- Undergraduate Advisement, Psychology - (818) 677-3616
- Undergraduate Degree Services - (818) 677-3781
- Undergraduate Studies - (818) 677-2969
- Unemployment Insurance Processing, Staff/Faculty - (818) 677-2119
- Union Program Council, University Student Union - (818) 677-2640
- United Campus Ministry - (818) 677-5814
- Universal Design Center - (818) 677-5898
- University Advancement - (818) 677-4400
- University Ambassadors, Student Outreach and Recruitment Services - (818) 677-2879
- University Assessment - (818) 677-2969
- University Cash Services - (818) 677-8000, Option 1
- University Catalog - (818) 677-2969
- University Club - (818) 677-2076
- University Corporation - (818) 677-5298
- University Counsel - (818) 677-2366
- University Counseling Services - (818) 677-2366
- University Disclosures, Consumer Information
- University Licensing - (818) 677-6572
- University Library - (818) 677-2271
- University Mathematics Skills Programs Information - (818) 677-2231
- University Police Department - (818) 677-2111
- University Postal Services, formerly Mail Services - (818) 677-2323
- University Receiving - (818) 677-2321
- University Relations (now University Advancement) - (818) 677-4400
- University Student Union - (818) 677-2491
- University Village Apartments, Residential Life; - (818) 677-2160
- University Writing Skills Programs EPT, Developmental Writing, Reading - (818) 677-2369
- University 100 - (818) 677-6535
- Upper Division Writing Requirements, WPE , Undergraduate Studies - (818) 677-2969
- Urban Archives - (818) 677-2832
- Urban Studies and Planning Program, Interdisciplinary Major - (818) 677-2904
- USU Fitness Centre - (818) 677-3225