Dean's Message
Dean Houssam Toutanji, Ph.D.
Thank you for your interest in the College of Engineering and Computer Science at California State University Northridge (CSUN), a vibrant and diverse university in the heart of Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley. Our mission is to provide a quality education for our students, partner with the professional communities of engineering and computer science, and to provide a strong connection between students' education and professional practice.
The College of Engineering and Computer Science is comprised of five departments: Civil Engineering and Construction Management, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management, and Mechanical Engineering.

We offer nine undergraduate degree programs and ten graduate programs that serve more than 4400 undergraduate and 600 graduate students.
Prominent in their fields of expertise, our faculty are committed to lifelong learning, the integration of research and teaching, and the development of professional engineers who work in multidisciplinary teams. Our graduates are highly sought after by major corporations because of the strength of innovation and entrepreneurship instilled in them by their instructors.
Student success is our number one priority in the College. A number of initiatives are in the works to improve retention and graduation rates. We offer excellent advising services to all engineering and computer science undergraduates, internships, co-ops, and a senior capstone project that will provide our students with real-world work experiences and career opportunities.
The College of Engineering and Computer Science’s strong alliance to industry ensures relevancy in classrooms and research labs. Collaboration between CSUN and Easton companies made an indelible imprint on Los Angeles and beyond and the latest gift from the Easton Foundation will extend this positive impact in perpetuity. Other partnerships with the Gene Haas Foundation, Aerojet Rocketdyne, Northrop Grumman, ATIMS, SADA Systems and Autodesk are unique collaborations focused on providing scholarships, supporting the senior capstone projects and working on developing different technologies.
We are deeply proud of our students and faculty and the impact they have had in higher education, industry and government all across the US and around the world. We are pleased to have you as part of our Engineering community and look forward to what we can achieve together. I invite you to explore this website and learn more about the College and all the exciting projects that are being carried out by our faculty and students.
Best Wishes,
Houssam Toutanji. Ph.D.