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College of Health and Human Development

Office of the Dean

Sequoia Hall Room 220
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8215

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Phone: (818) 677-3001

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Faculty Development Tools: Build Your PIF, PAF, and RTP

These are three significant compilations you will use to showcase your professional development during your career as CSUN faculty:

The RTP, is a documentation of your work. See the University Policies and Procedures/ Section 600 on the Faculty Affairs website for personnel policies you need to know, including important information about the composition of your RTP report.

"Reappointment, tenure, and promotion are earned by the faculty, and are not granted automatically. Faculty members must demonstrate to their colleagues their worthiness by documenting the quality of their performance."  -CSUN Academic Personnel Policies and Procedures

Every tenured and tenure-track faculty member has a PAF on file in the Dean’s office. The dean is the custodian of your PAF, which includes permanent items maintained throughout your employment at CSUN, e.g. your hiring letter, acceptance letter, personnel review letters, teaching evaluations, etc.

Are you about to create your first-ever PIF?

Have you already established your PIF as a hard copy?

  • If you have already established your PIF as a hard copy in a notebook/binder, you can continue to update it as a hard copy.
  • You'll find the assembly components below.

Each faculty member is responsible for establishing, maintaining and submitting a Professional Information File (PIF). This file is used in evaluation for retention, tenure, promotion, and for service salary increases. The PIF is submitted in a 3-ring binder. It is the responsibility of the probationary faculty member to ensure the completeness of the PIF.

How to Build a PIF

Below is a guide for building your PIF plus templates for binder covers, spines and notebook divider tabs.


College of Health and Human Development

Office of the Dean

Sequoia Hall Room 220
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8215

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Phone: (818) 677-3001

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