Direct Pay Process
- Allows departments to submit invoices directly to Accounts Payable without requiring a requisition/purchase order for specific transactions.
- Specific transactions are identified by Accounts Payable that can be paid via Direct Pay. The identification of low dollar value/no ‘added value’ transactions eligible for Direct Pay will be determined by Purchasing & Contract Administration.
- Departments can use the P-Card or Petty Cash (limited to $50.00) for some of the specific transactions as an alternative. Please review the P-Card Program Manual or Petty Cash instructions for further information.
- The transactions list approved to be paid via Direct Pay are located on the lists below:
- For Direct Pay transactions, contact the vendor directly to request the goods or services.
- Instruct the vendor to submit the invoice to the ordering Department’s attention at the University's address.
- A Vendor Data Record form is required to process Direct Pay payment to the payee.
- Contact Accounts Payable at ext. 3472 to inquire if a Vendor Data Record form is on file.
- NEVER pay invoices with a personal credit card. Pay via Direct Pay OR use a P-Card OR Petty Cash.
- All invoices submitted for Direct Pay must have a Direct Pay stamp or label on the invoice. See sample below:

(Contact Accounts Payable at x3472 for the label template)
- The Financial Approver’s signature is required.
- Invoices must be original.
- Invoices must have line item detail/description of the goods/services.
- Packing slips or invoices marked Duplicate are NOT accepted.
- A receipt or credit card sales draft with no description or line item details are NOT accepted.
- If a department is unable to obtain the original invoice, contact Accounts Payable at ext. 3472.