Main Dishes/Platos Principales

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Chicken Fingers/Bocaditos de Pollo

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Yum Yum Lentils/Lentejas Deliciosas

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Tuna Tubs/Canoas de Atún

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Tofu Shapes/Tofu en Formas Diversas

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Super Soup/Super Sopa

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Skillet Lasagna/Lasaña a la Sarten

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BBQ Chicken Sandwich/Sandwich de Pollo Asado 
a la Parrilla Tipo BBQ

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Pita Pizzas

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Tofu Joes

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Apple Tuna Salad/Ensalada de Atun y Manzanas

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Chicken Salad Cones/Conos de Ensalada de Pollo

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Tuna Twirls/Tornillos de Atún

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Lemon Broccoli Pasta/Pasta con Brócoli y Limón

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Alphabet Vegetable Soup/Sopa de Letras con Verduras

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Chicken Vegetable Soup

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Creamy Broccoli Soup

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Spinach and Tomato Soup/Sopa de 
Espinaca y Tomate

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Chilled Berry Soup/Sopa Helada de Fresa

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Split Pea Soup

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Curried Chicken and Fruit

Eggplant Lasagna

Beef 'n Broccoli

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