Doctoral Dissertations

Below is a list of doctoral dissertations, along with links to the full texts. 

Stephen Bluestein

Title: Principal Effectiveness in California Elementary Schools

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Pete Goldschmidt

Debbie Bohn

Title: How First Generation Teachers in One District Use Early Literacy Data to Inform Their Instruction

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Peggy Johnson

Lasonja Brown

Title: How Do African American Males Perceive and experience School Belonging in a Suburban high school? How do their perceptions influence academic engagement?

Dissertation Chair: Dr. William De La Torre

Donna Campbell

Title: "I Don't Even Know You as a Teacher Yet, But You're Suspending my Child": Perceptions of Home-School Relationships among African American Parents of Students with Behavioral Problems

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Susan Auerbach

William Chang

Title: The Impact of K-5 Mandarin Foreign Language Instruction on Students' Academic, Attitudinal, and Cognitive Development

Dissertation Chair: Dr. John Reveles

Valerie Codron

Title: Transformational Leadership Practices: Their Impact on Student Achievement

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard Gregory

Terry Deloria

Title: The Effect of Teacher Urgency on Student Achievement: A Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis

Dissertation Chair: Pete Goldschmidt

Ellen Edeburn

Title: Factors Affecting the Normative Secondary Transition of Latina/o Students

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Gregory Knotts

Juliana Fabrocini

Title: The Impact of School-wide Collaboration Systems on Planning for Differentiated Instruction

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nancy Burstein

Howard Fountaine

Title: Activity-Based Costing in Charter Schools: Facilitating Systemic Reform Through Better Understanding of Resource Use

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard Moore

Brandon Gallagher

Title: Teacher Feelings of Efficacy and Control: A Study of the Relationships of Global and Specific Measures of Self-Efficacy, Local Control, Teacher Performance, and Evaluation

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard Gregory

Timothy Guy

Title: Supports for High School Success: Perceptions of Males Students Living in Out-of-Home Care Attending a Comprehensive High School

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Miguel Ceja

Joshua Klarin

Title: Characteristics and Practices of Principals Who Receive a 6-Year WASC Accreditation Term

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Robert Kladifko

Stephanie Mcclay

Title: A Qualitative Study of Successful California Continuation High Schools: Effectively Serving Students at Risk

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Diane Gehart

Greg Miller

Title: What Works in Small Learning Communities: A Case Study of the Effective Elements in Small Learning Communities

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jeanne Adams

Rachelle Minutella

Title: Secondary English Teachers and Self-Regulated Learning: A Qualitative Study of Teachers' Attitudes and Practices

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Diane Gehart

Vivian Perez-Kennedy

Title: Paraprofessional Support for the Behavioral Needs of Students with Disabilities

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nancy Burstein

Patricia Pernin

Title: Providing Targeted Professional Development to Enhance Content Specific Workgroups

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Julie Gainsburg

David Riddick

Title: Overcoming Organizational Barriers to the Implementation of Response to Intervention (RtI): Aligning Theories of Action to Increase Student Achievement

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard Gregory

Dilmit Singh

Title: Supporting Professional Learning Communities in a Large Comprehensive High School

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Peggy Johnson

Erin Studer

Title: The Implementation Context: Teachers' Implementation of Skills Learned During Professional Development

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Gregory Knotts

Jesus Vaca

Title: Minority Students Can be Gifted Too: A Study of the Human Influence in the Underrepresentation of Minority Students in GATE

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap

Donna Zero

Title: Teacher Practices in Differentiated Instruction: A Survey of Practices in Grades Four Through Eight

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Peggy Johnson


Anna Badalyan

Title: Program Review Institutionalization as an Indicator of Institutional Effectiveness in The California Community Colleges

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Stephanie Bluestein

Title: A Qualitative Inquiry of the Impact of Student-Faculty Interaction on Academic Dishonesty in the Community College

