Campus Advisory – Update 1/14/2025

Grant Guidelines

We encourage all faculty to contact the CSBS Grants & Contracts Officer in the Dean’s Office to discuss concepts for grant- and contract-related projects as early as possible in the process.  For your convenience, please use the PI Proposal Checklist to guide you. The chart below gives an overview of the proposal process.

How can we help you?

We work with faculty in many different ways including: providing guidance on project design and match to prospective sponsors; editing proposals; developing budgets and working with government, corporate and foundation program officers; and post-award project management.  It is very important that faculty engage our office early as we will be able to provide significant support and help you navigate your way through some critical internal and external processes.

Submitting a proposal or letter of inquiry:

  • To a government agency or a private foundation for a project involving human subjects,
  1. Complete the Proposal Approval Form (PAF). (Download the Proposal Approval Form (PDF)). Sign as principal investigator. 
  2. At least 3 weeks prior to deadline, discuss with and obtain signature from your Department Chair. 
  3. At least 14 days prior to deadline, forward the signed PAF, along with the abstract or summary, budget and budget justification, to the CSBS Grants & Contracts Officer in the Dean’s Office (mail drop 8256).  After review, signature of the dean will be obtained, and the PAF will be forwarded directly to ORSP.
All public grant proposals are administered through the Office of Sponsored Projects (ORSP) and the University Corporation (TUC).  These carry an indirect cost rate that ranges from 26% to 45% of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC).  Any reductions from this rate must be negotiated and approved by the Director of ORSP.
  • To a private foundation or corporation,

Notify the CSBS Grants & Contracts Officer of your intent to approach a private foundation or corporation.

1. Submit an email to Frances Solano with the following information:

  • Name of funding organization and program
  • Brief description of proposed project
  • Explanation of how your proposed project meets the goals of the funder
  • Estimated amount of requested funding
  • Application due date.

The Grants & Contracts Officer will request clearance and assignment from the CSUN Foundation to avoid multiple, simultaneous submissions across departments or colleges to the same funder

2. When assignment has been made, complete the Proposal Approval Form (PAF), sign as principal investigator, and obtain approval and signature from your Department Chair at least 3 weeks prior to deadline.

3. At least 14 days prior to deadline, forward the signed form to the Grants & Contracts Officer for review.  Include the written proposal narrative, budget and budget justification.  The form will be submitted to the CSBS Director of Development and the Dean. 

In general private grants are administered through the CSUN Foundation to properly manage the relationship between the private foundation/corporation and the university.  However, any projects involving payroll, human research subjects or other compliance requirements will be administered through ORSP and TUC.  Private funds managed by the CSUN Foundation carry an administrative fee of 5% of revenue. Checks from private funders should be mailed to: 

College of Social & Behavioral Sciences – Dean’s Office
California State University - Northridge
Sierra Hall/Room 401/Mail drop 8256
Northridge, CA  91130
ATTN:  Anne Robison, External Relations & Programs Liaison

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