Background Resources

Dr. Vasti Torres, 2018

  1. Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Patterns, Predictions, and Implications for Informing Policy Discussions
  2. The Connections Between Latino Ethnic Identity and Adult Experiences


Dr. David Yeager, 2017

  1. Addressing achievement gaps with psychological interventions.
  2. Mindset interventions are a scalable treatment for academic underachievement.
  3. Social-Psychological Interventions in Education: They’re Not Magic.
  4. How to Motivate Students to Work Harder
  5. Psychological insights for improved physics teaching


Dr. Estela Bensimon, 2016

  1. The Underestimated Significance of Practitioner Knowledge in the Scholarship on Student Success
  2. Contextual Problem Defining Learning to Think and Act from the Standpoint of Equity
  3. Closing the Achievement Gap in Higher Education
  4. Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence
  5. Confronting Equity Issues On Campus


Dr. Shaun Harper, 2015

Quaye, S., & Harper, S. (2014). Student engagement in higher education: Theoretical perspectives and practical approaches for diverse populations. New York: Routledge.

This book is available electronically through the Oviatt Library: >> Search for: Harper Student Engagement.
You will be prompted to add your log-in-information, then the online book will be visible online.


Just published on March 1, 2015!!

Harper, S., & Wood, J. Luke (Eds.). (2015). Advancing Black male student success from preschool through Ph.D., Sterling, WV: Stylus.

The following are available electronically from the CSUN library or you may contact Merril Simon ( direct for e-copies of any of the these articles.


Harper, S. (2010). Race-conscious student and the equitable distribution of enriching educational experiences. Liberal Education, 95(4), 38-45.


Harper, S. (2015.) Success in these schools? Visual counternarratives of young men of color and urban high schools they attend. Urban Education, 50(2), 139-169.


Harper, S., & Hurtado, S. (2007). Nine themes in campus racial climates and implications for institutional transformation. New Directions for Student Services, 120. DOI: 10.1002/ss.254.


Harper, S. (2010). An anti-deficit achievement framework for research on students of color in STEM. New Directions for Institutional Research, 148, 63-74.


Harper (2012, Fall). Race without racism–How higher education researchers minimize racist institutional norms. Research in Higher Education, 36(1) Supplment, 9-29. DOI: 10.1353/rhe.2012.0047


Dr. Laura I. Rendón, 2014

Read through some of the various work by Dr. Laura Rendón involving Validation Theory and her work in Social Justice in Higher Education:

Dr. Laura Rendón's presentation (PDF, 2 slides per page)

The Process of Reflexión in Bridging Testimonios Across Lived Experience (2012)

Sentipensante (Sensing/Thinking) Pedagogy: Educating for Wholeness, Social Justice and Liberation (2008)

Academics of the Heart: Reconnecting the Scientific Mind with the Spirit's Artistry (2000)

Validating Student Experience and Promoting Progress, Performance, and Persistence through Assessment (1995)

A Systemic View of Minority Students in Educational Institutions (1994)

Validating Culturally Diverse Students: Towards a New Model of Learning and Student Development (1994)

Transforming At-Risk Students into Powerful Learners (1993)

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