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Vanidy Bailey

Title: The Tapestry of Black Female Leadership: A Study of the Culture of Student Leadership in a Locally-Sponsored, Culturally-Based Student Organization

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Lori Bennett

Title: Institutionalizing Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: A Quantitative Analysis of the Barriers and Best Practices at California Community Colleges

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard Moore

Joy Brittain

Title: The Effect of Supplemental Instruction within a Sequence of STEM Classes at Community Colleges

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Julie Gainsburg

Sherry Davis

Title: Career Technical Student Organizations: California Community College's Best Kept Secret

Dissertation Chair: Robert Kladifko

Vincent Devlahovich

Title: The Impact of a Residential Learning Community Model on Student Achievement

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Kathleen Rowlands

Beth Halaas

Title: Gatekeeping and Online Degrees in Social Work Education: Where Do Things Stand?

Dissertation Chair: Dr. John Reveles

Mitra Hoshiar

Title: Examining the Effectiveness of Student Authentication and Authenticity in Online Learning at Community Colleges

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap

Crystal Kiekel

Title: LGBT Campus Climate for Community College Students

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Gregory Knotts

Lut Hang Li

Title: A Study of Social Networking for Community College Counselors: A Factor in Providing Positive Academic Counseling Experiences

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Robert Kladifko

Greg Mena

Title: Alignment of Matriculation Services for Language Minority Students in Community Colleges

Dissertation Chair: Dr. John Reveles

Joanna Miller

Title: Online Course Features that Engage Students and Encourage Completion and Success

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard Moore

Amita Naganand

Title: Degree Completion, Time to Degree and Credit Accumulation: The Case of California Transfer Students

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Miguel Ceja

Anthony Prestby

Title: Student and Faculty Perceptions of Academic Dishonesty in an Honor Code Environment at a Two-Year Community College

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Diane Gehart

Polly Robinson

Title: Moving the Basic Course Forward: A Phenomenological Study of a Communication Studies Department's Transition to a Hybrid Public Speaking Class Model

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Diane Gehart

John Tabakian

Title: An Examination of Factors that Influence Academic Entrepreneurialism Among Community College Faculty

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Carol Velas

Title: Pre-entry Academic Achievement and Student Success in Associate Degree Nursing Programs

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Miguel Ceja


Karolanne Asmus

Title: Social Experiences of College Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Virginia Kennedy

Porsha Boyd

Title: Athletic Cheers and Academic Assists: Examining Black Male Basketball Players’ Social Relationships at a Division-I Institution and Their Effect on Academic Success

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap

Dwayne Cantrell

Title: Social Media and College Choice

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard Moore

Joshua Einhorn

Title: Positive Sustainability Factors of Noyce Scholarship Projects in the California State University System

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Julie Gainsburg

Nazanin Fathi

Title: Examination of institutional, individual, cultural and financial factors that shape campus alcohol intervention and prevention programs

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Heidi Hintz

Title: Communities of Inquiry: An Examination of Student Satisfaction in Online Learning and Teaching Environments

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Carolyn Maeder

Alice Mecom

Title: Noncredit ESL Student Transition into Community College Credit Programs: Beyond Access to Success

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Susan Auerbach

Raquel Michel

Title: Latino College Students’ Transition Experiences From a Charter High School to College: An Ethnography of Social Preparedness and Familial Support

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Stephanie Nuñez

Title: The Charter School to Community College Pipeline: Examining the College Access for African American and Latina/o Students

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Dimpal Jain

Alfred Ramirez

Title: A View from Inside: An Examination of Institutional Culture on Noncredit Administrators and Their Enrollment Management Decisions

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Miguel Ceja

Donna Randolph

Title: The Experiences of Transfer Students of Color Participating in Research Programs: An Examination of Student-Faculty Interactions in STEM Research Projects

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Martin Tippens

Title: The Effect Of Continuous Formative Assessment On Student Learning In STEM Classrooms

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Norm Herr

Jesus Vega

Title: Spoken Truth: A Critical Analysis of the Successful Pre-Transfer Mechanisms of Latino Males at a Two-Year Hispanic Institution

