Gabriela Chavira

Ph.D., Director, Office of Undergraduate Research

University Library 27 (Main Office)
University Library 23 (Grad Peer Mentors)
18111 Nordhoff Street,
Northridge, CA 91330-8255

Phone: (818) 677-4863

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The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) at California State University Northridge (CSUN) is seeking motivated undergraduate students to join the PODER program as research assistants. “Poder” is “power” in Spanish, which is what joining PODER will do! Students will engage in faculty-mentored research in their respective or related disciplines, with the goal of developing research skills and contributing to ongoing projects. Projects will differ by department and by mentors. 

What is PODER? 

PODER is CSUN’s first ever paid employment program. Students get the opportunity to work in a faculty-mentored research or creative scholarship. PODER allows undergraduate students to learn important skills in their respective disciplines in preparation for graduate studies or careers. You don’t have to navigate academia by yourself. Join OUR community of scholars! PODER is funded through three sources: 

  1. Federal Work-Study (FWS)
    1. Only FWS-eligible students may apply
    2. All majors are eligible 
    3. OUR pays the 25% employer portion
  2. NSF IUSE ESTUDIO grant (Award # 2225248)
    1. Only STEM disciplines are eligible to apply
  3. The Office of Undergraduate Research
    1. All majors are eligible


  • Each semester, students will work with a faculty mentor up to 11 hours per week (total 165 hours)
  • Students will present or co-present at CSUN’s annual research symposia, CSUNPosium (in April)
  • Students are required to attend four (4) OUR workshops each semester 
    • Students can earn digital stamps and research certificates!
  • All students will complete a survey at the beginning and end of each semester so we can track your skills as you are developing throughout your journey in research.


  • Pay: $17.50/hour for up to 165 hours/semester of mentor-led research
  • 4 additional paid hours to attend OUR workshops
  • 2 paid hours to complete surveys

Apply Here

  • If you are eligible for Federal Work Study, search for Job# 9315808
  • All others, please apply to Job# 9319388

Gabriela Chavira

Ph.D., Director, Office of Undergraduate Research

University Library 27 (Main Office)
University Library 23 (Grad Peer Mentors)
18111 Nordhoff Street,
Northridge, CA 91330-8255

Phone: (818) 677-4863

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