EY Leadership Program (ACCT 498A)
What is This Seminar All About?
The EY Seminar in Professional Leadership is for a select group of accounting students who want to learn to:
1) Lead by Personal Example:
a) Developing your Emotional Intelligence, b) Creating & Selling your Personal Brand, c) Nurturing you Natural Talents, d) Modeling Ethical Behavior, and e) Defining your Essence, Core Values and Leadership Statement.
2) Lead Others through Fierce Conversations:
a) Developing Confrontation Conversation Skills, b) Team Conversation Skills, and c) Outreach to a Local Community College.
3) Lead the Firm:
a) Defining and Executing Your Strategy and b) Learning How to Make a Difference through Accounting and IS.
Who Will be Teaching This Course?
Dr. Rishma Vedd will be facilitating the seminar along with significant involvement by Ernst &Young and other professionals.
How Will the Seminar be Structured?
The course will earn you one unit of credit under ACCT 498A, but the sessions will be for 1 hour and 40 minutes once a week for the entire semester. The course is offered for credit/no-credit only, so no exams or letter grades will be given.
What Time Will the Seminar be Offered?
The course will be offered Thursdays from 5:00 to 6:40 pm.
Who is Eligible to Take the Seminar?
Pre-Accountancy/Accountancy majors who have completed ACCT 350.
To learn more about the E&Y Seminar in Professional Leadership, email Dr. Rishma Vedd at rishma.vedd@csun.edu.