Department of English Awards

 English Annual Awards for 2025 are now open! Click HERE for more information and to apply for awards.

English Department Awards 2025

Academy of American Poets Prize

Since 1955, the Academy of American Poets has sponsored prices for poetry at US colleges and universities and award cash prizes to nearly ten thousand student poets. Many of America's most esteemed poets won their first recognition through such a prize. The Department of English is proud to organize CSU's annual Academy prize. We award a first prize of $100 and two honorable mentions. 

Deborah Averill Award in Creative Writing

This scholarship is given in memory of Deborah Blakely-Averill, poet, teacher, CSUN alumna, and beloved colleague. Each year the English Department awards $250 to a female student of Creative Writing who has had more than a one-year absence from school and returned after overcoming obstacles. 

Eva Latif Writing Prize in Children's Literature

In memory of Eva Latif, her friends and colleagues offer an annual prize of $500 to the author of the best piece of writing (either critical or creative) by a student in the field of children's literature. Faculty may nominate students for this prize by submitting the students' papers, or students may nominate themselves by likewise submitting their paper. 

 Henry Van Slooten Scholarship in English

This scholarship is given in memory of Henry Van Slooten, longtime teacher and pioneering member of the English Department. Each year the Department awards $500 to a student in English 258, English 259, English 275, or English 355 who has written an essay that best demonstrates "a passion for the English language."

Joan Nessan Creative Writing Prize in Children's Literature

This prize is given in memory of Joan Nessan, book enthusiast and grandmother to English graduate Jason, June. Each year the English Department awards $1,000 to a graduate or upper-division undergraduate (junior or senior) student for outstanding creative work intended for children in any of the following formats: picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, comic books, graphic novels, creative nonfiction (such as memoir or biography, but excluding textbooks or academic paper). Particular consideration will be given to underrepresented voices and those who see writing for children paying playing a key role in their future. 

Kitty Nard Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is given in memory of Kitty Nard, a longtime lecturer in the Department of English. Each year the Department awards $1000 to a student majoring in any major or concentration in English who is a single parent. 

Lesley Johnstone Memorial Award

This award is given in memory of Lesley Johnstone, a longtime English professor at CSUN who loveingly embraced and defended the natural work and all its creatures. Each year the English Department awards $500 to an undergraduate student who is the author of the best=written work (whether scholarly or creative) focusing on the natural world or environment. 

 Linda Nichols Joseph English Merit Scholarship

This scholarship is given memory of Linda Nichols Joseph, and English major who graduated from CSUN cum laude in 1981. each year the English Department award up to four pieces of $2,000 to undergraduate English majors who have demonstrated excellence in their studies. All applications who meet the minimum GPA criterion (3.5 overall GPA) are encouraged to apply. Particular consideration is given to applicants who demonstrate financial need, who have taken a non-traditional path to college, or who demonstrate engagement in the discipline and/or commitment to further study in English. 

 Northridge Review Fiction Prize

Each year The Northridge Review awards $250 to the author of the short story judged to be the best published in the magazine during the academic year. 

Oliver W. Evans Writing Prize

This prize is given in memory of Olive W. Evans, poet, scholar and Pioneering CSUN English teacher, and was established by his colleagues and friends. Each year the English Department awards two prizes of $500 each to the authors of the two best critical pieces of prose submitted in an upper-division English course during the academic year. One prize is specifically for a paper on American literature, while the other is for a paper on any topic. All submissions should indicate whish of these two designations they are targeting, either "American Literature" or "General Topics." Faculty may nominate students for this prize by submitting their papers there on Canvas, or students may likewise nominate themselves by submitting their papers here. In either case, students should remember to complete the CSUN English Student Award Application Form. 

Peterson Morley Award

This award is given in honor of Annamarie Peterson Morley, a professor at CSUN from 1965 to 1980, who taught with warmth, grace, humor, and wisdom. She was an elegant and humane woman who inspired teachers and students alike. Each year the English Department bestows $1000 upon a CSUN English major in either the undergraduate program who plans to enter the teaching profession. Applications from students who demonstrate financial need to complete their studies will be given particular attention.

Philip E. Love English 205 Writing Scholarship

Each year the English Department awards $500 to a student in the study of Business Communication whose work is considered the most distinguished. This scholarship honors the work and bushiness of Philip E. Love, a local businessman who wished he had completed his degree before entering the professional world. The award is endowed by his family, and aims to encourage academic achievement.

