César Chávez Holiday Closure


We’ve got the latest news and updates to BFSA membership, events, and happenings at the Black House all in one spot!

Subscribe to the Black House Newsletter

Newsletter Submissions

Have something you’d like to submit?

Please submit member spotlights (research publications, interests, awards, accomplishments, etc.), news, upcoming events, announcements, and job/volunteer opportunities to bfsa@csun.edu.

Items should be submitted by the end of day, Friday if you wish for the submission to be included in Monday’s newsletter.

Questions & Feedback

Do you have a question you need answered or a topic you’d like BFSA to know about, but don’t know where to go?

Send us a message!


Is there an event you’d like to publicize on the BFSA calendar? Do you have questions about an upcoming event?

Submit an event

News & Announcements

Do you have something you’d like to share with the BFSA community? Is there an announcement you’d like to make at our next general body meeting?

Submit an Announcement

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