Added Authorization for Special Education Credential

Autism Spectrum Disorder

The Autism Spectrum Disorder Added Authorization authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction, and special education related services to individuals with a primary disability of autism as defined in subsection 300.8(c)(1) of Title 34 Code of Federal Regulations, Subpart A, across the continuum of special education program options at the grade and age levels authorized by the prerequisite credential required in (a)(1).

Resource Specialist

The Resource Specialist Added Authorization authorizes the holder to conduct educational assessments, provide instruction and special education support services to students across disability areas who are assigned to general education classroom teachers for a majority of a school day whose needs have been identified in an Individualized Education Program (IEP), Individualized Family Service Program (IFSP), and/or Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) developed by the IEP, IFSP, and ITP team from birth through age 22, and classes organized for adults across the continuum of program options available.

Admission Requirements

You may be required to submit two online applications.  For the Credential Program application we encourage you to start early and be prepared to scan and upload documents.

1. University Application

 Complete the online application at Cal State Apply. There is a $70.00 application fee. 

Please Note:  Admission to the university is not required if you plan to complete all courses during the summer session. Summer registration is done through CSUN’s Tseng College.  Further information can be found at:

2. Credential Program Application

All candidates must submit a separate online credential program application along with a nonrefundable $50.00 application fee (an additional $1.38 service fee will be accessed at checkout).

3. Transcripts

Official transcripts from each institution you have attended (including community colleges) must be submitted with the university application. If you are a CSUN graduate, the only transcripts you are required to submit are for any other post baccalaureate coursework that you have completed at another institution. 

Electronic transcripts:

  • In your previous school’s transcript ordering system, choose "CSU Northridge" as the recipient. If this option is not available, use as the recipient email address.
  • If submitting California community college transcripts, please review eTranscript California and use this convenient system.
  • If you are a CSUN graduate, the only transcripts you are required to submit are for any other post baccalaureate coursework that you have completed at another institution.
  • Both Graduate Admissions and the Credentials Office will have access to your electronic transcripts, so no duplicates are needed.
  • Please do not send identical, duplicate electronic and paper transcripts!

Paper transcripts:

  • If your previous school(s) do not supply electronic transcripts, have official paper copies of your transcripts sent in unopened envelopes to:

California State University, Northridge

Office of the Registrar

18111 Nordhoff Street

Northridge, CA 91330-8207


4. Valid Credential

Upload a copy of a valid California Education Specialist Credential or Specialist Instruction Credential such as Learning Handicapped or Severely Handicapped. Carefully review this document to be sure the authorization you are applying to, is not already included. 

5Verification of Experience

This is a requirement for the Resource Specialist Added Authorization only. Provide verification of three or more years teaching experience; this experience must be a combination of both general education and special education.  Verification of experience must be documented on the district or employing agency letterhead.

Program Requirements

Must maintain GPA of 3.0 with no grades lower than "C" in all the professional program coursework

Autism Spectrum Disorder Program Coursework
SPED 404 Teaching Diverse Learners with Social-Communication Disabilities Including Autism (3)
SPED 655 Theoretical and Empirical Bases of Education of Learners with Autism (3)


Resource Specialist Program Coursework
SPED 638 The Role of the Special Educator (3)
SPED 672 Advanced Assessment (3)
SPED 502MM Reading/Language Arts for Diverse K-12 (3) OR SPED 503MM Curriculum and Instruction in Math for Diverse Learners (3)

Contact Information and Advisement

For questions regarding the program application process, please contact the Credential Office at (818) 677-2733 or

Academic advisement is provided by the Department of Special Education.  Contact the Department of Special Education by calling (818) 677-2596.

Program Completion Process

Information regarding how to apply to have the new Education Specialist authorization added to your existing credential document can be found on our website

IMPORTANT! Before beginning the online application, make sure you are not logged into the CSUN portal.  All required documents must be uploaded with your online application do not mail or fax any documents.  The only item that should be mailed are transcripts, if applicable.

Application & Submission Guide

Please read our application guide fully, then click the link below to proceed to submit your application.

This guide will also assist you during the application submission process. If you experience issues while completing your application, refer back to the guide prior to contacting the Credential Office.

Read the Credential Application Guide

Apply Now!

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