

Level: B, I

Learning to balance all your obligations – work, school, home, other – takes skill. Adding research can throw you off your balance. Take control of your time! Learn how to prioritize tasks, set SMART goals, create a weekly schedule, and balance your responsibilities! Students will learn:

Time management skills

Ten steps to successful time management

Pomodoro Technique 

Workshop Registration

Email Etiquette

Level: B

Having trouble communicating with others via email? Are faculty not responding to your email questions? Join us for tips on crafting effective emails! Students will learn:

  • The importance of effective communication
  • What not to include in emails
  • Components of effective emails
  • How to follow up with previous unanswered emails

Workshop Registration

Gabriela Chavira

Ph.D., Director, Office of Undergraduate Research

University Library 27 (Main Office)
University Library 23 (Grad Peer Mentors)
18111 Nordhoff Street,
Northridge, CA 91330-8255

Phone: (818) 677-4863

Send email

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