Philosophy at CSUN
The philosophy department at CSUN has an excellent, well-trained faculty that is dedicated to nurturing the inner philosopher in each undergraduate. Class sizes are small, generally ranging from 20 to 34 students per class, which allows instructors to teach philosophy as it is taught at the most selective colleges and universities in America. A small class size creates a superior learning environment, where each student can explore his or her own philosophical views. It also allows the instructor to dedicate time to help each student strengthen his or her critical thinking, reading and writing skills.

There are several things that make our department distinctive. We are one of the few departments in the country that regularly offer courses in Sex, Gender and Sexuality, courses in American Indian Philosophy, as well as courses in Latin American and Latino Philosophy. The Philosophy Department also enjoys strong ties to the Department of Biology, where faculty from both departments jointly teach courses on the intersection of biology and philosophy.
The Philosophy Department is very active. For the past five years, the department has officially hosted an annual student philosophy conference, where select students have the opportunity to present a paper in a professional setting (Annual CSUN Philosophy Conference). There is a very active student-run weekly philosophy meeting open to everyone on campus, where students and faculty are invited to discuss a wide range of issues in a fun and relaxed setting (CSUN Student Philosophical Society). In fact, the philosophy department is such a welcoming place that many students make the department library (Sierra Tower, room 503) their “second home.” There, you can always find a cozy spot to do some work, meet up with friends, and find other kindred spirits who love philosophy.