Gabriela Chavira

Ph.D., Director, Office of Undergraduate Research

University Library 27 (Main Office)
University Library 23 (Grad Peer Mentors)
18111 Nordhoff Street,
Northridge, CA 91330-8255

Phone: (818) 677-4863

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Funded by a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) grant from the National Science Foundation, the Excellence in Student Training for Undergraduates, Diversity Initiative Office (ESTUDIO) seeks to transform how CSUN and other HSIs bolster and scale research as a high-impact practice for all STEM students and faculty mentors. ESTUDIO is an evidence and equity-based research training hub where we can provide quality research training opportunities for undergraduate students, from those beginning their journey into research to more advanced researchers.


  1. Scale the high-impact practice of research and make it accessible to all undergraduate STEM students.

  2. Create opportunities for all STEM students, including freshmen and transfers, to engage in high-impact research or research training activities.

  3. Center mentoring as part of faculty life (including tenure requirements) and bolsters faculty capacity and professional development opportunities.
  4. Create knowledge and a flexible framework (including content) that can be adopted by HSIs of varying sizes and means.

To achieve Aim 1, we have adapted workshops developed under the BUILD PODER training grant for all undergraduate students in the Colleges of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS), Health and Human Development (CHHD), Science and Math (CSM), and Social and Behavioral Sciences (CSBS). We have packaged individual workshops into research certificates and will roll out new certificates and workshops yearly. Students can take individual workshops to increase their knowledge and skills in a specific area or topic or can complete a series within a Research Certificate and earn a certificate of completion. Currently, OUR offers the following Research Certificates and Workshops, which range from Beginner’s (B) to Intermediate (I) to Advanced (A) levels.

Gabriela Chavira

Ph.D., Director, Office of Undergraduate Research

University Library 27 (Main Office)
University Library 23 (Grad Peer Mentors)
18111 Nordhoff Street,
Northridge, CA 91330-8255

Phone: (818) 677-4863

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