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"Teaching Inspires"

Two Semester Teaching Credential

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Future STEM Teachers






Prospective Students

Locally and nationally there is a great need for teachers, counselors, administrators, special educators, nurses, and a variety of other personnel at all levels of education, pre-school through college. There is a demand for educators who are capable, who care about people and have both a compelling vision about teaching and learning and leadership abilities. A career in education automatically puts you at the forefront of advancing our society. Whether helping a child learn to read or teaching college physics, you can make a difference!

The Michael D. Eisner College of Education is composed of the departments of Deaf Studies, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Educational Psychology and Counseling, Elementary Education, Secondary Education, and Special Education, and offers 27 credential programs. All programs are accredited. We look forward to having you join our educational community and helping you realize your education goals.

The College is a LEADER IN GRANTS that focus on recruiting, providing scholarships and mentoring men of color into the teaching profession.Best Value Schools rank our M.A. in Educational Technology number 1.Largest comprehensive, undergraduate Deaf Studies department in the nation with over 450 students.

Deaf Studies

CSUN is proud to be one of the few mainstream institutions in the nation to offer a comprehensive undergraduate program in the area of Deaf Studies. CSUN has long been acknowledged as a leader in providing quality education with a strong focus on social justice in a variety of deaf-related fields. We have six concentrations of study to choose from:

Concentration​ Example career opportunities ​

ASL/English Interpreting​


ASL/ASL Literature​

Teach ASL as a second language to hearing students​

Pre-Deaf Education​

Teach deaf students in K-12 ​

Deaf Community Services​

Social service-related fields​

Deaf Cultural Studies​

Variety of careers​

Special option​

Variety of careers​

Application ​

Applications are only accepted for fall admission. Application window is always October 1-November 30. Applicants must apply through Cal State Apply.

Apply through Cal State Apply

Visit Deaf Studies for more information program information

Teaching Credentials

We offer many credentials and a variety of pathways to earn your credentials. Our credential program is second to none and CSUN is a leader in producing the most teachers in LAUSD. Visit the Credential Office webpage to learn more details. 

Credential Programs

Multiple Subject Credential​ (elementary school teacher)

Single Subject Credential ​(middle and high school teacher)

Art​ (K-12)


Foundational-Level Mathematics, ​

Mathematics ​

Music​ (K-12)

Physical Education (K-12)​

Science (Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience, Physics, Science, Foundational-Level Science, Health Science)​

Social Science​

World Language (American Sign Language, French, Korean, German, Mandarin,  Spanish)​

Education Specialist​ (special education teacher)

Deaf and Hard of Hearing​

Early Childhood Special Education​

Mild/Moderate and Extensive Support Needs

Pathway Options

We have a variety of pathways for you to earn your teaching credential. You can earn your credential after you graduate with a bachelor’s degree, either at an accelerated pace in a full-time program or at your own pace in a part-time program.


Integrated Teacher Education Program for Juniors (ITEP)

Earn your bachelor’s degree and a multiple subject credential or an education specialist credential in mild/moderate or moderate/severe disabilities. This program is through Liberal Studies. 

2-3 years

Four Year Integrated Program (FYI)

Earn your bachelor’s degree and single subject credential in English or mathematics starting in your freshman year.

4-5 years

Junior Year Integrated Program (JYI)

Earn your bachelor’s degree and single subject credential in English or mathematics.

2-3 years

Traditional credential program

After completing your bachelor’s degree, the traditional credential program allows you to complete coursework at your own pace. 

1-3 years

Accelerated Collaborative Teacher Education Program (ACT) 

Earn your credential in a full-time cohort experience after completing your bachelor’s degree.

2 semesters


For teacher candidates in special education, secondary mathematics education, and secondary science education. Candidates receive a stipend up to $15,000. 

Program completers must commit to teaching in LAUSD for a minimum of four years.

2 semesters

Internship Program

Open to those with an offer of employment in a public or charter school teaching position. Students in this pathway are working as a full time teacher during the day while completing coursework in the evening. 

2 years

To learn more about the Teaching Credential program and how to apply please visit the Credential Office webpage. 

Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

The Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS) offers students the opportunity to receive the Master of Arts degree in Educational Administration or in Higher Education Leadership, as well as achieve the Preliminary Administrative Services Credentials.


Master of Arts Degree in Educational ​Administration

Prepares current teachers in the areas of educational and instructional leadership with a focus on knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to be a successful school leader.  ​

33  ​

July 1

Fall 2023

Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC)


*Must have taught with a teaching credential for at least five years.

Prepares current teachers to be successful as a school administrator.


July 1

Fall 2023

Master of Arts in Higher ​Education Leadership ​

To prepare for mid-career higher education leadership positions. Students will gain skills that advocate, nurture, and sustain student learning and professional growth. ​

33  ​

 April 21

Fall 2023


Applicants must submit two applications for admission: the university application and the department application. Please submit the department application first followed by university application.

Applicants interested in the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential must also apply to the Credential Office.

Department Application:

University Application: Cal State Apply

Visit Educational Leadership and Policy Studies for more information.

Educational Psychology and Counseling

CSUN's Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling offers numerous academic programs through which one can achieve their master's degrees.

Master of Arts -Educational Psychology ​​


(Early Childhood Education)  ​​

Prepares students for careers such as community college instruction, primary education specialist, early childhood teacher/director/coordinator/ administrator/consultant/development specialist, parent involvement coordinator, child life specialist, and program evaluator.   ​​



April 14



Fall 2023


Visit Educational Psychology and Counseling for more information.

