Campus Advisory – Update 1/14/2025
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Closure

Accommodation Procedures

Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) offers accommodations to ensure access and support services to promote success. Reasonable accommodations are determined individually, based on your specific needs and disability related functional limitations, through an interactive process with a DRES Counselor. Accommodations are provided on a case-by-case basis.

You are encouraged to speak with a DRES Counselor to explore reasonable accommodations and discuss issues related to access. The DRES Counselor will determine your eligibility for services and authorize any accommodations or support services.If you did not register for DRES services when you were first admitted to CSUN, you are welcome at any point in your academic career to begin the registration process.

After you have registered with DRES and at the beginning of each semester, you should log-in to the Student Access and Accommodation System (SAAS) to request and manage your approved accommodations or support services. Below are the most commonly requested accommodations from students registered with DRES. Review the information below to learn more about Accommodations and Support Services and the procedures to receive them. In addition, DRES offers a variety of learning support services to encourage your success. These services include specialized workshops, academic coaching, strengths assessment, and career services.

Questions: Contact DRES at 818-677-2684 or email if you have any questions.

Adjustable Furniture

If approved for this accommodation, DRES arranges for adjustable furniture, including adjustable tables and chairs, to be placed in classrooms without accessible seating.

  • Scout Location: Prior to requesting your accommodation in SAAS, you are encouraged to visit the classroom to determine if adjustable furniture is needed. In some classrooms, the furniture may be accessible for your individual needs.
  • Initiate: Request your adjustable furniture at least two weeks prior to the first day of school to ensure furniture is in place by your first class session.

Alternative Format

DRES may provide instructional materials secured by the student in alternative formats. This can include but is not limited to, electronic text, Braille, or large print for required textbooks, course readers, etc.

If you require an alternative format, follow these steps

  1. Schedule an intake with the AT Specialist to determine if you are eligible for Alternative Format
  2. Request Alternative Format accommodations for each course in SAAS
  3. Once your accommodation requests are approved by a DRES counselor, complete an Alt. Format Agreement and Textbook Request form, located in myCSUNbox
  4. Email forms and proof of purchase to

Note: If you are seeking access to library materials, contact a librarian at the Learning Commons Reference desk, located in the first floor of the library, for assistance. Prior to visiting the reference desk, please view their hours on the Service Desk Hours website.

Alternative Testing

DRES provides test-proctoring services for quizzes, exams, and standardized tests. Alternative testing accommodations must be approved by a DRES Counselor. The purpose of exam accommodations is to provide you with an equal testing opportunity based on your functional limitations. Alternative Testing accommodations may include extra time, a reader, a scribe, use of a computer, enlarged print, or other accommodations determined by a DRES Counselor.

  • Initiate: Request the accommodations you will be using for each course in SAAS. A DRES Counselor will evaluate your request and approve or deny the request.
  • Student Communication: Contact your instructor to communicate how your testing accommodations will be utilized in the course and to confirm how your testing accommodations will be provided. Your accommodation(s) may be provided in the following ways:

For online courses, your instructor will provide your testing accommodations for exams (quizzes, midterms, and final) online.

For on-campus courses, your instructor or DRES will proctor the exams.

If DRES is proctoring your exams, please contact DRES by phone or email to schedule exams.

Note: Exams will be proctored by appointment only.

  • Scheduling Exam Requests:

Please contact the testing staff at or (818) 677-2684 to make arrangements for onsite testing at the DRES office.

Managing Exams: You must manage your alternative testing exam schedule (requesting exams, cancellations, etc.). Exams should be scheduled at least 5 days prior to the exam date, to ensure compliance with COVID-19 protocols.

Taking Exams: Please wear an appropriate facial covering, arrive promptly at the DRES office (Bayramian Hall – room 110), bring your photo ID and exam materials (i.e. Scantron, green book, pencil etc.). You will be greeted at the front door to the DRES office or in the DRES reception area. Exams should begin at the scheduled start time.

 Please contact the DRES office at for more information regarding exam procedures.

Assistive Technology Consultation

DRES offers Assistive Technology Consultation as a Support Service. Assistive Technology consultation is designed to help you gain access and training on hardware or software.

  • Initiate: Contact the AT Specialist by calling 818-677-2684 to set up an appointment. The consultation is necessary to determine appropriate technology solutions that support learning and provide access.
  • Appointment: Please bring any technological devices that you use for academic purposes (i.e. smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.) to your meeting with the AT Specialist.
  • Next Steps: When appropriate, the AT Specialist will provide training for assistive technology hardware or software. Follow-up appointments are encouraged, to discuss additional strategies and tools. 

DRES Technology Specialist: Patrice Wheeler

Audio Recording

DRES may authorize Audio Recording of lectures as an Academic Accommodation. Most students use their own audio recording devices (i.e. digital voice recorder, smartphone, smartpen, etc.) for ease of use.

