CSUN Fire Advisory and Resources – Update 1/22/2025

Department Chair

Kristina Meshelski

Main Office: Sierra Tower 522

Email: philosophy@csun.edu

Phone: 818-677-2757



Double Major in Philosophy

The garthering of Chinese Philosophers

Image: "Gathering of Philosophers - handscroll - Qing dynasty"



Adding Philosophy As a Second Major

Philosophy can apply to anything. That’s what makes a Philosophy Major so perfect as a second major. Because the Philosophy Major is reduced to 30-31 units when paired with a Major in another program, adding Philosophy as a second major is very feasible. This option is quite common at CSUN, and students who graduate do very well in whatever chosen field they pursue. Some excellent double majors are:

  • Philosophy and Religious Studies
  • Philosophy and Psychology
  • Philosophy and Computer Science/Information Technology
  • Philosophy and Biology
  • Philosophy and Film or Media Studies
  • Philosophy and Fine Arts
  • Philosophy and Music
  • Philosophy and Physics
  • Philosophy and Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial, etc.)
  • Philosophy and Literature (English, Spanish, Japanese, etc.)
  • Philosophy and Business/Marketing/Accounting
  • Philosophy and Political Science
  • Philosophy and Women’s Studies

The course requirements for the double major are more flexible than they are for the single major.  For the single major, 3 out of the 44 required units can come from outside of the Philosophy curriculum, but for the double major, you can count 9 outside units.  This makes the double major very feasible.  Adding Philosophy as a second major is quite common at CSUN, and students who graduate do very well in whatever chosen field they pursue.



Department Chair

Kristina Meshelski

Main Office: Sierra Tower 522

Email: philosophy@csun.edu

Phone: 818-677-2757



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