Carrie Pullen, EdD

Program Director

Health Administration

Office: JD 2547

Phone: (818) 677-2015

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Carmen Saunders-Russell, EdD

MHA Graduate Coordinator & Gerontology Advisor

Health Administration

Office: JD 3531

Phone: (818) 677-6977

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Master of Health Administration


Watch the Info Session Here

Health care is one of the fastest growing, most dynamic and necessary industries. The field offers energetic, creative, and enterprising individuals a host of administrative and service options. The Master of Health Administration degree prepares students for a full range of health care management and leadership careers in management, planning, marketing, consulting, quality improvement, strategic planning, operations, and other related roles. These roles can be in public, voluntary, and private health care agencies and organizations.

CSUN’s Master of Health Administration (MHA) degree is a leadership program designed for mid-career professionals wishing to take the next step.

  • Accredited by the Commission of Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME): CAHME Advance to success
  • One of just four universities with a CAHME accredited program in California 
  • An all-evening program perfect for working professionals 
  • Student body represents the diversity of communities and populations in Greater San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles areas 
  • Prepare for a career in leadership and management roles in healthcare

Admissions application priority deadline is February 1st, regular deadline is May 10th. Any applications received after May 10th will not be considered for the current application period and will have to reapply for the following academic year. 

We do not offer rolling admissions. We encourage you to apply for the following application period which opens in October. 


The Graduate Program in Health Administration prepares a diverse student body for leadership positions in healthcare organizations. Graduate students in the program can advance in their current health care, health services, or health administration positions or by making their initial entry into a health administration role. With a faculty focus on learning-centeredness, community and university service, as well as scholarship, the program is well positioned to educate students for professional practitioner positions aligned with the current healthcare environment.


The Graduate Program in Health Administration aspires to prepare a workforce that will enhance the operational efficiency and effectiveness of health care organizations and improve the delivery and access to quality care in our service community. The program consistently seeks to meet the national standards associated with excellence in graduate education in health administration.


We have been serving the Greater San Fernando Valley and surrounding areas for over 40 years and have over 2,000 alumni. We do this by adhering to the following values:

  • Impact: Improve the health status and strength the healthcare delivery system in our local, state, national, and global communities
  • Collaboration: Recognize how interdisciplinary teams and organizational partnerships can enhance effectiveness in the healthcare industry
  • Professionalism: Instill throughout all aspects of the program including student development and faculty interactions
  • Ethics and Integrity: Demonstrate behavior which exhibits a high degree of character and exemplary behavior
  • Cultural Competency: Instill an understanding and appreciation of the diversity of our service community

Carrie Pullen, EdD

Program Director

Health Administration

Office: JD 2547

Phone: (818) 677-2015

Send email

Carmen Saunders-Russell, EdD

MHA Graduate Coordinator & Gerontology Advisor

Health Administration

Office: JD 3531

Phone: (818) 677-6977

Send email

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