  • Initiate: Request the accommodations you will be using for each course in SAAS. A DRES Counselor will evaluate your request and approve or deny the request.
  • Student Communication: Contact your instructor to discuss how your accommodation will be utilized throughout the semester.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Instructors may feel that it is inappropriate to record certain class discussions. It is important to discuss with instructors any concerns he or she may have about using your approved Audio Recording Accommodation.
  • Student-Faculty Agreement: If necessary, your instructor may have you sign an Audio Recording Agreement.
  • Assistive Technology Consultation: If you need assistance in exploring audio recording devices or training to use your device, please schedule an Assistive Technology Consultation appointment by calling 818-677-2684.

Disability Related Counseling

DRES offers Disability Related Counseling as a Support Service. Disability related counseling is designed to provide guidance on how to accomplish your personal, academic and career goals. DRES Counselors are readily available to help discover and develop your own individualized Journey to Success plan.

  • Initiate: Contact a DRES Counselor to set-up an appointment by calling the DRES front desk at 818-677-2684 or email
  • Appointment: The DRES Counselor will meet with you to discuss the Journey to Success plan. The DRES Counselor will help determine areas for opportunity and growth in all personal, academic, and career related goals.
  • Next Steps: Follow-up appointments are encouraged to discuss additional appropriate strategies and continued support. Drop in appointments are available, but are limited to 15 minutes and may not provide adequate time to address your needs.

Early Registration

DRES offers Early Registration if you are registered with DRES and have been determined eligible.

  • Verify: Check your registration status and verify your registration appointment through your myNorthridge Portal.
  • Clear Holds: If there are any "holds" on your account, you must clear them in advance before you can register for classes.
  • Plan Course Schedule: We recommend you meet with your academic advisor well in advance of your registration date to create an educational plan. Through your myNorthridge Portal you may also find that you need academic advisement. If required, meet with your academic advisor through your academic department to discuss your educational plan for the upcoming semester(s). DRES cannot lift registration holds.
  • Schedule Appointment: If you need assistance in creating a course schedule that works best for you, please contact DRES to schedule an appointment with a Counselor. Our counselors will help you review the information provided by your academic advisor to help develop a schedule that works best for your needs.
  • Register for Courses: Manage your registration through the myNorthridge Portal. You may also use the How To Guides for Students to learn more about myNorthridge Portal.
  • Repeated Courses: Early registration is not applicable to repeated courses. For information on repeating courses, please review the enrollment requirements.

Shared Notes

DRES may authorize Shared Notes as an academic accommodation.

  • Initiate: Request the Shared Notes accommodation in SAAS for each course you may need a notetaker. A DRES counselor will evaluate your request and approve or deny the request. Once approved by a DRES counselor, please follow the “Next Steps”.
  • Next Steps:
    • Recruit a notetaker from your class and request their CSUN email address.
    • Log in to SAAS. From the SAAS Student Menu, select the Manage Shared Notetakers option. In the selected course you can enter your classmate's CSUN email address in the Notetaker Application section for each course. Please ensure that the CSUN email is entered correctly.
    • Your classmate (potential notetaker) will receive an email with information regarding the notetaker process. (Please inform your classmate to complete the notetaker training in order to qualify to be a notetaker).
    • Once your classmate has completed the notetaker training, you can Submit a Notetaker Request to your designated notetaker from the eligibility list in SAAS. (Please inform your classmate to accept your request to complete the notetaker process).
  • Communicate with your Notetaker:
    • Communicate with your notetaker to initiate communication about how you will work together this semester to access the shared notes.

We encourage you to monitor your CSUN email account throughout the semester; you will receive additional important information regarding the notetaker application process.

  • Strategies for recruiting a notetaker:

Recruiting a Notetaker

    • You may already know a student in class who can serve as a notetaker.
    • After observing students for the first couple of days of class, you may identify potential classmates who may be able to serve as a notetaker.
    • In a confidential manner, the instructor may ask the class if there is anyone available and willing to share their notes during the semester. 
    • Below is a sample of an announcement that instructors can use in class or via email to help identify a volunteer from your class. You may request the instructor to make the following announcement anonymously to the class. 

“I am looking for a volunteer to share their notes with a student in this class. If designated as the notetaker, you will be eligible for early registration during next semester (or provided with a gift card during Winter/Summer terms). Your assistance would be deeply appreciated. If you are interested, please see me after class so I can introduce you to the student who needs the notes.”

    • If you are not able to identify a notetaker, in a confidential manner, you may send an auto-generated email, with information regarding the notetaker application process, to the entire class inviting students to participate as a notetaker for a course.
    • To ensure that you receive quality notes, ask for a sample of the volunteer’s notes and check for clarity and thoroughness.
  • Tips for creating successful notetaking partnerships:
    • Communicate with your notetaker and discuss a method and time-frame for receiving your notes. For example, will the notetaker provide the notes immediately after class? Will a photo of the notes be sent to your smart phone? Will the notes be typed and emailed within 24 hours?
    • At any point, if the plan for exchanging notes is not followed, please discuss this with your notetaker immediately. DRES Counselors are also available for advisement on this matter.
    • If your notetaker is no longer willing and/or able to uphold their duties, please find an alternative notetaker and notify the DRES office immediately.

You may also use the step-by-step SAAS Notetaker Application Guide to learn more about the Notetaker Application process.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact DRES at or call 818-677-2684.

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