Day 1

Communication Items

Discuss and review:

  • Office Culture & Division
    • Who’s Who and reporting structure
    • Attire
  • Office supplies
    • Compliance Training
  • Attendance
    • Sick leave, vacation

Discuss and plot out the first two weeks:

  • Use meeting and training schedules developed earlier

Discuss and plot out the first project:

Confirm Data Security Training is complete (If access is available)

 Action Items:

  • Meet/ Greet the employee in person
  • Escort the employee to Human Resources (UN 165) at 8:30 AM to complete the Sign-In Process
  • If an employee does not yet have a CSUN ID Card / Photo, it can be obtained at Admissions & Records after completing Sign-In at Human Resources.
  • Have the employee obtain parking arrangements (as needed)
    • A CSUN ID is needed to purchase a long-term parking permit
  • Provide a tour of the office with introductions to office-mates and persons identified to be shadowed or assist in training. (See Work Location Tour Pointers) Arrange to have lunch with employee or employee with colleagues
  • Provide the employee with a copy of the Position Description
    • Begin discussion on expectations around the job and its responsibilities.
    • This is also a good time to cover other behavioral expectations and office culture.
  • Obtain and Record Contact and Emergency Contact information
  • Allow non-structure time for the employee to become familiar with or set-up their work area.
  • Meet with the employee toward the end of the day for check-in.
  • Office Access & Equipment
    • Sign-Out keys, Omni Codes – Items necessary for physical access
      • Building, Office, File Cabinets
  • Review phone and voicemail set-up
    • Reset code
  • Review email and calendaring system and office practices
  • Provide list of and instructions for shared drives, and list serves
  • Provide for instruction on use of office equipment (copiers, printers, etc.) and inter-office and external mail.


Click here to print a complete OnBoarding Staff - Manager's Checklist (pdf)
Click here to print a complete OnBoarding Staff - Manager's Checklist (doc) 

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