Educational Psychology and Counseling

CSUN's Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling offers numerous academic programs through which one can achieve their master's degrees. Most of our programs require students to attend full-time.

Master of Science in Counseling  ​


(College Counseling and Student  ​

Services Option)  ​

Prepares students for career opportunities in higher education with particular emphasis on serving university and community college students on urban campuses.  The program also prepares students to wok in community, public, and private mental health settings.

73 ​

Applications open Fall 2023

Fall 2024

Master of Science in

Marriage and Family Therapy

Places emphasis on training exceptional marriage and family therapists who serve individuals, couples, children, and families in community, public, and private mental health settings.  ​

72  ​

Applications open Fall 2023

Fall 2024

Master of Science in Counseling  ​

(School Counseling Option)  ​

Prepares students for a career as a school counselor in grades PreK-12; the California Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Counseling is embedded within this program. The program also prepares students to work in community, public, and private mental health settings.

73  ​

Applications open Fall 2023

Fall 2024

Master of Science in Counseling  ​

(School Psychology Option)  ​

Places an emphasis on providing assessments, consultation, counseling, crisis intervention, and academic, behavioral, and social emotional interventions to support student learning and social adjustment. The California Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Psychology is embedded.

72  ​

Applications open Fall 2023

Fall 2024


Applicants must submit two applications for admission: the university application and the department application.  

University Application: Cal State Apply

Department Application: 

Start application

Visit Educational Psychology and Counseling for more information. 

Department of Elementary Education

The Master of Arts in Education Program with a specialization in Elementary Education is designed to prepare the elementary teacher for advancement as a master teacher, supervising teacher, subject matter teaching specialist, or department chairperson. We offer three program options:


Curriculum & Instruction

Option   ​

Designed for teachers interested in developing their skills to teach all curricular areas.   ​

30  ​

Applications open Fall 2023

Spring 2024

Language & Literacy Option  ​

For teachers who have a passion for literacy and for supporting all students in becoming successful readers, writers, thinkers and speakers.   ​

32  ​

Applications open Fall 2023

Spring 2024



Option  ​

Places emphasis on developing a comprehensive and balanced approach to teaching culturally diverse students in K-8 settings.   ​


July 1

Fall 2023


To apply, applicants must submit two applications for admission:

Cal State Apply

Visit Elementary Education for more information.

Department of Secondary Education

The Department of Secondary Education offers the Master of Arts degrees in the six areas. Each degree program is designed to prepare the secondary teacher for advancement as master teacher, supervising teacher, subject matter teaching specialist, or department chairperson. 


M.A. in Curriculum & Instruction  ​

Designed for teachers of all subjects interested in broadening their pedagogy in secondary classrooms.   ​

30  ​

July 1

Fall 2023

M.A. in Educational Technology ​

Prepares teachers, technology coordinators, and software developers to implement current technology tools in education, and to evaluate future technologies as they emerge.   ​

30  ​

July 1

Fall 2023

M.A. in English Education ​

Designed for English teachers interested in implementing innovative teaching practices, especially drawing on reform methodology and curricula.  ​

30  ​

Applications will open Spring 2024

Fall 2024

M.A. in Mathematics Education ​

Designed for mathematics teachers interested in implementing innovative teaching practices, especially drawing on reform methodology and curricula.  ​

30  ​

July 1

Fall 2023

M.A. in Multicultural and Multilingual ​Education 

Designed for teachers of all subjects to develop a comprehensive and balanced approach to teaching culturally diverse students in the secondary education setting.   ​

30  ​

July 1

Fall 2023

M.A. in Science Education   ​

Designed for science teachers interested in implementing innovative teaching practices, especially drawing on reform methodology and curricula.  ​

30  ​

Applications will open Spring 2024

Fall 2024


Applicants must submit two applications for admission: the university application and the department application. Cal State Apply is the university application. Applications shown are for programs that are currently open for admission.  

University Application: Cal State Apply
Department Applications: Visit the links provided and contact the Program Advisor and Graduate Coordinator. 

Visit Secondary Education for more information. 

Department of Special Education 

The CSUN Department of Special Education offers Master's Degree programs for professionals who work with infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities and their families. All programs focus on preparing highly qualified special educators to serve culturally and linguistically diverse learners. 


Special Education M.A.   ​

Designed to prepare special education teachers for positions of leadership, advocacy, and scholarship in schools and the community.    ​

30  ​

July 1

Fall 2023

Educational Therapy M.A.  ​

Designed to prepare individuals to become educational therapy practitioners who are trained to combine educational and therapeutic approaches for children, adolescents, and adults with learning challenges.  ​

36  ​

July 1

Fall 2023


Applicants must submit two applications for admission: the university application and the department application.  

University Application: Cal State Apply

Department Application: email to learn more about the application.

Visit Special Education for more information. 

Doctoral Program 


Community College ​

Leadership Cohort ​

​To create a network of critical school and college administrators prepared to effect profound change in teaching and learning to improved student achievement. ​

​60 ​

June 30

​Fall 2023

PreK-12 Leadership 

Cohort ​

​Applications open Fall 2023

​Fall 2024

For more information visit the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership webpage


Applicants must submit two applications for admission: the university application and the department application.  

University Application: Cal State Apply

Department Application

Visit the Doctoral Program for more information. 

Get Inspired

"Teaching Inspires"

Two Semester Teaching Credential

An apple

Future STEM Teachers

Future STEM Teachers





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