Project Method


The Critical Race Theory (CRT) Resource Page was initiated with the goal to make available sample CRT sources for the CSUN community. It is our hope that faculty, staff, and students will explore ways to integrate CRT into their research, lectures, inquiries, and practices.

Search Process

From October 2020 to April 2021, the term “critical race theory” was used to search for articles in over thirty academic databases. The search yielded over 1,000 articles around CRT from a wide range of academic disciplines. The initial search was filtered to show articles published between 2001 and 2020/1 to capture the most recent publications. However, in the case that a search returned too many or too few results, the date filter would then be adjusted to narrow or expand search results. References were imported to EndNote to be sorted by discipline.

CRT Resource Page

Relying on the aforementioned EndNote library and working inductively, close to 400 entries within the CRT corpus across nearly 20 disciplines were included in this webpage.


CSUN students, faculty, and staff can access 95% of the articles through the University Library with CSUN user ID and password.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

The inclusion of literature in this webpage is based on the following criteria: readability and relevance. Most authors acknowledge that they engage their discussion through a CRT lens. The vast majority of the articles are peer-reviewed. Articles that only mention CRT as an example among a list of theories were excluded.

When there are more than enough articles from a given field which meet said criteria, such as in the case of Higher Education and K–12 Education, literature with a wide variety of research foci were selected to highlight the breadth of the application of CRT.

Annotated Bibliography

After literature was selected, annotated bibliography for each entry was provided.


The project was vetted in May/June 2021 with the help of subject matter experts.

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