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Why Support the Magaram Center?

The California State University, Northridge Foundation is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) public benefit California Corporation that serves as an auxiliary organization to California State University, Northridge. The corporation is organized exclusively for scientific, literary and educational purposes within the meaning of a University Auxiliary under Section 89901(d) of the California Education Code. The CSUN Foundation is responsible for accepting all philanthropic and tax-deductible gifts, managing, investing, and disbursing all funds and endowments raised for the University as well as the Magaram Center.

The Center’s mission includes outreach to local communities, where the Center addresses health disparities and works within the communities to find solutions. The Center hosts and funds all of its programs relying on both government and foundation grants and private donations for all operations. 
The growth and perpetuation of these essential services depends on the generosity of the Center’s supporters.  We thank our donors for making possible this unique platform of collaboration and outreach for students, community, and professionals alike.

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To donate via check, address it to:

Marilyn Magaram Center
18111 Nordhoff St.
Northridge, CA 91330-8308

Contributor Categories

  1. Silver: $25,000 
  2. Visionary: $10,000
  3. Humanitarian: $5,000
  4. Community Partner: $2,500
  5. Patron: $1,000 
  6. Friend: $250

The Marilyn Magaram Center (MMC) would not be what it is today without the generous support of all of our donorsand funding partners! The MMC has continued with virtual operations in alignment with university procedures,developing best practices for online resources and telehealth consultations as we strive to meet the needs of ourstudents, staff, and the community. We are extremely thankful for the unremitting support of our donors and partnerorganizations, whose funding has helped us to sustain our innovative and collaborative programs and services invirtual formats during these unprecedented times. 

We are grateful to have secured funding from the following organizations this year: Los Angeles CountyDepartment of Public Health – CalFresh Healthy Living, funded for $317,500; USDA NIFA – Pathways to Success for Registered Dietitians, funded for $250,000; Joseph Drown Foundation – general support for the MMC Nutrition & Wellness Clinic, funded for $200,000 (2019-2020); Los Angeles County Department of Public Health – Champions for Change, funded for $146,000; Joseph Drown Foundation – support for telehealth and virtual operations, funded for $100,000 (2020-2021); Northeast Valley Health Corporation WIC – general support for the Dietetic Internship program, funded for $60,000; NASA STEM 2020 Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant– Growing Engineering Engagement in Underserved and Underrepresented Populations, funded for $49,680; The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles (Gary & Barbara Luboff Mitzvah Fund), funded for $18,000;Kaiser Foundation Hospitals – Grow Healthy in Schools, funded for $12,500; Los Angeles County SupervisorDiscretionary Funding Grant – MMC HEALERS (Healthy Eating + Active Living to Enable Regenerative Sustainability, funded for $8,000; CSU Basic Needs Initiative, Office of the Chancellor - Campus Community Garden, funded for $3,000; American Culinary Federation – Healthy Eating Outreach Grant, funded for $1,000. We are able tooffer scholarships and internships to our students through the Christine H. Smith Endowment and the Tom Chen Scholarship Endowment, and external donations were also received this year from numerous individuals who have chosen to invest in the development of projects and programs that serve the greater community through the continued education of tomorrow’s leaders. Please visit our website for our full list of donors and sponsors. 

Many of our grants and contracts support individual projects and programs, but continued funding from the JosephDrown Foundation has enabled us to expand our telehealth services and provide numerous virtual programs throughthe MMC Nutrition and Wellness Clinic. Through a relationship that goes back to our very founding, the DrownFoundation has provided us with critical core operating support that has allowed us to strengthen our capacity and advance our strategic goals and initiatives in alignment with the needs of our students and our community. Grant funding from organizations such as Northeast Valley Health Corporation (NEVHC), the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Kaiser Permanente, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDANIFA) is helping to sustain important MMC initiatives such as Let’s Grow Healthy, Let’s Cook, Move and Grow, Pathways to Success, and CalFresh Healthy Living. NEVHC has been integral to establishing the WIC (Women, Infantsand Children) Center on campus, in addition to supporting the WIC-based dietetic internship which is accredited bythe Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Additionally, donations received from The Jewish Community FoundationofLos Angeles (The Gary & Barbara Luboff Mitzvah Fund) have allowed us to maintain our hydroponics andaquaponics systems in the MMC Wellness Garden and continue with cutting-edge antioxidant research. 

Campus Quality Fee (CQF) serves to enhance the learning experiences of students on campus by providing fundingfor instructionally related activities and continues to provide access to mental health/personal counseling services,nutrition, sustainability education, and support services to our students annually. In addition to the external grants mentioned above, we have received the following CQF funding to help expand student projects and opportunities and provide numerous virtual resources: The SMART Wellness Garden & Products, funded for $27,315; Student Nutrition and Cooking Knowledge (SNACK) on Social Media and on Campus, funded for $29,700; Fueling Matadors!,funded for $32,936. 

Transitioning in-person workshops to virtual platforms has not been easy, but our students and staff have risen to thechallenge by providing many new opportunities to connect with individuals on topics related to nutrition, physicalactivity, cooking and gardening. We extend our sincerest appreciation to all those who have continued to help ussustain our mission and further expand our programs and services well beyond the CSUN community. 

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