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Miguel Ceja

Deanecia Wright

Title: African American Women College Experiences at a Minority-Serving Institution

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Tracy Buenavista

Hawa Ghaus-Kelley

Title: Exploring the Critical Learning Moments of Women Community College Executives: A Phenomenological Study of Transformative Educational Leadership Practices

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Todd Hampton

Title: Effects Of Academic Success Courses On Academic Self-Efficacy Among Students in a Comprehensive Public Four-Year Regional University 

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Tina Kotin-Savitch

Title: From Job Security to Skills Security: A Mixed Methods Case Study Design to Evaluate a State-Funded Job Training Program at a Community College in Southern California

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard Moore

Scott Tsunoda

Title: Persistence to Graduation for Division I Basketball Players at a Large, Non-Revenue Generating University

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap


Neena Agnihotri

Title: College Access: First-Generation College Counselors of Color and First-Generation Students of Color

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Dimpal Jain 

Marlene Batista

Title: Exploring the Impact of Parent Mentoring Programs on Latino Parent Engagement and Empowerment

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Susan Auerbach

Kelly Castillo

Title: Impact of Professional Development on Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices Regarding Inquiry-Based Science

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Brian Foley

Alusine Conteh

Title: Perceptions of Teacher Leaders on The Processes of Distributed Leadership in Relation to Student Achievement in High Performing Schools in the Urban Unified School District

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap


Anarosa Estevez

Title: Effects of Performance Based Pay on Teacher Motivation and Student Outcomes

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard Moore


William Harris

Title: Changing the Lens: Mentors and Their Effect on Novice Teacher Attitudes Towards Student Achievement

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Kathleen Rowlands

Havuaghnia Hayes

Title: Emotional and Physical Factors Among Special Education Paraeducators Employed in Urban School Settings

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Greg Knotts

Sonia Hernandez

Title: Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Factors Influencing Latino Academic Attainment

Dissertation Chair: Dr. William De La Torre

Linda Jones

Title: School Board Governance with Student Equity in Mind: A Case Study Exploring the Impact of Colorblindness in Educating Black Children in a Pk-8 School District

Dissertation Chair: Dr. William De La Torre

William Laird

Title: Adult Perceptions of Student Involvement in High School Athletics

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap 

Sivan Lipman

Title: Exploring Student Perceptions of College Readiness: Examination of the Processes that Impact Factors of Psychosocial Development

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Greg Knotts

Felissa Luque

Title: Veteran Teachers’ Experiences With Peer Assistance and Review

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Susan Auerbach

Giancarlo Mercado

Title: Balancing Two Worlds: Culture and its Role in the Mentoring Process

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap

Brianna Nix

Title: Impact of Policy on Education: A Look Into the Academic Success of Foster and Homeless Youth

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap

Kathleen Reams

Title: The Challenges of First-Year Middle School Teachers: Personnel Practices and their Impact on Attrition and Retention

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap

Victor Torres

Title: Comparative Study of the Entrepreneurial Orientation of School Principals Within Charter Schools and Traditional Public Schools

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard Moore

Maria Santacruz

Title: Influence of Noncognitive Skills on High Socioeconomic High School Students’ Learning and College Readiness

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Kathleen Rowlands

Laura Sloan

Title: Effective Supervision: Teacher Perceptions Regarding the Influence of Feedback on Job Satisfaction and Career Decisions

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Greg Knotts


Dr. Harish Amar

Title: Exploring Experiential Learning in the Fully Employed (FEMBA) Programs

Dissertation Chair: Dr. John Reveles

Dr. Arineh Arzoumanian

Title: Competency-Based Education within a Community College Context

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Julie Gainsburg

Dr. Genevieve Bertone

Title: Exploring the Role of Growth Mindset in the Transfer Experiences of Community College Students

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Dr. Michelle Cheang

Title: Community College and Community-Based Nonprofit Partnerships: Supporting the College Pipeline for Opportunity Youth

