Health & Hazards
Health & Hazards in the San Fernando Valley
The Health and Hazards Project focuses on the San Fernando Valley (SFV) and consists of an interdisciplinary group of CSUN faculty members, students, community activists, and community organizations. One objective is to provide a basic resource about local healthcare providers, policy-makers, researchers, and activists.
Mapping where health hazards are and examining inequities is key to our central purpose; mapping can serve as an important research and dissemination tool. We also keep in mind that health exists in a context; we need to measure it and understand its consequences for all people.

Toxic Tour
As this umbrella project takes on various directions, we are developing Toxic Tours, Virtual Tours, and more. Our first tour provides an overview of the various environmental burdens in the Valley affecting human communities. Future Toxic Tours will focus on HERE Center partners, specific toxic sites, and environmental hazards, all highlighting the health hazards posed to humans.If you are interested in learning more about the toxic tour and have a suggestion for a particular hazard or neighborhood affecting the Valley, please email
Natural Gas
Natural gas is an important hazard in the Valley when considering the Aliso Canyon well of SoCal Gas’ well SS-25, as well as an ongoing leak at LADWP Sun Valley generating station. Natural gas has as number of negative human health effects you can learn more about below.
Story Maps
Understand how natural gas, such as methane, impacts human and planetary health.
Actions taken and to be taken, to address the issue of how Natural Gas acts as a health and planetary hazard.