Research Coordinator

Alex Montes Beltran

304 Sierra Hall

CSU Northridge

18111 Nordhoff Street

Northridge, CA 91330-8255

Phone: (818) 677-2815

Send email

Research Area FAQ

You may stop by SH 362 to check-out materials. You must have your CSUN ID card with you in order to check-out items.

The Research Area office is located at SH 362 and the hours are regular business hours.

A study can run as soon as the Research Area has an approved Room & Participant Request form, Debrief form, Consent form, list of materials, and after you have an official room reservation, once your Sona Systems study information is 100% correct, and after you have reserved any equipment you need from the Research Area.

Your study will not be approved in Sona Systems until all information is 100% correct. Make sure you have an approved Room & Participant Request form, Consent form, Debrief form, you have an official room reservation, your Sona Systems study information is correct, and you have reserved any equipment you need from the Research Area.

Rooms must be reserved from or by coming in to SH 362.

Rooms with computers must be reserved from the Research Area.

The research area also has a few iPads to check-out on a daily basis for students to run their studies.

The Research Cubicles are located in Sierra Hall. Some cubicles (330/328/326/324) are located on the north side of the main walkway and some cubicles (333A/B/C/D/E/J/K) are located in the SH 333 hallway.

Below is the map of the third floor of Sierra Hall.

Map of 3rd floor pointing where research cubicles are

Research Coordinator

Alex Montes Beltran

304 Sierra Hall

CSU Northridge

18111 Nordhoff Street

Northridge, CA 91330-8255

Phone: (818) 677-2815

Send email

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