CSUN Fire Advisory and Resources – Update 1/22/2025

Religious Studies


Explore different religious beliefs and how they impact culture. With a Religious Studies minor from CSUN, you'll build intercultural awareness and critical thinking skills.

Why Minor in Religious Studies?

Understand how religions shape cultures around the world. By minoring in religious studies, you'll have a greater appreciation of human diversity while sharpening your problem-solving and communication skills. You'll examine major religious traditions through critical analysis to create insight and empathy.

The Religious Studies minor provides an excellent basis from which to pursue careers requiring imagination, critical thinking skills and multicultural awareness. This applies to various business fields and opportunities for higher education.

Why Study Religious Studies at CSUN?

Cultural Exploration

The Department of Religious Studies believes in helping people understand our diverse world. Study how religion ties into many areas of culture to better appreciate different people groups. Our professors will help you understand the past and respond to present issues to help create a compassionate society for all.

Open To All

Our department is non-sectarian and aims to serve all students with or without religious affiliation. You'll find an inclusive space to learn and study in community. As a result of your studies, you'll be prepared to live and work harmoniously in our diverse world.

Excellent Faculty

Our faculty have a long tradition of research and teaching in a range of specializations. You'll receive a global education in their classrooms. Our department's core strengths include:

  • World religions
  • The intersection of government and religion
  • Cognitive science in religion
  • Religion and colonialism
  • Religion and race, ethnicity and class

What You'll Learn

Study religions of the world in this multidisciplinary field. You'll learn the different histories and cultures of various people groups. This minor is flexible enough to complement many majors.

The Religious Studies minor includes courses like:

  • The Bible
  • World Religions
  • American Jewish Experience
  • Women and Religion
  • Contemporary Ethical issues
  • Religion and Ecology
  • Asian Religious Texts
  • Islam


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