Accounting Clubs

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The California State University, Northridge (CSUN) Accounting Association (AA) is a student-driven organization. Its mission is to help students develop professional skills and build relationships essential to launching a successful accounting career.

Please visit AA's website at

Beta Alpha Psi is a national accounting honorary society that strives to recognize those accounting majors who have maintained high academic standards. Founded in 1919, Beta Alpha Psi was established as an honorary and professional fraternity for the accounting profession. Since its inception, the organization has developed into a major national scholastic and professional society.

Please visit BAP's CSUN Chapter Web Site.

The ALPFA—CSUN Student Chapter’s mission is to promote unity among the student population at California State University, Northridge, help them develop as leaders, deliver quality student programs focused on professional development, provide access to ALPFA’s industry network of professional members and sponsors, offer access to scholarship programs, and create opportunities to network with other students.

Please visit ALPFA -- CSUN Student Chapter's own Web Site.

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