Department Chair

Gabriel Gutierrez, Ph.D.

Department of Chicana/o Studies
Jerome Richfield Hall 148
Hours: M–F, 8 am to 5 pm

Phone: 818-677-2734
Fax: 818-677-7578

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Assessment and Liaison Coordinator

Dr. Theresa Montaño

Equity and Diversity Coordinator

Dr. Rosa RiVera Furumoto

Graduate Coordinator

 Dr. Peter García

Teacher Education Coordinator

Dr. Theresa Montaño

Writing Coordinator

 Dr. Renee Moreno

Speech Coordinator

 Dr. Yarma Velázquez-Vargas

CFA Lecturer Representative

 Professor Antonio Gallo

Department Chair

Gabriel Gutierrez, Ph.D.

Department of Chicana/o Studies
Jerome Richfield Hall 148
Hours: M–F, 8 am to 5 pm

Phone: 818-677-2734
Fax: 818-677-7578

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