Master's Application Instructions

Application Steps 

  1.  Submit a Department Application using our online form.

      2. Apply to the University

3. Submit a Teaching Credential Copy


  • Make an appointment with the EED Graduate Advisor by calling the Department of Elementary Education at (818) 677-2621 or email 
  • Information Session RSVP (RSVP to attend an information session)


  • The Graduate Advisor reviews the 1295 form provided from Admissions and Records and Classifies the candidate.
  • Conditionally Classified: A conditionally classified graduate student is one who has been accepted into a degree program but has not yet met all classification criteria. It is important to achieve full Classified standing prior to completing more than 12 units of graduate coursework appearing in the formal program or prior to completing more than 6 units of graduate coursework appearing on the formal program if the student has post baccalaureate units from CSUN. 
  • Classified: Classified graduate students are those who have met all criteria for classification in their respective programs:
    • A 3.0 grade point average or higher in all work taken after completion of a bachelor's degree
    • Hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution;
    • Score at or above the 50th percentile on one of the three subject areas of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Some Departments may waive the GRE requirement if student's undergraduate cumulative GPA is 3.0 or higher
    • Pass the Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE). Students who have fulfilled the Upper Division Writing Exam at another CSU campus may submit official notification of a passing score. Some Departments may fulfill this requirement with an alternate examination.
    • Submitted a copy of their Teaching Credential to the department 


  • The Graduate Advisor signs and returns the 1295 form. It is then signed in Graduate Evaluations, and copies are distributed to the student, the Department, and Graduate Evaluations. As a result, the student receives the necessary info to register for classes.
  • All fully classified candidates should complete a program plan in the first semester. The program plan lists all the courses they will take during the program. All MA students must submit this prior to completing 12 units of a program.
  • All conditionally classified candidates arrange to meet the missing requirement(s): taking the UDWPE, the GRE, or submitting a copy of their teaching credential etc. They submit a copy of scores to the Graduate Advisor who then completes a Request to Change Classification form, signed by the student and the Graduate Advisor. With this form we also usually submit the program plan, along with any necessary petitions.

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