Acting Department Chair

Dr. Tim Black

Department of English
18111 Nordhoff St
Sierra Tower 705
Northridge, CA 91330-8248

Office Hours
Mon-Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm

Phone: 818-677-3431

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Honors Program

The Honors Option is a special program which enables students, by working independently and in seminars, to develop a strong academic background in preparation for postgraduate study in English or for entry into a variety of postgraduate fields. Admission to the program normally begins in the first semester of the junior year. Honors students are eligible to join Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honors Society. For further information and admission to Honors Program, see the Honors Program Web Site or contact:

Colleen Tripp 
Associate Chair


English studies provides a good academic foundation for radio and television broadcasting, editing, writing, politics, film and library work, journalism, criticism, advertising, public information, public relations, teaching and technical writing. Studies show that English as a pre-professional major is valuable preparation for future careers in law, medicine, business, and federal service.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree

In pursuing their major, students are encouraged to follow our Degree Road Maps:

Lower Division Required Courses (9 units)

Upper Division Required Courses (27 units)

A. Literary Theory (3 units)

B. Literatures of Cultural Diversity (3 units) 

Select one of the following:

*Consult an advisor for current courses in other areas, such as Asian American literature, Central American literature, Chicana and Chicano literature, and Pan African or African American literature, which also may satisfy this requirement.

C. British and American Literatures (6 units)

I. British Literature (3 units)

Select one course from the following: 

II. American Literature (3 units)

Select one course from the following: 

D. Junior Honors Tutorials (6 units)

Note: ENGL 392 and 393 may be taken in any sequence.

E. Senior Honors Tutorials (6 units)

Note: ENGL 492 and 493 may be taken in any sequence.

F. Honors Capstone Class (3 units)

Note: ENGL 497 may not be offered every term.

Upper Division Electives (9 units)

Select any upper division courses except ENGL 305.

General Education (48 units)

Undergraduate students must complete 48 units of General Education as described in this Catalog, including 3 units of coursework meeting the Ethnic Studies (ES) graduation requirement.

3 units are satisfied by the following courses in the major: ENGL 258 or ENGL 259 or ENGL 275 satisfies C2 Humanities.

If taken, ENGL 306ENGL 313 or ENGL 315 satisfies E Lifelong Learning; ENGL 311 or ENGL 371 satisfies 3 units of upper division F Comparative Cultural Studies and fulfills the Information Competence requirement.

Students majoring in English are encouraged to take a foreign language as part of their college program.

Total Units in the Major Option: 45

General Education: 45 units

Additional Units: 30

Total Units Required for the Degree: 120 

Graduation with Honors

To graduate from the Honors Program, a student needs a GPA of 3.5 or better in his or her upper division English courses. A special “Honors” notation will appear on your diploma and you will be invited to participate in the University’s Honor Convocation.

Acting Department Chair

Dr. Tim Black

Department of English
18111 Nordhoff St
Sierra Tower 705
Northridge, CA 91330-8248

Office Hours
Mon-Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm

Phone: 818-677-3431

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