Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program

The Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program is a graduate program designed for persons who wish to hold an administrative or supervisory position at either a school or a district site requiring an Administrative Services Credential.

Master’s Program in Educational Administration

Coursework for the Master’s Degree and Preliminary Administrative Services Credential are identical; however, the degree and the credential are awarded by two separate and distinct agencies, California State University and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing respectively. Therefore, a candidate who is pursuing both the Master’s Degree and Preliminary Services Credential must apply to each program separately, and those applications should be submitted concurrently.

Admission Requirement

The Master's and the Credential are separate programs. Admission to one program does not constitute admission to the other program. In addition, successful completion of one program does not indicate waiver of the other program's entrance requirements. Please note that you must apply for admission to the Master's program before you apply to the credential program. Information about the M.A. program can be found here.  

1. Credential Program Application - After applying to the master’s program all candidates must submit a separate online credential program application concurrently along with a nonrefundable $50.00 application processing fee (an additional $1.38 service fee will be assessed at checkout).

2. Admission into MA program -   You must be currently enrolled or admitted into the Masters of Arts in Educational Administration Degree program.  Please note, the Master's degree in Educational Administration program is only available for Fall admission.    

3. Valid Clear Credential – You must possess a valid clear California teaching or services credential and hold an English Learner Authorization.

4. Verification of Experience - A minimum of five years of successful full-time classroom teaching experience or services experience pursuant to the credential authorization. Verification of experience must be documented on the district or employing agency official letterhead.

5. Basic Skills – bachelor’s degree or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution meets the Basic Skills Requirement

6. Letters of Recommendation – Two letters of recommendation from practicing school administrators.  These letters should indicate that you possess administrative and leadership potential.

Applicants are required to provide the name and email of two recommenders who will be sent recommendation requests forms once you complete your online applications. Your recommendations requests will not be sent until you submit your credential application and pay the application fee, so applicants are advised to submit the online applications early to give the recommenders ample time to complete and submit those recommendations by the deadline date.

For any concerns regarding the timeliness of your recommendations being submitted to the Credential Office, please contact the recommenders that you provided on your online application.

Program Requirements

Field Work Requirement

Fieldwork in Educational Administration is the capstone experience in the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program. Upon completion of all coursework, the student is considered for admission to the fieldwork program. Such admission is contingent upon: achieving a "B" average in all prescribed courses, having the endorsement of the administrator of the school where the candidate is teaching, and being adjudged a desirable administrative candidate by the Department screening committee.

The "Contract" which the sponsoring administrator executes with the Department commits him/her to provide a definite program of administrative experience for the candidate. The evaluation check sheet, also completed by the sponsoring administrator prior to admission to fieldwork, guides the University supervisor in directing the candidate into experiences that will strengthen his/her weaknesses.

Additional Program Requirements

In addition to the successful completion of Administrative Fieldwork and required coursework, the candidate will need to fulfill the following requirements to be eligible to apply for a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. If you are not employed or have been offered employment as an Administrator, it is recommended that you apply for a Certificate of Eligibility. This certificate verifies completion of the preliminary requirements and as no expiration date. 

  • Basic Skills - bachelor’s degree or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution meets the Basic Skills Requirement
  • GPA–  3.0 with no grades lower than “C” in the Master's program coursework.
  • Valid Clear Credential – This must be a clear teaching or services credential with English Language authorization. 
  • Verification of Experience - Minimum of five years of full-time classroom teaching experience or services experience pursuant to the credential authorization.
  • Verification of Employment - Verification as an administrator (not required for the Certificate of Eligibility) must be submitted using the form found here.
  • CalAPA - Verification of passage of all three cycles of the CalAPA. 

Contact Information and Advisement

For questions regarding the program application process, please contact the Credential Office at (818) 677-2733 or

All students must receive academic advisement from the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies graduate coordinator as soon as possible or at least prior to completion of 12 units of coursework. Contact the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies by calling 818-677-2591. 

Program Completion Process

Information regarding how to apply for your Administrative Services Credential document can be found on our Program Completion Process page.

 IMPORTANT! Before beginning the online application, make sure you are not logged into the CSUN portal.  All required documents must be uploaded with your online application do not mail or fax any documents.  The only item that should be mailed are transcripts, if applicable. 

Application & Submission Guide

Please read our application guide fully, then click the link below to proceed to submit your application.

This guide will also assist you during the application submission process. If you experience issues while completing your application, refer back to the guide prior to contacting the Credential Office.

Read the Credential Application Guide  

Apply Now!

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