Fading Echoes

November 12 – December 17, 2024
Location: Manzanita Hall (2nd Floor)
Every word in our language carries an assigned meaning, yet the interpretation of each word is profoundly unique to the individual. Shaped by personal experiences, each person’s understanding of language is subtly distinct, imbuing words with immense power and weight. A single word can resonate differently with each person, carrying layers of significance and potential, depending on the lens through which it is viewed. This concept inspired Words from a Hat, a collaborative project within the CSUN Photo Society. Each member drew a word at random from a hat and was challenged to capture its essence through photography. With no right or wrong approach, each participant was free to interpret their chosen word in a personal, creative way, resulting in a diverse exploration of language and imagery. Participants were encouraged to submit multiple images for their chosen word, highlighting the vast range of possibilities each word could inspire. The resulting collection features the creative interpretations of eight Photo Society members, comprising both officers and regular members of the club.

Past Exhibitions
Past exhibition documentation is available Spring 2021 to Present

Art Galleries Calendar