Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research (DSAIR) Lab

The CSUN Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research (DSAIR) Group is dedicated to advancing research and technological convergence in areas related to data science and artificial intelligence such as big data analytics and management, deep learning, machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, natural language processing, data security and privacy, parallel and distributed computing, and cloud computing. Group brings together research expertise in aforementioned areas and targets its application in variety of real-world projects that require technological convergence. Since 2021, the group has been the research home of faculty mentors, graduate and undergraduate students at CSUN.
Lab Information
The lab is located in JD2225 and applies data science, big data analytics, and machine learning to policing, virtual robotics vision, surveillance, defense, medical imaging, healthcare analytics, financial market analysis, and biometric security. Interests include data science, big data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Deep learning on big datasets, image/video/speech recognition, and natural language processing. Computer vision on big datasets in video and image. Fusing multiple modalities from video/images/text/speech. Data mining and biometrics for surveillance and security.
AI Research Domains
- object and scene classification in image and video
- tracking
- drone video analysis
- self driving car video analysis
- real time video or image detection
- generative AI - create new image/video concepts
- text to image
- image and video captioning
- image segmentation
- medical imaging analysis
- autonomous vehicles
- self-driving car
- drone
- generative text
- text summarization
- text classification
- sentiment analysis
- neural machine translation
- question answering
- sentence similarity
- speech to text
- speech recognition
- various applications
- financial data
- time series data - regression
- other numerical data - classification, regression
- explainable AI, unsupervised learning
- deep learning and computer vision application to AR/VR
- evolutionary computing for model selection
- multi modal machine learning
- propose a topic based on mutual interest