Whether you are a novice or a master in your craft, we welcome all students in our College to explore and take that extra mile (or kilometer) to perfect the skills needed in their chosen degree. Our talented advisors at the Student Services Center / EOP Satellite guide students through their unique pathways and aid their journey of coursework with tutors from the Academic Enrichment Tutoring Services. Take a leap forward to work on projects or network with other fellow peers to pass each other knowledge. With plentiful and supportive clubs and organizations to choose from, you'll find a supportive group no matter which discipline you pursue.
- Current Students
- Prospective Students
- Student Success
- Student Services Center / EOP Satellite
- Clubs & Organizations
- Engineering Senior Programs
- Engineering Shop
- Information Systems
Countless opportunities can originate in the classroom or be attained through practical, hands-on experiences. Our diverse array of courses is designed to help you pursue those aspirations.
Many opportunities can be found within Jacaranda Hall or out on the field with one of our many faculty members. Discover more and become a researcher in your own domain.