- Tax Sheltered Annuities - Faculty/Staff - (818) 677-3810
- Taxation (Masters in Science)
- Teacher Credentials, Education - (818) 677-2586
- Teacher Education, Special Education - (818) 677- 2596
- Teachers for a New Era (TNE) - (818) 677-6424
- Technical Services, Library - (818) 677-2261
- Teenage Drama Workshop, Theatre, Dept of - (818) 677-3086
- Telecommunication Studies, Center for, College of Arts, Media, & Comm - (818) 677-2853
- Telephones - (818) 677-1400
- Television Lab, Journalism - (818) 677-4989
- Tenant Legal Clinic, College of Business
- Tennis, Athletic Team - (818) 677-3208
- Testing Center - (818) 677-2369
- The Mid-South California Arts Project - (818) 677-2843
- Theatre for Youth Touring - (818) 677-3086
- Theatre, Advising Office - (818) 677-3096
- Theatre, Business and Publicity - (818) 677-3091
- Theatre, Costume Office - (818) 677-3083
- Theatre Department - (818) 677-3086
- Theatre, Lighting/Sound Shop - (818) 677-3095
- Theatre, Scenery Shop - (818) 677-4807
- Ticket Office, Associated Students, USU - (818) 677-2488
- Tours, Campus - (818) 677-2879
- Track - Men's, Athletic Team - (818) 677-3608
- Track - Women's, Athletic Team - (818) 677-3608
- TRACS, Transition Resources and Career Services
- Training and Development Staff/Faculty - (818) 677-3820/5288
- Transcript Requests - (818) 677-3700
- Transportation Services - (818) 677-3946
- Trash Pickup & Disposal (PPM) - (818) 677-2222
- Travel - (818) 677-2945
- Travel Insurance
- Travel and Mileage - (818) 677-2945
- Travel Service, Council Travel - (818) 677-4740
- Tseng College - (818) 677-2270
- Tuition & Fees - (818) 677-2318
- Tutoring, Learning Resource Center - (818) 677-2033