- Harassment, Racial & Sexual, Equity and Diversity - (818) 677-2077
- Health and Human Development, College of - (818) 677-3001
- Health and Safety Specialist - (818) 677-2222
- Health and Wellbeing, Institute for Community - (818) 677-7715
- Health Center - (818) 677-3666
- Health Education and Information, Student Health Center - (818) 677-3666
- Health Insurance - (818) 677-2477
- Health Sciences Department - (818) 677-3101
- Heating/Air Conditioning, Hot/Cold Calls- Physical Plant Management - (818) 677-2222
- Help Center, Information Technology - (818) 677-1400
- Helpline (Crisis Intervention Hotline) - (818) 349-HELP
- Herbarium - (818) 677-3310
- Heritage Month
- Hillel Student Jewish Center - (818) 886-5101
- HIRI Nonprofit Research Fellowships - (818) 677-2774
- History Department - (818) 677-3566
- History of the University
- HIV Testing, Anonymous - (818) 677-3696
- Honors Programs - (818) 677-2845
- Hospital, Virtual
- Hotels (in the Area)
- Housing, Student Housing and Conference Services - (818) 677-2160
- How-To Guides (tutorials)
- Hub, Matador Advising - (818) 677- 2900
- Human Resources - (818) 677-2101
- Human Resources Forms - (818) 677-2101
- Human Resources Staff Directory - (818) 677-2101
- Human Sexuality Interdisciplinary Program (in Psychology Department) - (818) 677-4830
- Humanities, College of - (818) 677-3301
- Humanities Interdisciplinary Program (in Liberal Studies Program) - (818) 677-3300