Dissertation Chiar: Dr. Tracy Buenavista

Dr. Sangita Dube       

Title: Community Cultural Wealth and Critical Race Feminist Perspective of South Asian American Women's Persistence in Higher Education

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Dimpal Jain

Dr. Amy Edwards

Title: Role of Gender in Higher Educational Leadership

Dissertation Chair: Dr. John Reveles

Dr. Joaquin Franco    

Title: Examination of College Transition Experiences Among Foster Youth

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Dr. Roxana Naraghi

Title: Anatomy of Decision Making in Higher Education Institutions

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Greg Knotts

Dr. Michael Ritterbrown

Title: Development of Policy Affecting Community Colleges: A Case Study of the California Community College Student Success Task Force

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard Moore

Dr. Dorothy Smith

Title: Examination of Factors that Shape Outcomes for African American Male Student Athletes in Community Colleges

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Dr. Joan Schneider

Title: Exploring the Preparation and Readiness for the Department Chair Role

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Dimpal Jain

Dr. Jody Van Leuven

Title: Faculty Perceptions of Managing Risks Related to Service Learning

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap

Dr. Editha Winterhalter

Title: Physical Learning Spaces and College Students with ADHD

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Sue Sears

Dr. Matthew Worland

Title: Examining Student Engagement with Online Tools: Comparing Asynchronous and Synchronous Methodologies

Dissertation Chair: Dr. John Reveles


Dr. Sahar Albannai

Title: Cultural Challenges in Classrooms: An Investigation of High School Teachers' Interactions with Middle Eastern Students

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap

Dr. Maria Arienza-Lopez

Title: Elements, Roles, Obstacles, and Implementation: Case Study on Teacher Perceptions on Self-Regulation In Middle School Students

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Brian Foley

Dr. Shani Chen

Title: The impact of Linked Learning Pathways in charter schools: Teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions of an effective pathway charter school

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Shartriya Collier

Dr. Stacey Chareune-Chen

Title: Understanding International Students' Difficulties in U.S. High Schools

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap

Dr. Felicia Conlan

Title: Concussion to Classroom: Post-Concussion Academic Reintegration of Collegiate Club Sports Athletes

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Dimpal Jain

Dr. Lisa Dachs-Ornelas

Title: Factors that Shape Leadership Practices

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap

Dr. Soraya Fallah

Title: Giving a Voice to an Invisible Population: The Experiences of Families of Students with Disabilities from the Middle East, North Africa, and Southwest Asia (MENASWA) in the United States Special Education System

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Wendy Murawski

Dr. Samantha Mullins

Title: Skills, Challenges, Effort, Feedback, and Setbacks: The Role of the Deaf Educator in Shaping Student Mindsets

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Greg Knotts

Dr. Sima Navid

Title: Impact of State and District Policies on the Academic Achievement of English Language Learners

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap

Dr. Stacy Wenzel

Title: Administrator Perceptions of RTI: Implementation, Oversight, and Involvement

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Greg Knotts

Dr. Hanni Youssef

Title: School Board Member and Superintendent Relationship and its Perceived Impact on a School District

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Dunlap


Dr. Doris Abrishami

Title: Impact of Cultural Competency Education on Students of a Radiography Program in a Baccalaureate-Degree-Granting Institution

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Greg Knotts

Dr. Nancy Alonzo

Title: Latinas in Higher Education: Contributing Factors in Latina Students’ Academic Success at a Four Year Public Institution

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Miguel Ceja

Dr. Luis Alberto Barrera

Title: Organizational Change and Stakeholder Engagement in the California Career Pathways Trust at a California Community College

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Monica Garcia

Dr. Amy Edwards

Title: Role of Gender in Higher Education Leadership

Dissertation Chair: Dr. John Reveles

Dr. Agnes Eisaghalian

Title: Academic Probation as an Obstruction: Factors Influencing College Students’ Retention

