Department Chair

Douglas McLaughlin

Redwood Hall (RE) 250
18111 Nordhoff St.
Northridge, CA 91330-8287


Phone: (818) 677-3205

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KIN Related Forms

Please find the forms required for registration in KIN 696C and 698C below.  The 696C form can also be used for 696A by Indicating 696A at the top of the form, and the  698C form can also be used for 698A in a similar manner. These forms must be completed, signed by your graduate advisor, and submitted to the graduate coordinator electronically with a copy of your current DPR prior to obtaining permission numbers.  Permission numbers are emailed to the student within one week of submitting the form (with the exception of summer and winter vacations).

If you are planning your colloquium presentation, please email a copy of the thesis and oral presentation rubric to your committee chair.  At the time of your thesis defense, please remind your committee chair to change your 698C grades after your defense.  To facilitate this, send your chairperson a copy of your DPR prior to your defense.  You should also email a copy of the thesis and oral presentation rubric to your chair.  The colloquium, thesis, and thesis defense rubric (one file) is available below.

Department Chair

Douglas McLaughlin

Redwood Hall (RE) 250
18111 Nordhoff St.
Northridge, CA 91330-8287


Phone: (818) 677-3205

Send email

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