César Chávez Holiday Closure

Department Chair

Samantha Fields


Office location: AC 600

Website: http://www.samanthafields.net/


Phone: (818) 677-2242

Send email



Student Organizations


The CSUN Clubs & Organizations Program exists to guide students in the creation of a space for inclusion and growth by helping student leaders access campus resources, acquire skills to use in their future careers, and reflect on their accomplishments inspiring personal marketability. We do this by fostering community through organizational collaboration and hands-on organizational management experience. We want our matadors to discover their shine and ultimately, realize they are home here at CSUN!


Faculty Advisor: Patsy Cox 

Club President: Katia Stewart 

Website if available: NA 

Instagram @csun_ceramics  

Contact email: katia.stewart.88@my.csun.edu 

Faculty Advisor: Tim Forcum 

Club President: Bec Krane

Contact email: rebecca.kane.35@my.csun.edu

ASLN Animation Student League of Northridge 

Faculty Advisor: Robert St. Pierre 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asln_csun/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ASLNorthridge/
Discord: Students will have to sign up to join the Discord.


Faculty Advisor: Caleb Owens

Instagram: http://ww.instagram.com/gdcnorthridge

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GDCNorthridge

Contact email: gdcnorthridge@gmail.com

Faculty Advisor: Lesley Krane 

President: Stephanie Dolan 

Email: stephanie.barrios.792@my.csun.edu 

The CSUN Illustration Society exists to create and encourage a sense of community amongst students interested in all disciplines of Illustration (print, exhibition, entertainment, scientific, advertising, and emerging markets). The CSUN Illustration Society supports the exchange of information and ideas as well as encouraging involvement in the industry and the community, both inside and outside of academia.

Faculty Advisor: Erik Mark Sandberg 

Club President: Michael Montemayor / michael.montemayor.190@my.csun.edu

MataSync Page: https://csun.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/illustration_society

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/csun_illustration/?hl=en

Club Email: Illustration.Society@my.csun.edu


This group is for CSUN Photo Club members, photographers, and photo enthusiasts. Stay tuned for event updates! Open to all CSUN students.
Email: csunphotoclub@gmail.com

IntersectLA (IXLA) is an interdisciplinary team of motivated CSUN students developing strategic experiences that elevate businesses, organizations, and communities through creative collaboration and design.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ixlacreative/?hl=en

Email: creative@intersect.la 

Website: https://intersect.la/ 

Department Chair

Samantha Fields


Office location: AC 600

Website: http://www.samanthafields.net/


Phone: (818) 677-2242

Send email



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