Conference & Lecturers
March 2015: “Envisioning California Lecture: Los Angeles as a Model of Urban Resilience" (.pdf) a panel discussion featuring Senator Fran Pavley, Dr. Nancy Steele, and Dr. Alex Hall, moderated by Ms. Patt Morrison. California State University, Northridge.
November 2014: “Women in Los Angeles Politics” (.pdf), a panel discussion featuring The Honorable Wendy Greuel, Councilwoman Nury Martinez, and The Honorable Joy Picus, moderated by Dr. Tom Hogen-Esch. California State University, Northridge.
April 2014: "Access and Respect: 21st Century Challenges for People with Disabilities" (.pdf), Envisioning California Lecture, I. King Jordan and Larry Mantle, California State University, Northridge.
April 2013: "The Los Angeles Mayor's Race," Envisioning California Lecture, Raphael Sonenshein and Larry Mantle, California State University, Northridge.
September 2012: "Politics and Technology," 23rd Annual Envisioning California Conference, Sacramento, CA.
October 2011: "The Nonprofit Sector: Crises and Untapped Opportunities" (.pdf), 22nd Annual Envisioning California Conference, Skirball Center, jointly sponsored by California State University, Northridge’s Center for Southern California Studies, Cal State Sacramento’s Center for California Studies and the Los Angeles-based Human Interaction Research Institute. Visit the CSUN Blog to view coverage.
June 2011: "Two Checks or Two Grants Away from Poverty,"4th Annual MENDing Poverty Conference, Pacoima, CA.
October 2010: Dr. Robert Ross, California Endowment, "Building Impactful Partnerships with Nonprofits and Communities," (.pdf), 2010 Envisioning California Lecture, jointly sponsored by the Center for Southern California Studies, Time Warner Cable and the Human Interaction Research Institute. Visit the CSUN Sundial page to view coverage.
June 2010: "Getting People out of Poverty: Programs, Policies and Collaborations That Work," 3rd Annual MENDing Poverty Conference, Pacoima, CA.
October 2009: "Sustainability and the California Dream" (.pdf). Twenty-First Annual Envisioning California Conference, Skirball Center, Convened by the Center for Southern California Studies and the Center for California Studies.
September 2008, "California Imagined: The Arts of the Golden State" (.pdf). Twentieth Annual Envisioning California Conference, Sacramento Convention Center, Sponsored by the Center for California Studies and the Center for Southern California Studies.
September 2007, "Immigration in California: Conflict, Resolution, Transformation" (.pdf), 19th Annual Envisioning California Conference, Skirball Center, sponored by the Center for Southern California Studies and the Center for California Studies.
September 2006, "How Well Are We Preparing Our Young People for Life After High School" (.pdf), 18th Annual Envisioning California Conference, Sacramento Convention Center, Sponsored by the Center for California Studies and the Center for Southern California Studies.
September 2005, "Retrofitting California: Rethinking Policy and Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future" (.pdf), 17th Annual Envisioning California Conference, Warner Center Marriott, sponored by the Center for Southern California Studies and the Center for California Studies.
September 2004, "Refounding California: Envisioning the Future of State Government" (.pdf), 16th Annual Envisioning California Conference, Holiday Inn Capitol Plaza, Sponsored by the Center for California Studies and the Center for Southern California Studies.
September 2003, "Dynamic Diversity: Expanding the California Dream" (.pdf), 15th Annual Envisioning California Conference, Sheraton Universal Hotel, sponored by the Center for Southern California Studies and the Center for California Studies.