Department Chair

Douglas McLaughlin

Redwood Hall (RE) 250
18111 Nordhoff St.
Northridge, CA 91330-8287


Phone: (818) 677-3205

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PE Credentials

If you are interested in earning your teaching credential in Physical Education please begin by reading the “Information Sessions” and “Program Applications” information at the following site: 

If you are not eligible for full admission, you can still begin the credential program under the “Intent to Apply (ITA)” option. 

If you have completed the subject matter program (Physical Education Option) and need an evaluation of subject matter proficiency for the Subject Matter Requirement (SMR), 

or if you are a current or graduated Kinesiology major (non-Physical Education Option) and need an evaluation of coursework for the SMR, please contact Dr. Jung

Dr. Jung is the contact person in the Department of Kinesiology for potential credential program candidates for Physical Education. He can guide you with the application process. 

Below is Dr. Jung's contact information:

Yeonhak Jung Professor
Department of Kinesiology
(818) 677- 4268 

*Special note: SED 525PE is only offered in the fall semester (you need this class, and others, to student teach)

Department Chair

Douglas McLaughlin

Redwood Hall (RE) 250
18111 Nordhoff St.
Northridge, CA 91330-8287


Phone: (818) 677-3205

Send email

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