Computational Mechanics & Smart Structures (CMSS) Lab

CSUN’s Computational Mechanics and Smart Structures Lab (CMSS Lab) was founded by Dr. Peter Bishay in 2015. The lab focuses on designing, analyzing, building, and testing various types of smart structures and systems. The lab includes the research-based “Smart Morphing Wing” (SMW) and “Smart Prosthetics” (SP) senior design projects, as well as graduate and undergraduate researchers working on different projects. SMW and SP research work is conducted at the Haas Laboratory (JD1130A).
Lab Information
The lab is located in JD1132 and houses an experimental vibration analysis system (data acquisition hardware, accelerometers, load cells, a mini-shaker, and an impact hammer), four 3D printers, and a 3D scanner. Some research tasks are done at the Multi-Scale Mechanical Characterization Laboratory (MMCL) which hosts various state-of-the-art mechanical testing equipment, such as a scanning laser doppler vibrometer (SLDV), Universal tensile testing machines (UTMs), a scanning electron microscope (SEM), and a laser displacement sensor.
A Brief History
From 2015 to 2023, 15 graduate students pursued Master theses under Dr. Bishay’s supervision, 11 of whom defended their theses and graduated, and 4 are expected to defend in the 2023-24 academic year. All graduate students who worked with Dr. Bishay managed to publish their research work in reputable journal papers (Structures, Composite Structures, Aerospace, Journal of Vibration and Control, etc.). The innovative morphing unmanned aircraft and prosthetic arm designs from SMW and SP projects, respectively, also appeared in various reputable engineering journals (Smart Materials and Structures, Aerospace, Designs, Engineering Research Express, etc.).

Smart Morphing Wing (SMW)
With the goal of designing innovative models of morphing aerodynamic systems with seamless morphing wings and wind turbine blades, Smart Morphing Wing expands the applications of new materials and structures. Students get involved in research papers, analytical and computational models, run computer simulations to justify their designs, physically build their innovative models, test their performance, and present their work at several events. Opportunities to receive feedback from industry professionals, faculty members, graduate students, and peer undergraduate students

Smart Prosthetics (SP)
The goal of designing a biomimetic innovative prosthetic hand model, Smart Prosthetics expands the applications of smart materials and structures. Students get involved in research papers, analytical and computational models, run computer simulations on their models to justify their designs, physically build innovative models, test performance, and present at several events. Opportunities to receive feedback from industry professionals, faculty members, graduate students, and peer undergraduate students.
Funding & Awards
External Grants:
- US Department of Defense (DOD)
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
Internal Grants:
Former Graduate Students Awards:
- CSUN’s Distinguished Thesis/Project Competition Award
- CECS Distinguished Thesis Award
- Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholarship Award
- Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Academic Achievement Award
- CSU-LSAMP Summer Research Award
- CSUN’s Annual Student Research, oral presentation
- Creative Works Symposium (CSUNposium), oral presentation