
The Credential Office offers pre-program and in-program advising and information.

Prospective Teaching Credential Students

Prospective students are encouraged to attend an information session to learn about teaching credential options, admission requirements, financial aid, and more.  Visit the Information Session page to register for an upcoming session.

Prospective Services and Specialist Students

Please contact the appropriate department for advisement of the following programs: Administrative Services, Speech-Language Pathology, School Counseling and School Psychology.

New and Current Students

Current students can meet with a Credential Advisor to discuss credential progress, forms/petitions, probation, disqualification, student teaching requirements and other university and program policies.

Call the Credential Office at (818) 677-2733 to schedule an appointment with an advisor.

Education Specialist, ACT and Intern students receive primary advisement from the appropriate Coordinator or Faculty Advisor.

Important: If you have taught in a WASC accredited private school for 3 or more years or if you have been licensed to teach in another state or another country, please contact the Commission on Teacher Credentialing ( or 888-921-2682) before enrolling in a credential program. There are specific state provisions regarding obtaining a California credential that may apply to you.

If necessary, our advisors are available to assist by directing you to the appropriate credential leaflets on the CTC website.

Please feel free to use our Inquiry Form for information about any of the following:

  • Admission and re-admission
  • Student Teaching applications
  • The Credential Request Process
  • Program Status Letters
  • Course Substitutions
  • Program Requirements
  • Change of Program
  • English Learner Authorization
  • Added Authorization
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