Common Human Resources System

What is CHRS?

The Common Human Resources System (CHRS) is a single HR system for all 23 campuses in the California State University system.

As part of a future Wave, CSUN is partnering with the Chancellor’s Office CHRS Program Team and our own campus module teams to upgrade to the latest version of PeopleSoft (9.2) and adding custom modifications that will allow the software to meet our needs as well as the rest of the California State University system. 

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Before CHRS

After CHRS

23 Different versions of software, which is difficult and costly to maintain All campuses on one common system
Campuses using different HR processes Efficient and more cost-effective
No common way of doing business or sharing resources Perform HR processes in a common way and can support other campuses
PeopleSoft 9.0 is not supported anymore All campuses on PeopleSoft 9.2

CHRS includes these modules and elements:

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Why we're implementing CHRS and what that means to you:

CHRS will require a change in processes and procedures for staff and faculty that are involved with matters from self-service to recruitment or serving on search committees.  Following are just some of the reasons and benefits we're implementing CHRS:

  • Current software (PeopleSoft 9.0) is unsustainable and unsupported
  • CHRS brings streamlined HR business processes and best practices to every university in the CSU system
  • Enhanced reporting will provide data to assist decision-making
  • Single database will allow new software to be deployed more rapidly
  • Recognized cost savings from maintenance and upgrades
  • CHRS positions us to move to future technologies more easily
  • Some campuses will gain functionality and tools immediately, while larger campuses with modified software will reap benefits from continuous releases and enhancements
  • Allows resource sharing between campuses.
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