Dr. Adrián Pérez-Boluda

Department Chair

Phone: (818) 677-3467
Fax: (818) 677-5797
Mail Code: 8247

Email: DeptofMCLL@csun.edu

Phone: 818-677-3467

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Are you looking for help with the following? 

  • Major or Minor Advisement 
  • Substitution/Waiver forms
  • Add/Drop Forms
  • Grade Change Forms
  • Incomplete Request Forms
  • Grievance Forms 
  • CSU National and International Exchange Forms

Click on your major/minor to see who your advisor is. 

Students in need of Armenian advisement, reach out to your advisor via email.

Advisement sessions can be conducted remotely through email, telephone, or Zoom.
For face-to-face meetings, kindly arrange via email with your advisor.

Find the advisor's contact email below:
Armenian Advisor: Dr. Vahram Shemmassian, vahram.shemmassian@csun.edu


Students in need of Chinese advisement, reach out to your advisor via email.

Advisement sessions can be conducted remotely through email, telephone, or Zoom.
For face-to-face meetings, kindly arrange via email with your advisor.

Find the advisor's contact email below:
Chinese Advisor: Dr. Junliang Huang, junliang.huang@csun.edu

Students in need of Classics advisement, reach out to your advisor via email.

Advisement sessions can be conducted remotely through email, telephone, or Zoom.
For face-to-face meetings, kindly arrange via email with your advisor.

Find the advisor's contact email below:
Classics Advisor: Dr. Tim Watson, tim.watson@csun.edu

Students in need of Japanese advisement, reach out to your advisor via email.

Advisement sessions can be conducted remotely through email, telephone, or Zoom.
For face-to-face meetings, kindly arrange via email with your advisor.

Find the advisor's contact email below:
Japanese Advisor: Dr. Drake Langford, drake.langford@csun.edu

Students in need of advisement in the following languages: Arabic, French, Russian, Italian, Hebrew, Korean, and Persian, reach out to your advisor via email.

Advisement sessions can be conducted remotely through email, telephone, or Zoom.
For face-to-face meetings, kindly arrange via email with your advisor.

Find the advisor's contact email below:
Advisor: Adrián Pérez-Boluda, adrian.perez-boluda@csun.edu 

Advisement sessions can be conducted remotely through email, telephone, or Zoom.
For face-to-face meetings, kindly arrange via email with your advisor.

Dr. Drake Langford, drake.langford@csun.edu will refer you to the appropriate advisor according to your option (Armenian, French, Italian, and Japanese)

Students in need of Spanish advisement, reach out to your advisor via email.

Advisement sessions can be conducted remotely through email, telephone, or Zoom.
For face-to-face meetings, kindly arrange via email with your advisor.

Spanish Majors/Minors: refer to specific faculty below according to the student's last name for general advisement and mentoring.

A-J:  Dr. Adrian Perez-Boluda: adrian.perez-boluda@csun.edu

K-S:  Dr. Axel Montepequeaxel.montepeque@csun.edu

T-Z:  Dr. Svetlana Tyutina, svetlana.tyutina@csun.edu 

Spanish-Single Subject Matter:  Adrian Perez-Boluda: adrian.perez-boluda@csun.edu

Students in need of Spanish M.A. advisement, reach out to your advisor via email.

Advisement sessions can be conducted remotely through email, telephone, or Zoom.
For face-to-face meetings, kindly arrange via email with your advisor.

Find the advisor's contact email below:

Spanish M.A. candidates refer to Dr. Svetlana Tyutina, Graduate Program Advisor. 
Svetlana Tyutina: svetlana.tyutina@csun.edu

Are you looking for help with the following, contact EOP for advisement. 

- Change of Major Form 
- Change of Minor Form 
- Application for Graduation 
- Reactivation of a Cancelled Graduation Application 
- International Student Forms Related to I-20 Visa
- Academic Performance Agreements for Disqualified Students 
- Financial Aid Forms 
- Extra Unit Authorization Form 

The College of Humanities (COH) Student Services Center/EOP (SSC-EOP)

SSC-EOP reviews students’ progress to ensure that the requirements of a major or minor are fulfilled. Call (818) 677-4784 or (818) 677-4767 to schedule an appointment with the COH Student Services Center/EOP.

CSUN EOP (Equal Opportunity Program) - campus website

Dr. Adrián Pérez-Boluda

Department Chair

Phone: (818) 677-3467
Fax: (818) 677-5797
Mail Code: 8247

Email: DeptofMCLL@csun.edu

Phone: 818-677-3467

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