Rachel Sherwood Poetry Prize

To preserve the memory of Rachel Sherwood, poet, teacher, and cofounder of out literary journal, Angel's Flight (later The Northridge Review), her friends established an annual prize for poetry. Each year The Northridge Review awards $100 to the author of the poem judged to be the best published in the magazine during that academic year. 

William L. Willson Award

Each year the English Department awards $1600 to an English major who plans to teach at the secondary level. This award is given in memory of William L. Wilson, a career Army Officer who taught high school for many years upon his retirement from the U.S. Army. The award recognizes and encourages students ho work diligently to get their degrees and achieve their career potential in spite of additional obligations such

Academy of American Poets Prize

Since 1955, the Academy of American Poets has sponsored prices for poetry at US colleges and universities and award cash prizes to nearly ten thousand student poets. Many of America's most esteemed poets won their first recognition through such a prize. The Department of English is proud to organize CSU's annual Academy prize. We award a first prize of $100 and two honorable mentions.

Angeline Olliff Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is given in memory of Angeline Olliff, a former graduate student and teaching associate in the Department of English. Each year the English Department awards $250 to a graduate student in Rhetoric and Composition or a Teaching Associate teaching in any specialization (creative writing, literature, or rhetoric and composition).

 Harry Finestone Award in English

This award is given in memory of Harry Finestone, a gifted teacher ad administrator at CSUN from 1962-1983. Each year the English Department awards $750 to the graduate student with the most distinguished essay in the study of literature competed in the capstone graduate seminar. English 698D (Graduate Project). The essay must be nominated by the instructor of the class in which the student was enrolled. Nominated essays will be judged on originality of concept, potential scholarly impact, logical and effective organization, and clarity, coherence, and elegance of prose style. 

Irene Clark Scholarship for Rhetoric and Composition

Each year the Irene Clark Scholarship for Rhetoric and Composition awards $500 for a paper written by a Department of English graduate student on a topic in rhetoric and composition.

Joan Nessan Creative Writing Prize in Children's Literature

This prize is given in memory of Joan Nessan, book enthusiast and grandmother to English graduate Jason, June. Each year the English Department awards $1,000 to a graduate or upper-division undergraduate (junior or senior) student for outstanding creative work intended for children in any of the following formats: picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, comic books, graphic novels, creative nonfiction (such as memoir or biography, but excluding textbooks or academic paper). Particular consideration will be given to underrepresented voices and those who see writing for children paying playing a key role in their future.

Kitty Nard Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is given in memory of Kitty Nard, a longtime lecturer in the Department of English. Each year the Department awards $1000 to a student majoring in any major or concentration in English who is a single parent. 

Mahlon Gaumer Award

This award is given in memory of Mahlon Gaumer, a professor of English at CSUN from 1969-1997 who specialized in linguistics and medieval literature. Each year the English Department awards $500 to a graduate student who is the author of the best critical essay on English literature with emphasis on the use of language. 

 Northridge Review Fiction Prize

Each year The Northridge Review awards $250 to the author of the short story judged to be the best published in the magazine during the academic year.

Peterson Morley Award

This award is given in honor of Annamarie Peterson Morley, a professor at CSUN from 1965 to 1980, who taught with warmth, grace, humor, and wisdom. She was an elegant and humane woman who inspired teachers and students alike. Each year the English Department bestows $1000 upon a CSUN English major in either the undergraduate program who plans to enter the teaching profession. Applications from students who demonstrate financial need to complete their studies will be given particular attention.

Professor Mitchell Marcus Prize in English

This award is given in memory of Mitchell Marcus, a former Professor in the Engish Department (1958-1983). Each Year the Department awards a prize of $4,000 to the graduate student whose achievement in the study of English are considered by the faculty as the most distinguished. 

Rachel Sherwood Poetry Prize

To preserve the memory of Rachel Sherwood, poet, teacher, and cofounder of out literary journal, Angel's Flight (later The Northridge Review), her friends established an annual prize for poetry. Each year The Northridge Review awards $100 to the author of the poem judged to be the best published in the magazine during that academic year.

Thomas Matthew Magness Graduate Memorial Fund

In memory of Thomas Matthew Magness, a former English graduate student, each year the English Department provides $1,000 tuition remission for a first-semester graduate student in the English MA program. Selection is based on ac

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