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Pete Goldschmidt

Dr. Janine Elias-Cudney

Title: Effectiveness of Coach Specific Training on Senior Level Leaders with an Emphasis on Transformational Leadership

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Pete Goldschmidt

Dr. Leora Gabay

Title: Exercise in College Age Women and Academic Success

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Sue Sears

Dr. Mai Jara

Title: Kinesiology Students’ Attitudes and Perceptions of People with Disabilities

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Tracy Buenavista

Dr. Austin Kemie

Title: Examination of factors that shape African-American Student Participation within

student Equity Program Development in California Community Colleges

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Dr. Claudia Salcedo

Title: The UCLA Summer Transfer Program: An Exploration of Black Transfer Student Retention Experiences

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Dimpal Jain

Dr. Francisco Santos

Title: Grounded Theory Analysis of the Development of Support Services for Military Service-Connected Students in Public Postsecondary Educational Institutions in Southern California

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Mark Stevens

Dr. Farzaneh Sheikholeslami

Title: An Exploration of Factors that Shape Underrepresented Student Experiences and Outcomes in Undergraduate Research with Engineering and Computer Science Faculty

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Dr. Shane Underwood

Title: Dispersing Diversity at the California Community College: From Frameworks to Diffusion

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Harold Hellenbrand

Dr. Mary Valdez-Barkwill

Title: Reproductive Goals and Academic Goals: Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions of Women in Community College

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Sloane Burke

Dr. Nicholas Zerlentes

Title: The College Choice Process of Deaf Students at a Residential School for the Deaf

Dissertation Chair: Dr. William Garrow

Dr. Kelly Hourigan

Title: Entrepreneurial Orientation of Charter School Leaders

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard Moor

Dr. Matthew Rubin

Title: Middle School Transition for Students with Autism: Considering the Student


Dissertation Chair: Dr. Sue Sears

Dr. Aida Tatiossian

Title: Exploring Organizational Transformation through Takeover: A Case Study of School Culture and Student Outcomes in an Independent Charter School

Dissertation Chair: Dr.  Nathan Durdella

Dr. Ruet Cohen

Title: Exploring How Social Media Marketing Practices in Community College Academic Programs Shape Student Engagement

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Dr, Christopher Corning

Title: Life After Developmental English; A Causal-Comparative Study of the Effects of English Composition Support Services at a Large Suburban Community College

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Kathleen Rowlands

Dr. Carmen Dones

Title:Latino First-Generation Students’ Experiences in a Community College Bachelor’s Program.

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Miguel Ceja

Dr. Christine Firkins

Title: Best Practices for Supporting Part-Time Deaf ASL Faculty In Higher Education

Title: Dissertation Chair: Dr. Miguel Ceja

Dr. Deazell Johnson

Title:Untapped, Underrepresented, and Unstoppable: A Qualitative Study of How Peer and Student-Faculty Interactions Shape the Experiences of Black Undergraduate Women in Engineering and Computer Science

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Dr. Patricia Marquez Aguirre

Title: Case Study on Latinx International Students’ Higher Education Experiences at a Hispanic Serving Institution

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Tracy Buenavista

Dr. Rezenet Moges –Reidel

Title: Few and Far Between: Deaf Faculty of Color at Post Secondary Institutions

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Dimpal Jain

Dr. Jose Paez

Title: Decolonial Portraiture: Challenging Coloniality And Re-Imagining Social Work Education

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Nathan Durdella

Dr. Rebecca Pena

Title:Service-Learning and the Enhancement of Employability Skills in Undergraduate Kinesiology Students

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Sloan Burke

Dr. Jamie Phillips

Title:Suicide Risk and Protective Factors, Academic Performance, and Help-Seeking in Male Community College Students.

Dissertation Chair: Dr. Sloan Burke

Dr. Cindy Phu

Title:Othering Mothers: Experiences of Mothering Students of Color in Community College

Dissertation Chair: Dr Tracy Buenavista

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